Daily Archives: March 20, 2014

Solution: 2014-02 Series

Determine all positive integers such that n=1n3(n+1)(n+2)(n+3)(n+) converges and if it converges, then compute its value.

The best solution was submitted by 황성호 (2013학번). Congratulations!

Alternative solutions were submitted by 박훈민 (+3), 이종원 (+3), 채석주 (+3), 이영민 (+2), 조준영 (+2),정성진 (+3), 장기정 (+3), 오동우 (+3), 이상철 (+3), 어수강 (+3), 엄문용 (+3), 윤성철 (+3), 전한울 (+3), 박경호 (+2), 한대진 (+2), 서진솔 (+2), 이시우 (+2). Four incorrect solutions were submitted (J.K.S., N.J.H., A.H.S., C.J.H.).

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