Let \(n\ge 1\) and \(a_0,a_1,a_2,\ldots,a_{n}\) be non-negative integers. Prove that if \[ N=\frac{a_0^2+a_1^2+a_2^2+\cdots+a_{n}^2}{1+a_0a_1a_2\cdots a_{n}}\] is an integer, then \(N\) is the sum of \(n\) squares of integers.
The best solution was submitted by Lee, Jongwon (이종원, 수리과학과 2014학번). Congratulations!
Here is his solution of problem 2015-9.
Alternative solutions were submitted by 김기현 (수리과학과 2012학번, +3), 엄태현 (수리과학과 2012학번, +3), 이수철 (수리과학과 2012학번, +3), 진우영 (수리과학과 2012학번, +3), 함도규 (2015학번, +3), 윤지훈 (2012학번, +2). One incorrect solution was submitted (YSC).