
(12) Shintar\^o Kuroki: On classification of certain 8-dimensional torus manifolds, in preparation.

(11) Shintar\^o Kuroki: Hypertorus graphs and graph equivariant cohomologies, in preparation. [ps]

(10) Shintar\^o Kuroki and Zhi L\"u: On projective bundles over small covers, in preparation.

(9) Shintar\^o Kuroki and DongYoup Suh: Cohomological rigidity and non-rigidity of CP-towers, in preparation.

Publications and Accepted Papers

(8) Suyoung Choi and Shintar\^o Kuroki: Topological classification of torus manifolds which have codimension one extended actions, to appear in Algebraic and Geometric Topology. arXiv:0906.1335 or OCAMI preprint series 09-9

(7) Shintar\^o Kuroki: Equivariant cohomology distinguishes the geometric structures of toric hyperK\"ahler manifolds, to appear in Proceedings of the Steklov Institute. [pdf]; OCAMI preprint series 10-18

(6) Shintar\^o Kuroki: Classification of torus manifolds with codimension one extended actions, Transformation Groups: Volume 16, Issue 2 (2011), 481--536. DOI: 10.1007/s00031-011-9136-7. [pdf]; OCAMI preprint series 10-16

(5) Shintar\^o Kuroki: Operations on three dimensional small covers, Chinese Annals of Mathematics, Series B, Vol 31, no. 3, 393--410 (2010). DOI: 10.1007/s11401-008-0417-y. OCAMI preprint series 09-6

(4) Shintar\^o Kuroki: Characterization of homogeneous torus manifolds, Osaka Journal of Mathematics, Vol 47, no. 1, 285--299 (2010). OCAMI preprint series 09-3

(3) Shintar\^o Kuroki: Classification of compact transformation groups on complex quadrics with codimension one orbits, Osaka Journal of Mathematics, Vol 46, no. 1, 21--85 (2009). [pdf]

(2) Shintar\^o Kuroki: On SL(3,R)-action on 4-sphere, the Journal of Fundamental and Applied Mathematics. 11 (2005), no. 5, 99--105., translation in Journal of Mathematical Sciences (N.Y.) 146 (2007), no. 1, 5518--5522. DOI: 10.1007/s10958-007-0365-1. [pdf]

(1) Shintar\^o Kuroki: On the construction of smooth SL(m,H)\times SL(n,H)-actions on S^{4(m+n)-1}, Bulletin of Yamagata University, Yamagata, Japan (Natural Science) Vol. 15, No. 3 February, 2003, 49--59.

Refereed Proceedings

(1) Shintar\^o Kuroki: On projective bundles over small covers (a survey), GROUP ACTIONS AND HOMOGENEOUS SPACES. Proceedings of the International Conference Bratislava Topology Symposium "Group Actions and Homogeneous Spaces", September 7-11, 2009, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia, 43--60 (2010). [pdf]; OCAMI preprint series 10-7


(14) Shintar\^o Kuroki: A topological definition of hypertoric manifolds and its equivariant cohomology, Trends in Mathematics - New Series Vol 12 No 1, 135--138 (2010). [pdf]

(13) Shintar\^o Kuroki: GKM graphs induced by GKM manifolds with SU(l+1)-symmetries. Trends in Mathematics - New Series Vol 12 No 1, 103--113 (2010). [pdf]

(12) Shintar\^o Kuroki: On group actions with codimension one orbits, The 57th Topology Symposium proceedings, 13--22 (2010). (Japanese) [pdf]

(11) Shintar\^o Kuroki: Introduction to GKM theory, Trends in Mathematics - New Series Vol 11 No 2, 113--129 (2009). [pdf]

(10) Shintar\^o Kuroki: Equivariant cohomology determines hypertoric manifold, RIMS kokyuroku 1670, 107--116 (2009). [pdf]

(9) Shintar\^o Kuroki: Remarks on McGavran's paper and Nishimura's result, Trends in Mathematics - New Series Vol 10 No 1, 77--79 (2008). [ps]

(8) Shintar\^o Kuroki: On 8-manifolds with SU(3)-actions, RIMS Kokyuroku 1569, 81--93 (2007). [pdf]

(7) Shintar\^o Kuroki: On transformation groups of torus manifolds, RIMS Kokyuroku 1540, 67--78 (2007). (Japanese)

(6) Shintar\^o Kuroki: On transformation groups which act on torus manifolds, Proceedings of 33rd Symposium on Transformation Groups, 10--26 (2007). [pdf]

(5) Shintar\^o Kuroki: Classification of compact group actions on torus manifolds which have codimension 0 or 1 orbits, Hokkaido university Technical report series in Mathematics, Series #117, The 3rd COE Conference for Young Researchers -CCYR3-, 177--184 (2007). (Japanese) [pdf]

(4) Shintar\^o Kuroki: Hypertorus graph and its equivariant cohomology, RIMS Kokyuroku 1517, 120--135 (2006). (Japanese)

(3) Shintar\^o Kuroki: On classification of compact Lie groups which act on complex quadrics with codimension one orbits, Proceedings of the 2nd Kinosaki-shinjin-seminar, 256--261 (2005). (Japanese)

(2) Shintar\^o Kuroki: On the SL(3,R)-action on 4-sphere, RIMS Kokyuroku 1393, 79--81 (2004).

(1) Shintar\^o Kuroki: Classification of compact transformation groups on complex quadrics with codimension one orbits, RIMS Kokyuroku 1343, 10--24 (2003).


(4)-(b) Shintar\^o Kuroki: Classification of torus manifolds with codimension one extended actions. OCAMI preprint series 09-5

(4)-(a) Shintar\^o Kuroki: Classification of quasitoric manifolds with codimension one extended actions. OCAMI preprint series 09-4

(3) Shintar\^o Kuroki: Research on Toric Topology, Postdoctor Research Working Report in Fudan University, pp131 (2009). [ps]

(2) Ikumitsu Nagasaki and Shintar\^o Kuroki (editors) RIMS Kokyuroku 1569 (2007): The theory of transformation groups and its applications, Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University: pp179 (2007).

(1) Shintar\^o Kuroki: Classification of Transformation groups, PhD thesis in Osaka City University, pp90 (2006) [pdf]