Category Archives: solution

Solution: 2011-20 Double infinite series

For a real number x, let d(x)=minn:integer (x-n)2. Evaluate the following double infinite series:
. . . + 8 d(x/8)+4 d(x/4) + 2 d(x/2) + d(x)  + d(2x) / 2 + d(4x)/4 + d(8x)/8 + . . .

The best solution was submitted by Gee Won Suh (서기원), 수리과학과 2009학번. Congratulations!

Here is his Solution of Problem 2011-20.

Alternative solutions were submitted by 박승균 (수리과학과 2008학번, Alternative Solution, +3) and 장경석 (2011학번, +3).

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Solution: 2011-18 Continuous Function and Differentiable Function

Let f(x) be a continuous function on I=[a,b], and let g(x) be a differentiable function on I. Let g(a)=0 and c≠0 a constant. Prove that if

|g(xf(x)+c g′(x)|≤|g(x)| for all x∈I,

then g(x)=0 for all x∈I.

The best solution was submitted by Seungkyun Park (박승균), 수리과학과 2008학번. Congratulations!

Here is his Solution of Problem 2011-18.

Alternative solutions were submitted by 김범수 (수리과학과 2010학번, +3), 장경석 (2011학번, +3),  김태호 (2011학번, +2), 김재훈 (EEWS대학원, +2).

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Solution: 2011-17 Infinitely many solutions

Let f(n) be the maximum positive integer m such that the sum of all positive divisors of m is less than or equal to n. Find all positive integers k such that there are infinitely many positive integers n satisfying the equation n-f(n)=k.

The best solution was submitted by Taeho Kim (김태호), 2011학번. Congratulations!

Here is his Solution of Problem 2011-17.

Alternative solutions were submitted by 김범수 (수리과학과 2010학번, +3), 서기원 (수리과학과 2009학번, +3), 박승균 (수리과학과 2008학번, +3), 장경석 (2011학번, +3), 구도완 (해운대고등학교 3학년, +3), 손동현 (유성고등학교 2학년, +2), 어수강 (서울대학교 석사과정, +2).

Update: I forgot to add 최민수 (2011학번, +3) into the list of people submitted alternative solutions.

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Solution: 2011-16 Odd sets with Even Intersection

Let A1, A2, A3, …, An be finite sets such that |Ai| is odd for all 1≤i≤n and |Ai∩Aj| is even for all 1≤i<j≤n. Prove that it is possible to pick one element ai in each set Ai so that a1, a2, …,an are distinct.

The best solution was submitted by Ilhee Kim (김일희) and Ringi Kim (김린기), Graduate Students, Princeton University.

Here is Solution of Problem 2011-16.

Alternative solutions were submitted by 강동엽 (전산학과 2009학번, +3, solution by 강동엽), 문상혁 & 박상현 (2010학번, +3), 장경석 (2011학번, +3), 이재석 (수리과학과 2007학번, +2). Three incorrect solutions were submitted by B. Kim, J. Lee, Y. Park.

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Solution: 2011-15 Two matrices

Let n be a positive integer. Let ω=cos(2π/n)+i sin(2π/n). Suppose that A, B are two complex square matrices such that AB=ω BA. Prove that (A+B)n=An+Bn.

The best solution was submitted by Gee Won Suh (서기원), 수리과학과 2009학번. Congratulations!

Here is his Solution of Problem 2011-15.

Alternative solutions were submitted by 박민재 (2011학번, +3, alternative solution), 장경석 (2011학번, +3).

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Solution: 2011-14 Invertible matrices

For a positive integer n>1, let f(n) be the largest real number such that for every n×n diagonal matrix M with positive diagonal entries, if tr(M)<f(n), then M-J is invertible. Determine f(n). (The matrix J is the square matrix with all entries 1.)

The best solution was submitted by Kyoungseok Jang(장경석), 2011학번. Congratulations!

Here is his Solution of Problem 2011-14.

Alternative solutions were submitted by 곽영진 (2011학번, +3), 박민재 (2011학번, +3), 라준현 (수리과학과 2008학번, +3), 서기원 (수리과학과 2009학번, +3), 배다슬 (수리과학과 2008학번, +3), 김범수 (수리과학과 2010학번, +3), 어수강 (서울대학교 수리과학부 대학원, +3), 조위지 (Stanford Univ. 물리학과 박사과정, +3).

PS. There were solutions without computing the determinant. Here is a Solution of Problem 2011-14 by 김범수.

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Solution: 2011-13 Sum of Partial Sums

Let a1, a2, … be a sequence of non-negative real numbers less than or equal to 1. Let \(S_n=\sum_{i=1}^n a_i\) and \(T_n=\sum_{i=1}^n S_i\). Prove or disprove that \(\sum_{n=1}^\infty a_n/T_n\) converges. (Assume a1>0.)

The best solution was submitted by Minjae Park (박민재), 2011학번. Congratulations!

Here is his Solution of Problem 2011-13. (There is a minor mistake in the proof.)

Alternative solutions were submitted by 어수강 (서울대학교 대학원, +2), 백진언 (한국과학영재학교, +2).

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Solution: 2011-12 Determinant

Let M=(mi,j)1≤i,j≤n be an n×n matrix such that mi,j=i(i+1)(i+2)…(i+j-2). (Note that m1,1=1.) What is the determinant of M?

The best solution was submitted by Seungkyun Park (박승균), 수리과학과 2008학번. Congratulations!

Here is his Solution of Problem 2011-12.

Alternative solutions were submitted by 조상흠 (수리과학과 2010학번, +3), 장경석 (2011학번, +3), 김원중 (2011학번, +3), 박민재 (2011학번, +3),   서기원 (수리과학과 2009학번, +3), 김범수 (2010학번, +3), 어수강 (서울대학교, +3),  조위지 (Stanford Univ. 물리학과 박사과정, +3).

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