Solution: 2013-04 Largest eigenvalue of a symmetric matrix

Let \( H \) be an \( N \times N \) real symmetric matrix. Suppose that \( |H_{kk}| < 1 \) for \( 1 \leq k \leq N \). Prove that, if \( |H_{ij}| > 4 \) for some \( i, j \), then the largest eigenvalue of \( H \) is larger than \( 3 \).

The best solution was submitted by 김범수, 10학번. Congratulations!

Other solutions were submitted by 라준현(08학번, +3), 서기원(09학번, +3), 김호진(09학번, +3), 김범수(10학번, +3), 박훈민(13학번, +3), 노수현(13학번, +2). Thank you for your participation.

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