Let A=(aij) be an n×n matrix of complex numbers such that n∑j=1|aij|<1 for each i. Prove that I-A is nonsingular.
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Let A=(aij) be an n×n matrix of complex numbers such that n∑j=1|aij|<1 for each i. Prove that I-A is nonsingular.
Prove that finitely many squares on the plane with total area at least 3 can cover the unit square.
The best solution was submitted by Jeong, Seong-Gu (정성구), 수리과학과 2007학번. Congratulations!
Here is his Solution of Problem 2010-1.
Alternative solutions were submitted by 임재원 & 서기원 (2009학번, +3 -> +2, +2 each) and 권용찬 (2009학번, +2; almost correct). Thank you for participation.