Suppose that A is an n×n matrix with integer entries and detA=pe11pe22…pekk for primes p1,p2,…,pk and positive integers e1,e2,…,ek. Prove that there exist n×n matrices B1,B2,…,Bk with integer entries such that A=B1B2…Bk and detB1=pe11,detB2=pe22,…,detBk=pekk.
The best solution was submitted by Lee, Sangmin (이상민, 수리과학과 2014학번). Congratulations!
Here is his solution of problem 2016-10.
Alternative solutions were submitted by 국윤범 (수리과학과 2015학번, +3), 장기정 (수리과학과 2014학번, +2), 박정우 (한국과학영재학교 2016학번, +2).
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