Kwak, Sijong

Department of Mathematical Sciences
KAIST(Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
291 Daehak-ro Yuseong-gu Daejeon 305-701 South Korea

Research Interest

Algebraic Geometry and Commutative Algebra

Selected papers:

  • Geometric properties of projective manifolds of small degree, Author(s): Sijong Kwak, Jinhyung Park, submitted.

  • On Syzygies, degree, and geometric properties of projective schemes with property N_{3,p}. Author(s): Sijong Kwak, Jaeman Ahn, J Pure and Applied Algebra(JPAA), 219, 2724-2739, (2015).

  • Sharp bounds for higher linear syzygies and classifications of projective varieties, Author(s): Sijong Kwak, Kangjin Han, Math. Ann., 361, 535-561, (2015).

  • Generic initial ideals of singular curves in graded lexicographic order (with Jaeman Ahn, Yeong-Seok Song), J. Algebra, 372, 584-594, (2012).

  • Analysis on some infinite modules, inner projection and applications(with Kangjin Han), Trans of AMS, 364(11), 5791-5812, (2012).

  • The degree complexity of smooth surfaces of codimension 2 (with Jaeman Ahn, Yeong-Seok Song), J. of Symbolic Computation, 47, 568-581, (2012).

  • Graded mapping cone theorem, multisecants, and syzygies, J. Algebra, 331(1), 243-262, (2011).

  • On syzygies of non-complete embedding of projective varieties (with Youngook Choi, Euisung Park), Math. Zeitschrift, 258(2), 463-475, (2008).

  • Higher linear syzygies of inner projections (with Choi Youngook; Kang Pyung-Lyun), JOURNAL OF ALGEBRA, 305(2), 859-876, (2006).

  • On smooth projective varieties with extremal or next to extremal curvilinear spaces , Trans of AMS, 357(9), 3553-3566, (2005).

  • Some effects of property N_p on the higher normality and defining equations of nonlinearly normal varieties (with Euisung Park), J. reine angew. Math(Crelle Journal)., 582, (2005).

  • Smooth threefolds in P5 without apparent triple or 4-ple points and a quadruple-point formula, Math. Ann., 320, 649-664, (2001).

  • Generic Projections, the equations defining projective varieties and Castelnuovo regularity, Math. Zeitschrift, 234(3), 413-434, (2000).

  • Castelnuovo Mumford Regularity of Smooth Threefolds in a Projective 5 Space, Thesis, Columbia University, Feb. 1996, J. reine angew. Math(Crelle Journal), 509 (1999).

  • Castelnuovo Regularlty of Smooth Projective Varieties of Dimension 3 and 4, J. Algebraic Geometry, 7, 195-206, (1998).

  • Invited talks

  • 2011 Algebraic Geometry in East Asia(AGEA), National Taiwan University, Taiwan. Title: Some properties of quadratic schemes. Organizer: Jungkai Alfred Chen, National Taiwan University

  • 2011 FSW Workshop on Algebraic Geometry (2011.08.08-12), GuiYang, China. Title: The degree complexity of projective varieties in the graded lexicographic and graded reverse lexicographic orders. Organizer: Meng Chen, Fudan University

  • International Conference in Memory of Hyo Chul Myung in KIAS, Korea (2011.04.25-28), Title: The degree complexity of smooth surfaces in projective 4 space with respect to graded lexicographic order.

  • Symposium on "Active period of commutative algebra, complexes, and applications of computer algebra", University of Warwick (2008.05.27-06.03). Title: Algebra and Geometry under projections and applications. Organizers: Miles Reid, D. Eienbud, G. Brown, F. Schreyer.

  • 2nd NIMS school in Algebraic Geometry (2008.05.12-15.) Title: Linear syzygies and geometry of projective varieties.

  • Conference on "Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity and related topics", CIRM, Luminy, (2006.05.09 - 05.12) Title: A generalization of Np property to noncomplete embedding.

  • Last Update: May 29, 2012