Venue: KIAS, Seoul, South Korea
Host Supporter: NIMS
Supported also by KIAS and KOSEF
Organizers: Ki Hyoung Ko , Ja Kyung Koo (KAIST)
Scientific Advisor: Craig Hodgson (University of Melbourne)
Local Organizers: Suhyoung Choi (KAIST), Inkang Kim (KIAS)
Poster, Schedule and Abstracts
Many problems in 3-dimensional topology have been ``almost'' solved by the recent proof of Thurston's geometrization conjecture and the Poincare conjecture using the arguments first given by Perelman. However, there are many remaining significant questions in 3-manifolds such as classification problems. These types of problems can be assisted greatly by the use of computations involving number theoretical algorithmic and numerical methods to compute various invariants. Such a large research project will need many dedicated workers devoting their collected efforts to development of computational tools and so on.
This workshop consists of three main series of lectures by world experts in algorithmic, number theoretic, and numerical aspects of hyperbolic 3-manifold and 3-orbifold theory. They will introduce the theory leading up to recent developments. There will be preliminary lectures by local mathematicians on geometric structures, orbifold theory, and number theory and elliptic curves to prepare for these lectures. The main purpose of the workshop is to introduce these materials to the graduate students and early career mathematicians in Korea.
Note: The excursions will be on Monday. Except for the students and the lecturers on Monday, one should go to excursions. The excursion will begin in early morning due to traffic and we will mainly visit two or three Seoul palaces and other points of interests. The detail will be announced later.
Invited Main Lecturers:
Craig Hodgson (University of Melbourne)
Walter Neumann (Columbia University)
Alan Reid (University of Texas at Austin)
Session speakers:
Hideki Miyachi (Osaka University)
Kenich Ohshika (Osaka University)
Mitsuhiko Takasawa (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Local Lecturers for students
Suhyoung Choi (KAIST) Orbifold I (topology) Orbifold II (Geometry)
Inkang Kim (KIAS) Geometry I (introduction to classical geometries) Geometry II (rigidity, arithmeticity for general lattices)
Suhhyun Choi (KAIST) Number theory
Kenichi Ohshika (Osaka University) Kleinian groups I (general theory) Kleinian groups II (Hyperbolization of Haken 3-manifolds)
Confirmed Participants
Ki Hyoung Ko (KAIST), Jee Hyun Kim (KAIST), Hyo Won Park (KAIST), Hyeon Seong Jeon (KAIST), Jinseok Cho (Waseda U),
Kanghyun Choi (KAIST), Gye-Seon Lee (KAIST), Jae-Soon Ha (KAIST), Seung Su Yuk (KAIST), Dong Sung Yoon (KAIST), Ick Sun Eum (KAIST), Ho Yun Jung (KAIST), Dong Hwa Shin (KAIST), Yuki Iguchi (TIT), Yoshihiko Shinomiya (TIT), Yuka Kotorii (TIT), Hidetoshi Masai (TIT), Mitsuhiko Takasawa (TIT), Youngju Kim (KIAS), Ken'ich Oshika (Osaka
U), Hideki Miyachi (Osaka U), Alan Reid (U of Texas at Austin), Joonhyung Kim (SNU), Sang-Jin Lee (Konkuk U), Eonkyung Lee(Sejong U), Koki Masumoto(Osaka U), Craig Hodgson(U of Melbourne)
Time |
March 15 |
March 16 |
March 17 |
March 18 |
19 |
9:10-9:20 |
Announcement |
Announcement |
Announcement |
Announcement |
Announcement |
9:20-10:40 (75-80 minutes talk) |
A Course on geometry I : Intrduction |
A Course on number theory I |
Lecture (Craig Hodgson)(note) |
Lecture (Craig Hodgson)(note) |
Lecture (Craig Hodgson)(note) |
10:50-12:10 (75-80 minutes talk) |
A Course on orbifolds
I : Topology |
Kleinian groups: hyperbolizations |
Lecture (Walter Neumann)(note) |
Lecture (Walter Neumann)(note) |
Lecture (Walter Neumann)(note) |
12:10-1:30 |
Lunch |
Lunch |
Lunch |
Lunch |
Lunch |
1:30-2:50(75-80 minutes talk) |
Kleinian |
Geometry II : Rigidity and arithmeticity |
Session (Ohshika) |
Session (Takasawa)(note) |
Session(Miyachi) (note) |
3:00-4:20(75-80 minutes talk) |
Orbifolds II (Suhyoung Choi) |
Number theory II (Suhhyun Choi)(note) |
Lecture (Alan Reid)(note) |
Lecture (Alan Reid)(note) |
Lecture (Alan Reid)(note) |
3:00-5:30 |
Registration |
5:00 |
Dinner for speakers and organizers |
6:00- |
Comment: Excursion is on Monday for people who are not students. |
Buffet(KIAS) |
Registration: Please complete the registration form and mail to by February 12th.
Local information:
Local Information at KIAS, KIAS accommodation,
How to get to KIAS,
Holiday Inn Seongbuk.
Hangul (Korean alphabet)
A shuttle bus is available from Holiday Inn to KIAS at 8:30 am, and from KIAS
to Holiday Inn at 6:30 pm.
There is a Seoul Palace tour at 1:00pm on Monday.