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2004년 가을학기 기하학적위상수학 syllabus를 아래와 같이 알려드리오니
수강생들은 참고하시기 바랍니다.
= 아 래 =
교과목명 : MA630 기하학적위상수학
담당교수 : 최 서 영
강의시간 : 월,수 13:00-14:30
강 의 실 : 자연 #4417
3-manifold theory Syllabus (2004 September)
1. Review PL-structures, Smooth structures
2. Heegaard Splitting, connected sums
3. Dehn’s Lemma, Loop theorem, Sphere theorem
4. Incompressible surfaces
5. Scott’s core theorem
6. I-bundles, Group Extensions and fibrations
7. Seifert fibered spaces
8. Sufficiently large manifolds
9. JSJ(Jaco-Shalen, Johannson)-Decomposition
Books. Primary: 3-manifolds by John Hempel, Princeton University Press
2ndary Notes on Basic 3-manifold topology, by Allen Hatcher
Notes on Geometry and 3-manifolds by Walter Neumann
We spend 1 and 1/2 to 2 weeks for each topic.
수강생들은 참고하시기 바랍니다.
= 아 래 =
교과목명 : MA630 기하학적위상수학
담당교수 : 최 서 영
강의시간 : 월,수 13:00-14:30
강 의 실 : 자연 #4417
3-manifold theory Syllabus (2004 September)
1. Review PL-structures, Smooth structures
2. Heegaard Splitting, connected sums
3. Dehn’s Lemma, Loop theorem, Sphere theorem
4. Incompressible surfaces
5. Scott’s core theorem
6. I-bundles, Group Extensions and fibrations
7. Seifert fibered spaces
8. Sufficiently large manifolds
9. JSJ(Jaco-Shalen, Johannson)-Decomposition
Books. Primary: 3-manifolds by John Hempel, Princeton University Press
2ndary Notes on Basic 3-manifold topology, by Allen Hatcher
Notes on Geometry and 3-manifolds by Walter Neumann
We spend 1 and 1/2 to 2 weeks for each topic.