2019-03 Simple spectrum

Suppose that \( T \) is an \( N \times N \) matrix
T = \begin{pmatrix}
a_1 & b_1 & 0 & \cdots & 0 \\
b_1 & a_2 & b_2 & \ddots & \vdots \\
0 & b_2 & a_3 & \ddots & 0 \\
\vdots & \ddots & \ddots & \ddots & b_{N-1} \\
0 & \cdots & 0 & b_{N-1} & a_N
with \( b_i > 0 \) for \( i =1, 2, \dots, N-1 \). Prove that \( T \) has \( N \) distinct eigenvalues.

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