Daily Archives: April 16, 2009

Solution: 2009-9 min or max

Suppose that * is an associative and commutative binary operation on the set of rational numbers such that 

  1. 0*0=0
  2. (a+c)*(b+c)=(a*b)+c for all rational numbers a,b,c.

Prove that either

  1. a*b=max(a,b) for all rational numbers a,b, or
  2. a*b=min(a,b) for all rational number a,b.

The best solution was submitted by Jaesong Lee (이재송), 전산학과 2005학번. Congratulations!

Check his Solution of Problem 2009-9.

Alternative solutions were submitted by 김치헌 (수리과학과 2006학번, +3), 권상훈 (수리과학과 2006학번, +3), 양해훈 (수리과학과 2008학번, +3), 백형렬 (수리과학과 2003학번, +2), 김일희 & 오성진 (Princeton Univ., Graduate Student). One incorrect solution was submitted (0 point) and one (incorrect) solution was submitted but later withdrawn.

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