Some mathematical resources
Online Bibliothek
- Arxiv
- Purdue University Library
- University of Chicago Library
- AMS Mathscinet
- Numerisation de documents anciens mathematiques
- Goettingen Library
- ICTP Open Access Archive
- Mathematica Scandinavica
- Korea National Digital Science Library
- Canadian Journal of Mathematics
: since 1997
- Journal of Algebraic Geometry : since 2002
- Mathematics of USSR-Sbornik
- Biblioteka Wirtualna Matematyki :
Fundamenta Mathematicae (1920-1993)
Studia Mathematica (1929-1964)
Prace matematyczno-fizyczne (1888-1952)
Revista de Matematicas Aplicadas (1994-2002)
- Dieper, DIgitised European PERiodicals :
Monatshefte fur Mathematik und Physik (1890-1918)
- EMIS, European Mathematical Information Service
Jahrbuch uber die Fortschritte der Mathematik (1868-1931)
Some notes for my past talks
- My topic Proposal: The Riemann-Roch Theorem, Intersection Theory and Minimal Models for Surfaces I gave two talks based on it early in 2003.
- Proofs of theorems for the topic proposal: Some proofs might be false. I am too lazy to fix them. But, I am pretty sure that it can be helpful if you just began to study algebraic surfaces.
- Introduction to higher algebraic K-theory, Talk on Dec. 3, 2003
- Hilbert's 3rd problem: My Pizza seminar talk. Pictures are missing. This is also related to my thesis work. Talk given in Mar. 2004
- A survey on Gersten resolution and Bloch's formula : I gave a talk on it in Apr. 2004
- Additive Higher Chow Groups I, II My talk at KIAS in Aug. 2004 and in Feb. 2005 at Chicago.
- Classical regulator on Riemann surfaces: It reviews a construction of regulators on K_2 (X) for a Riemann surfaces X. Talk in Jan. 2005
- Algebraic cycles and Euclidean Geometry: My talk at Brown University on Mar. 22, 2005. It is very relevant to my thesis work.
- Regulators in algebraic geometry: My talk at KIAS in Jul. 2005. It is a general survey on regulators from various points of view: Beilinson's conjectures on special values of L-functions, Chern characters, cycles class maps, Abel-Jacobi maps, etc. I do not have a note for my second talk. For this, please read my preprints.
- Residues on an arbitrary variety: This is a note for my talk at Sogang University in Aug. 2005. This is about the amazing residue theory of Parshin-Lomadze.
Some links
- The Grothendieck Circle
- Professor Bloch's recent papers
- Chris's math links
- Research group Esnault-Viehweg at Uni Essen
Some lecture notes/papers written by others
- Stacks pdf file by Aaron Bertram at Utah.
- Green's conjecture for canonical curves by Claire Voisin.
- Construction of the Hilbert Schemes by Aaron Bertram at Utah.
- Genus Zero Gromov-Witten Invariants by Aaron Bertram at Utah.
- Chris' topic proposal: Faltings' Theorem
- Spring 2003 course note: Algebraic Cycles by Professor Bloch : This course is currently going on, so, it is going to be updated whenever there is a class. Because I do not necessarily understand everything from the class, my note can possibly be not complete. I try my best, but sometimes it is not avoidable.
- An Introduction to Algebraic K-theory: by Charles Weibel. Unfinished work, but, it is still very useful.
- Grothendieck topologies and descent by A. Vistoli at ICTP summer school on FGA, July 2003, Trieste, Italy
- Construction of Hilbert and Quot schemes by N. Nitsure at ICTP summer school on FGA, July 2003, Trieste, Italy
- Grothendieck's existence theorem in formal geometry by L. Illusie at ICTP summer school on FGA, July 2003, Trieste, Italy
- Picard schemes by S.L. Kleiman at ICTP summer school on FGA, July 2003, Trieste, Italy TO APPEAR. I have my note from the classes, but, Prof. Kleiman said that he will finish making the note as soon as possible, so, please be patient.
- Local properties of Hilbert schemes and Hilbert schemesof points by L. Göttsche at ICTP summer school on FGA, July 2003, Trieste, Italy
- Michigan's Dolgachev's lecture notes
- Daniel Grayson's Higher Algbraic K-theory lecture note, Spring, 2003
- Professor Madhav Nori's class note: K-theory, Spring 2004: Current version 0.20040927001. It requires a revision so that please do not print it out yet. I typed up all of them.
- Professor Madhav Nori's class note: K-theory and related topics, Autumn 2004: unfinished yet. I am working on it.
- Professor Victor Ginzburg's class note: Quivers, Winter 2005: I did not attend all classes so that some notes are missing.
- Professor Victor Ginzburg's class note: Semisimple groups, Winter 2005: I did not attend all classes so that some notes are missing.
- Professor Vadim Vologodsky's class note: p-adic Hodge theory, Winter 2005
- Professor Alexander Merkurjev from UCLA's Abert lectures at Chicago, April 2005
- Professor Spencer Bloch's class notes on Periods, Spring 2005: Part 1 is from Mar. 29, 2005 to Apr. 21, 2005; Part 2 is the rest.
Some personal notes I typed for myself
- Personal notes on K-functors and the Grothendieck-Riemann-Roch theorem: It is basically a summary of Yuri Manin's 'Lectures on K-functors in Algebraic Geometry'.
- Personal notes on Higher Algebraic K-theory: link broken
- Delign-Beilinson Cohomology : Personal note
- A personal note on Grothendieck spectral sequence: Subject to update without notice.
- A personal note on normal schemes: Subject to update without notice.
- A personal note on normalization: Subject to update without notice.
- A personal note on \'etale Poincar\'e duality: Subject to update without notice.
- A personal note on \'etale Purity theorem: Subject to update without notice.
- A personal note on the proper base change theorem in \'etale cohomology: Subject to update without notice.
- A personal note on the construction of cohomology groups with compact support in \'etale cohomology: Subject to update without notice.
- A personal review note on completion: Subject to change without notice.
- A personal note on infinite dimensional Galois theory: Subject to change without notice.
- A personal note on $l$-adic sheaf: Subject to change without notice.
- A personal note on proper-smooth base change theorem in \'etale cohomology: Subject to change without notice.
- A personal note on the comparison theorem of \'etale cohomology with the complex cohomology: Subject to change without notice.
- l-adic K\"unneth formula
- A personal note on the cycle class map and Chern classes in l-adic cohomology: Subject to change without notice.
- A personal note on the Lefschetz fixed point theorem on l-adic cohomology: Subject to change without notice.
- A personal note on the Weil conjectures without the Riemann hypothesis: Subject to change without notice.
- A personal note on the Picard schemes: Subject to change without notice.
- A personal note on derived categories: Subject to change without notice.
- A personal note on triangulated categories: Subject to change without notice.
- A personal note on Algebraic Cycle Complexes: Subject to change without notice.
- A personal note on condition for finiteness of length: Subject to change without notice.
- A personal note on Hochschild homology and Cyclic homology: Subject to change without notice.
- A brief personal note on relative algebraic K-theory: Subject to change without notice.
- A personal note on the additive Bloch group: Subject to change without notice.
- A personal note on deformation of complex manifolds: Subject to change without notice.
- A personal note on symbols: Subject to change without notice.
- A personal note on Leray-Hirsch theorem: Subject to change without notice.
- A personal note on currents: Subject to change without notice.
- A short personal note on zero-cycles on abelian varieties: Subject to change without notice.
- A personal note on Tannakian categories: Subject to change without notice.
- On the theorem of Roitman: a personal note. Unfinished yet.
- A personal note on universal central extensions: subject to change without notice
- Examples in hypercohomology: Work in progress. Subject to change without notice.
- A trivia fact on line bundles
- On Cartier Operator: a personal note
- Hilbert schemes and Quot schemes for lazy dummies: a simple note for dummies. Made for people who want to know about them within an hour.
- A personal note on Andre-Quillen homology: Subject to change
without notice.
- A personal note on
infinitesimal deformations: Subject to change
- Construction of Quot
schemes: a personal note: Subject to change
- Obstructions to
lifting infinitesimal deformations: A personal note.
- A personal note on Functors of Artin rings: Subject to change without notice.
- A personal note on deformation functors associated to DGLA: Subject to change without notice.
- A personal note on formal function theorem: Subject to change without notice.
- A personal note on the Period domain and Griffiths transversality: Subject to change without notice.
- A personal note on Noether-Lefschetz locus: Subject to change without notice.
- A personal note: a cute proof of Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity theorem: subject to change without notice.
- A personal note on the technical lemma of Green on Noether-Lefschetz locus: subject to change without notice.
- A personal note on the Macaulay's theorem and the Donagi symmetrize lemma: subject to change without notice.
- A personal note on the first prolongation bundle: definition: subject to change without notice.
- A personal note: M. Green's proof of the Explicit Nother-Lefschetz theorem: subject to change without notice.
- A personal note on p-typical de Rham-Witt complex after Illusie: subject to change without notice.
- A personal note on Witt vectors: subject to change without notice.
- A personal note on de Rhwm-Witt complex: subject to change without notice.
- A personal note on Newton polygon: subject to change without notice.
- Personal note on operads: definition and examples: subject to change without notice.
- A personal note on Higher order Hochschild homology: subject to change without notice.
- A personal note on Rigid dualizing complexes via DGAs
- A personal note on lambda-decompositions for Hochschild homology
- A personal note on some martingale processes of polynomial type in the 1-dimensional Brownian motion
- A personal note on Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formalism: a sketch
- A personal note on basics of Hopf algebras
- A personal note on G_a, G_m, M_2 and GL_2
- A personal note on basics of Lie algebras
- A personal note on module-algebras over bialgebras
- A personal note on the Yang-Baxter equation and braided bialgebra
- A personal note on the Braid groups and the Yang-Baxter equation
- A personal note on bicrossed products of groups
- A personal note on bicrossed products of bialgebras
- A personal note on Ore extensions
- A personal note on connections and et cetera.
- The lemma of nilpotent endomorphisms
- A personal note on some basics of differential geometry
- A derivation of Lorentz transformations in special relativity
- Short note on pseudo-coherent and perfect complexes