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KAIST BK21수학인재양성사업단 2011년도 신진연구원 초빙 공고

KAIST BK21수학인재양성사업단에서 아래와 같이 2011년도 신진연구원을 초빙합니다.

­- 모집분야: 수학 관련 전분야

- 모집인원: 8명 이내 (계약교수, 박사후연구원)

­- 지원자격: 수학 관련 박사학위 소지자

­- 급 여: 계약교수-3300만원/년, 박사후연구원-2640만원/년 (퇴직금, 법정부담금 별도)

­- 근무조건: 강의와 연구, 전일제 근무

­- 제출서류: 지원서, 이력서(사진포함), 최종학위 증명서, 경력/재직 증명서 각 1부,

                  연구실적물, 연구계획서, 지도교수포함 2~3인의 추천서

­- 계약기간: 2011년 3월 1일부터 1년 (재임용 가능)

- 접수기간: 2010년 12월 14일 - 2011년 1월 7일

­- 통지방법: 개별통지

- 첨 부: 신진연구원 지원서. 끝.


대전광역시 유성구 과학로 335 (우 305-701)

KAIST 수리과학과

수학인재양성사업단 (자연과학동 1410호)





Post-doctoral Positions at KAIST


The Department of Mathematical Sciences at KAIST invites applications for at least eight BK21 post-doctoral positions beginning March 1, 2011.


In recent years, KAIST, one of the top research universities in Korea, has been recruiting distinguished scholars of both Korean and foreign nationality. Most of the courses at KAIST are taught in English.


Applications are encouraged from any area of pure, applied, or interdisciplinary mathematics. To be successful, applicants should demonstrate potential in research.

Annual salary is 2.64~3.3 million Korean won, depending on qualifications. Severance pay and insurances are additional, if applicable. The teaching load is one course a year. The appointment is for a year and renewable for another year, if mutually agree.


All applications must include the following:

(1) Cover letter (an AMS standard coversheet is sufficient) and an application form

(2) Curriculum Vitae with publication list,

(3) Description of previous research and future plans,

(4) Graduate transcripts,

(5) Three recommendation letters, including one from the thesis advisor.


Applications will be accepted until positions are filled, but priority will be given to those received by January 7, 2011.


Please contact osy82[at]kaist.ac.kr for questions. Phone: 82-42-350-5745


Application materials should be sent to:

E-mail: osy82[at]kaist.ac.kr

BK21 Office (E6-1, Room 1410)

Department of Mathematical Sciences


335 Gwahangno, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon,

Republic of Korea

Zip Code: 305-701


For more information about KAIST DMS, please visit http://mathsci.kaist.ac.kr/en/

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