Daily Archives: May 23, 2009

Concluding Spring 2009

Thanks all for participating POW actively. Here’s the list of winners:

1st prize:  Kim, Chiheon (김치헌) – 수리과학과 2006학번

2nd prize: Baik, Hyung Ryul (백형렬) – 수리과학과 2003학번

3rd prize: Lee, Jaesong (이재송) – 전산학과 2005학번


In addition to those three people, I have selected two students. They received 1 movie ticket each.

Kwon, Sang Hoon (권상훈) – 수리과학과 2006학번

Cho, Kangjin (조강진) – 2009학번

Prize winners, 2009 Spring

김치헌 (2006학번) 33pts
백형렬 (2003학번) 30pts
이재송 (2005학번) 22pts
권상훈 (2006학번) 21pts
조강진 (2009학번) 17pts
김호진 (2009학번) 11pts
조용화 (2006학번) 6pts
김린기 (2003학번) 5pts
박승균 (2008학번) 3pts
양해훈 (2008학번) 3pts
류연식 (2008학번) 2pts
이병찬 (2007학번) 2pts
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