2019-04 Food distribution at a dinner party

Ten mathematicians sit at a round table. Each has a certain amount of food. At each full
minute, every mathematician divides his share of food into two equal parts and hands
it out to the two people seated closest to him in counter-clockwise direction. How will
the food be distributed at the end of a long evening? Does the answer change if instead
every mathematician shares his food with the two people sitting immediately next to

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About Hyungryul

2003.3-2009.8 KAIST, Undergraduate student in Mathematics 2009.8-2014.8 Cornell University, PhD student in Mathematics 2014.9-2017.2 University of Bonn, Postdoc 2017.3-2021.2. KAIST, Assistant Professor 2021.3-Present. KAIST, Associate Professor