2022-06 A way of putting parentheses

We have an expression \(x_0 \div x_1 \div x_2 \div \dots \div x_n\). A way of putting \(n-1\) left parentheses and \(n-1\) right parenthese is called ‘parenthesization’ if it is valid and completely clarify the order of operations. For example, when \(n=3\), we have the following five parenthesizations.
\[ ((x_0\div x_1)\div x_2)\div x_3, \enspace (x_0\div (x_1\div x_2))\div x_3, \enspace (x_0\div x_1)\div (x_2\div x_3),\]
\[x_0\div ((x_1\div x_2)\div x_3), \enspace x_0\div (x_1\div (x_2\div x_3)).

(a) For an integer \(n\), how many parenthesizations are there?
(b) For each parenthesization, we can compute the expression to obtain a fraction with some variables in the numerator and some variable in the denominator. For an integer \(n\), determine which fraction occur most often. How many times does it occur?

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