Category Archives: problem

2011-22 Seoul Subway Line 2

In Seoul Subway Line 2,  subway stations are placed around a circular subway line. Assume that each segment of Seoul Subway Line 2 has a fixed price. Suppose that you hid money at each subway station so that the sum of the money is only enough for one roundtrip around Seoul Subway Line 2.

Prove that there is a station that you can start and take a roundtrip tour of Seoul Subway Line 2 while paying each segment by the money collected at visited stations.

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2011-21 Zeros

For a nonnegative integer n, let \(F_n(x)=\sum_{m=0}^n \frac{(-2)^m (2n-m)! \Gamma(x+1)}{m! (n-m)! \Gamma(x-m+1)}\). Find all x such that Fn(x)=0.

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2011-17 Infinitely many solutions

Let f(n) be the maximum positive integer m such that the sum of all positive divisors of m is less than or equal to n. Find all positive integers k such that there are infinitely many positive integers n satisfying the equation n-f(n)=k.

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2011-14 Invertible matrices

For a positive integer n>1, let f(n) be the largest real number such that for every n×n diagonal matrix M with positive diagonal entries, if tr(M)<f(n), then M-J is invertible. Determine f(n). (The matrix J is the square matrix with all entries 1.)

(Due to a mistake, the problem is fixed at 3:30PM Friday.)

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2011-13 Sums of Partial Sums

Let a1, a2, … be a sequence of non-negative real numbers less than or equal to 1. Let \(S_n=\sum_{i=1}^n a_i\) and \(T_n=\sum_{i=1}^n S_i\). Prove or disprove that \(\sum_{n=1}^\infty a_n/T_n\) converges. (Assume a1>0.)

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