There was a condition missing in POW 2024-12, which is that every entry of A is 0 or 1. The condition in the problem is now corrected.
There was a condition missing in POW 2024-12, which is that every entry of A is 0 or 1. The condition in the problem is now corrected.
POW 2024 spring semester has ended. We apologize for many issues we had experienced this semester. Thank you for your participation, and see you in the fall semester.
It is found that there is a flaw in POW 2024-05; some students showed that the collection of all Knotennullstelle numbers is not a discrete subset of C. We again apologize for the inconvenience.
To acknowledge the students who reported the flaws in POW 2024-05 and POW 2024-06, we decided to give credits to 김준홍 (KAIST 수리과학과 20학번, +4) and 지은성 (KAIST 수리과학과 20학번, +3) for POW 2024-05 and Anar Rzayev (KAIST 전산학부 19학번, +4) for POW 2024-06.
Here is a “solution” of problem 2024-05.
It is found that there is a flaw in POW 2024-06; the inequality in the problem is not satisfied with the given g(t). Since it is too late to revise the problem again with a new deadline, we decide to cancel POW 2024-06. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Due to the change of the assumption in POW 2024-06, the due date for the submitting the solution is postponed to May 13 (Mon.) 3PM. (Originally, it was 3PM Friday.)
In POW 2024-06, there was a typo in the assumption. It is now corrected that the assumption holds for t∈[−1,1]. (Originally, it was for t∈R.)
POW 2024-05 is still open. (No correct solutions have been submitted.) Anyone who first submits a correct (full) solution will get the full credit.
In POW 2013-19, there was a typo in the assumption on a1,…,a27. The inequality is now corrected to the equality.
There will be no POW this week due to 추석 (thanksgiving) break. POW will resume next week.
POW will resume on Apr. 28.