Category Archives: solution

Solution: 2014-01 Uniform convergence

Let \( f \) be a real-valued continuous function on \( [ 0, 1] \). For a positive integer \( n \), define
B_n(f; x) = \sum_{j=0}^n f( \frac{j}{n}) {n \choose j} x^j (1-x)^{n-j}.
Prove that \( B_n (f; x) \) converges to \( f \) uniformly on \( [0, 1 ] \) as \( n \to \infty \).

The best solution was submitted by 김범수. Congratulations!

Similar solutions are submitted by 권현우(+3), 박경호(+3), 오동우(+3), 이시우(+3), 이종원(+3), 이주호(+3), 장경석(+3), 장기정(+3), 정성진(+3), 정진야(+3), 조준영(+3), 채석주(+3), 한대진(+3), 황성호(+3). Thank you for your participation.

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Solution: 2013-23 Polynomials with rational zeros

Find all polynomials \( P(x) = a_n x^n + \cdots + a_1 x + a_0 \) satisfying (i) \( a_n \neq 0 \), (ii) \( (a_0, a_1, \cdots, a_n) \) is a permutation of \( (0, 1, \cdots, n) \), and (iii) all zeros of \( P(x) \) are rational.

The best solution was submitted by 전한솔. Congratulations!

Similar solutions are submitted by 김호진(+3), 박민재(+3), 엄태현(+3), 정성진(+3), 진우영(+3), 한대진(+3). Thank you for your participation.

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Solution: 2013-22 Field automorphisms

Find all field automorphisms of the field of real numbers \( \mathbb{R} \). (A field automorphism of a field \( F \) is a bijective map \( \sigma : F \to F \) that preserves all of \( F \)’s algebraic properties.)

The best solution was submitted by 박지민. Congratulations!

Similar solutions are submitted by 고진용(+3), 김호진(+3), 박경호(+3), 박민재(+3), 박훈민(+3), 어수강(+3), 전한솔(+3), 정성진(+3), 진우영(+3), 한대진(+3). Thank you for your participation.

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Solution: 2013-21 Unique inverse

Let \( f(z) = z + e^{-z} \). Prove that, for any real number \( \lambda > 1 \), there exists a unique \( w \in H = \{ z \in \mathbb{C} : \text{Re } z > 0 \} \) such that \( f(w) = \lambda \).

The best solution was submitted by 박민재. Congratulations!

Similar solutions are submitted by 김동률(+3), 김범수(+3), 김호진(+3), 박지민(+3), 박훈민(+3), 양지훈(+3), 이시우(+3), 전한솔(+3), 정성진(+3), 조정휘(+3), 진우영(+3), Koswara(+3), Harmanto(+3). Thank you for your participation.

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Solution: 2013-20 Eigenvalues of Hermitian matrices

Let \( A, B, C = A+B \) be \( N \times N \) Hermitian matrices. Let \( \alpha_1 \geq \cdots \geq \alpha_N \), \( \beta_1 \geq \cdots \geq \beta_N \), \( \gamma_1 \geq \cdots \geq \gamma_N \) be the eigenvalues of \( A, B, C \), respectively. For any \( 1 \leq i, j \leq N \) with \( i+j -1 \leq N \), prove that
\[ \gamma_{i+j-1} \leq \alpha_i + \beta_j \]

The best solution was submitted by 진우영. Congratulations!

Similar solutions are submitted by 김호진(+3), 박민재(+3), 박훈민(+3), 정성진(+3). Thank you for your participation.

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Solution: 2013-19 Integral inequality

Suppose that a function \( f:[0, 1] \to (0, \infty) \) satisfies that
\[ \int_0^1 f(x) dx = 1. \]
Prove the following inequality.
\[ \left( \int_0^1 |f(x)-1| dx \right)^2 \leq 2 \int_0^1 f(x) \log f(x) dx. \]

The best solution was submitted by 정성진. Congratulations!

Similar solutions are submitted by 박민재(+3), 진우영(+3). Thank you for your participation.

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Solution: 2013-18 Idempotent elements

Let \( R \) be a ring of characteristic zero. Assume further that \( na \neq 0 \) for a positive integer \( n \) and \( a \in R \) unless \( a = 0 \). Suppose that \( e, f, g \in R \) are idempotent (with respect to the multiplication) and satisfy \( e + f + g = 0 \). Show that \( e = f = g = 0 \). (An element \( a \) is idempotent if \( a^2 = a \). )

The best solution was submitted by 박훈민. Congratulations!

Similar solutions are submitted by 김동현(+3), 김호진(+3), 도수일(+3), 박민재(+3), 정성진(+3), 진우영(+3). Thank you for your participation.

Remark: Special thanks to 김동현, who first reported that the condition `characteristic zero’ is insufficient for the problem.

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Solution: 2013-17 Repeated numbers

A real sequence \( x_1, x_2, x_3, \cdots \) satisfies the relation \( x_{n+2} = x_{n+1} + x_n \) for \( n = 1, 2, 3, \cdots \). If a number \( r \) satisfies \( x_i = x_j = r \) for some \( i \) and \( j \) \( (i \neq j) \), we say that \( r \) is a repeated number in this sequence. Prove that there can be more than \( 2013 \) repeated numbers in such a sequence, but it is impossible to have infinitely many repeated numbers.

The best solution was submitted by 진우영. Congratulations!

Similar solutions are submitted by 김범수(+3), 김홍규(+3), 김호진(+3), 남재현(+3), 박민재(+3), 박지민(+3), 박훈민(+3), 안현수(+3), 이시우(+3), 이주호(+3), 정성진(+3), 정우석(+3), 조정휘(+3), 진우영(+3). Thank you for your participation.

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Solution: 2013-16 Limit of a sequence

For real numbers \( a, b \), find the following limit.
\lim_{n \to \infty} n \left( 1 – \frac{a}{n} – \frac{b \log (n+1)}{n} \right)^n.

The best solution was submitted by 박민재. Congratulations!

Similar solutions are submitted by 김범수(+3), 박훈민(+3), 장경석(+3), 정성진(+3), 진우영(+3), 김홍규(+2), 박경호(+2). Thank you for your participation.

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Solution: 2013-15 Bounded random variable

Let \( x, y \) be real numbers satisfying \( y \geq x^2 + 1 \). Prove that there exists a bounded random variable \( Z \) such that
E[Z] = 0, E[Z^2] = 1, E[Z^3] = x, E[Z^4] = y.
Here, \( E \) denotes the expectation.

The best solution was submitted by 정성진. Congratulations!

Other solutions are submitted by 박민재(+3), 이주호(+3), 장경석(+3), 진우영(+3). Thank you for your participation.

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