Category Archives: solution

Solution: 2010-12 Make a nonsingular matrix by perturbing the diagonal

Let A be a square matrix. Prove that there exists a diagonal matrix J such that A+J is invertible and each diagonal entry of J is ±1.

The best solution was submitted by Jeong, Jinmyeong (정진명), 수리과학과 2007학번. Congratulations!

Here is his Solution of Problem 2010-12.

Alternative solutions were submitted by 권용찬 (수리과학과 2009학번, +3), 심규석 (수리과학과 2007학번, +3), 정성구 (수리과학과 2007학번, +3), 정유중 (2006학번, +3), 김치헌 (수리과학과 2006학번, +3), 박민재 (KSA-한국과학영재학교, +3), 서영우 (2010학번, +2), 서기원 (2009학번, +2), 오상국 (2007학번, +2). One of them has a non-constructive solution of Problem 2010-12.

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Solution: 2010-11 Integral Equation

Let z be a real number. Find all solutions of the following integral equation: \(f(x)=e^x+z \int_0^1 e^{x-y} f(y)\,dy\) for 0≤x≤1.

The best solution was submitted by Gee Won Suh (서기원), 2009학번. Congratulations!

Here is his Solution of Problem 2010-11.

Alternative solutions were submitted by 최홍석 (화학과 2006학번, +3), 정성구 (수리과학과 2007학번, +3).

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Solution: 2010-10 Metric space of matrices

Let  Mn×n be the space of real n×n matrices, regarded as a metric space with the distance function

\(\displaystyle d(A,B)=\sum_{i,j} |a_{ij}-b_{ij}|\)

for A=(aij) and B=(bij).
Prove that \(\{A\in M_{n\times n}: A^m=0 \text{ for some positive integer }m\}\) is a closed set.

The best solution was submitted by Gee Won Suh (서기원), 2009학번. Congratulations!

Here is his Solution of Problem 2010-10.

Alternative solutions were submitted by 정성구 (수리과학과 2007학번, +3), 김치헌 (수리과학과 2006학번, +3), 강동엽 (2009학번, +2).

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Solution: 2010-9 No zeros far away

Let M>0 be a real number. Prove that there exists N so that if n>N, then all the roots of \(f_n(z)=1+\frac{1}{z}+\frac1{{2!}z^2}+\cdots+\frac{1}{n!z^n}\) are in the disk |z|<M on the complex plane.

The best solution was submitted by Jeong, Seong Gu (정성구), 수리과학과 2007학번. Congratulations!

Here is his Solution of Problem 2010-9.

Alternative solutions were submitted by 최홍석(화학과 2006학번, +3), 김호진(2009학번, +3), 김치헌 (수리과학과 2006학번, +3).

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Solution: 2010-7 Cardinality

Let S be the set of non-zero real numbers x such that there is exactly one 0-1 sequence {an} satisfying \(\displaystyle \sum_{n=1}^\infty a_n x^{-n}=1\). Prove that there is a one-to-one function from the set of all real numbers to S.

The best solution was submitted by Jeong, Seong Gu (정성구), 수리과학과 2007학번. Congratulations!

Here is his Solution of Problem 2010-7.

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Solution: 2010-5 Dependence over Q

Find the set of all rational numbers x such that 1, cos πx, and sin πx are linearly dependent over rational field Q.

The best solution was submitted by Chiheon Kim(김치헌), 수리과학과 2006학번. Congratulations!

Here is his Solution of Problem 2010-5.

An alternative solution was submitted by 정성구 (수리과학과 2007학번, +3), 임재원 (2009학번, +2). One incorrect solution was submitted.

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Solution: 2010-4 Power and gcd

Let n, k be positive integers. Prove that \(\sum_{i=1}^n k^{\gcd(i,n)}\) is divisible by n.

The best solution was submitted by Chiheon Kim(김치헌), 수리과학과 2006학번. Congratulations!

Here is his Solution of Problem 2010-4.

Alternative solutions were submitted by 정성구 (수리과학과 2007학번, +3), Prach Siriviriyakul (2009학번, +3), 라준현 (수리과학과 2008학번, +3), 서기원 (2009학번, +3), 강동엽 (2009학번, +3), 임재원 (2009학번, +2).

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Solution: 2010-3 Sum

Evaluate the following sum

\(\displaystyle\sum_{m=1}^\infty \sum_{\substack{n\ge 1\\ (m,n)=1}} \frac{x^{m-1}y^{n-1}}{1-x^m y^n}\)

when |x|, |y|<1.

(We write (m,n) to denote the g.c.d of m and n.)

The best solution was submitted by Hojin Kim (김호진, 2009학번). Congratulations!

Here is his Solution of Problem 2010-3.

Alternative solutions were submitted by 정성구 (수리과학과 2007학번, +3), 임재원 (2009학번, +3), Prach Siriviriyakul (2009학번, +3), 서기원 (2009학번, +3), 김치헌 (수리과학과 2006학번, +2).

The problem had a slight problem when xy=0; It is necessary to assume 00=1.

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Solution: 2010-2 Nonsingular matrix

Let A=(aij) be an n×n matrix of complex numbers such that \(\displaystyle\sum_{j=1}^n |a_{ij}|<1\) for each i. Prove that I-A is nonsingular.

The best solution was submitted by  Sung-Min Kwon (권성민), 2009학번. Congratulations!

Here is his Solution of Problem 2010-2.

Alternative solutions were submitted by 라준현 (수리과학과 2008학번, +3), 서기원 (2009학번, +3), 임재원 (2009학번, +3), 정성구 (수리과학과 2007학번, +3).

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