취업 및 행사 정보

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나노과학기술대학원에서는 이원희 박사 (Dept. of Bioengineering, UCLA) 의 학과 세미나를 개최하오니 소속학과 교수님

들과 대학원생들에게 많이 참석할수 있도록 안내하여 주시기를 부탁드립니다.


* 일시 : 2월 21일(월) 오후 1시~

* 장소 : 자연과학동 2층 이태규세미나실 2124호


Title : New Frontiers of Microfluidics: Microfluidic Calorimeters and Inertial Microfluidics

Abstract :

Microfluidics has been one of the fastest growing fields in the last decade owing to its wide application areas; small sample volume gives many advantages (e.g., low cost, fast response time, massive parallelization, etc.) to microfluidic systems over their large-scale counterparts. My research interests are in utilizing these advantages and studying thermodynamics and fluid dynamics at nano to micro scales. This talk will cover two topics that have contributed to growing of microfluidics by expanding its boundary to new areas: microfluidic calorimeters and inertial microfluidics. High-sensitivity microfluidic calorimeters are promising for high-throughput biochemical reaction measurements with minimal sample consumption. Vacuum insulated microfluidic calorimeters have demonstrated the unprecedented high-sensitivity which enabled measurements of heat of reaction from a few nL sample. Parylene-PDMS hybrid microfluidic system provided both physical strength to apply vacuum insulation and freedom in microfluidic flow control. Fluid inertia is recently found to be useful for manipulating particles in microfluidic systems with extremely high throughput; particles migrate across flow stream to be focused and ordered at finite Reynolds number flow conditions. Unique mechanism of micro particle self-assembly was uncovered through a series of careful experiments and numerical simulations. This finding also led to microfluidic channel designs that are capable of “tuning” spatial frequency.



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