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There has been a raising interest on the study of perfect matchings in uniform hypergraphs in the past two decades, including extremal problems and their algorithmic versions. I will introduce the problems and some recent developments.
Host: Sang-il Oum     English     2024-02-07 22:05:19
We prove the existence of a computable function $f\colon\mathbb{N}\to\mathbb{N}$ such that for every integer $k$ and every digraph $D$ either contains a collection $\mathcal{C}$ of $k$ directed cycles of even length such that no vertex of $D$ belongs to more than four cycles in $\mathcal{C}$, or there exists a set $S\subseteq V(D)$ of size at most $f(k)$ such that $D-S$ has no directed cycle of even length. This is joint work with Maximilian Gorsky, Ken-ichi Kawarabayashi, and Stephan Kreutzer.
Host: Sang-il Oum     English     2024-02-08 17:02:48
The uniform Turán density $\pi_u(F)$ of a hypergraph $F$, introduced by Erdős and Sós, is the smallest value of $d$ such that any hypergraph $H$ where all linear-sized subsets of vertices of $H$ have density greater than $d$ contains $F$ as a subgraph. Over the past few years the value of $\pi_u(F)$ was determined for several classes of 3-graphs, but no nonzero value of $\pi_u(F)$ has been found for $r$-graphs with $r>3$. In this talk we show the existence of $r$-graphs $F$ with $\pi_u(F)={r \choose 2}^{-{r \choose 2}}$, which we conjecture is minimum possible. Joint work with Frederik Garbe, Daniel Il’kovic, Dan Král’ and Filip Kučerák.
Host: Sang-il Oum     English     2024-01-19 11:37:21
Cell-to-cell variability in gene expression exists even in a homogeneous population of cells. Dissecting such cellular heterogeneity within a biological system is a prerequisite for understanding how a biological system is developed, homeostatically regulated, and responds to external perturbations. Single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) allows the quantitative and unbiased characterization of cellular heterogeneity by providing genome-wide molecular profiles from tens of thousands of individual cells. Single-cell sequencing is expanding to combine genomic, epigenomic, and transcriptomic features with environmental cues from the same single cell. In this talk, I demonstrate how scRNA-seq can be applied to dissect cellular heterogeneity and plasticity of adipose tissue, and discuss related computational challenges.
Host: 김재경 교수     To be announced     2024-01-31 17:37:54
For any finite point set $P \subset \mathbb{R}^d$, we denote by $\text{diam}(P)$ the ratio of the largest to the smallest distances between pairs of points in $P$. Let $c_{d, \alpha}(n)$ be the largest integer $c$ such that any $n$-point set $P \subset \mathbb{R}^d$ in general position, satisfying $\text{diam}(P) < \alpha\sqrt[d]{n}$ (informally speaking, `non-elongated'), contains a convex $c$-polytope. Valtr proved that $c_{2, \alpha}(n) \approx \sqrt[3]{n}$, which is asymptotically tight in the plane. We generalize the results by establishing $c_{d, \alpha}(n) \approx n^{\frac{d-1}{d+1}}$. Along the way we generalize the definitions and analysis of convex cups and caps to higher dimensions, which may be of independent interest. Joint work with Boris Bukh.
Host: Sang-il Oum     English     2023-11-20 21:47:45
Melchior’s Inequality (1941) implies that, in a rank-3 real-representable matroid, the average number of points in a line is less than three. This was extended to the complex-representable matroids by Hirzebruch in 1983 with the slightly weaker bound of four. In this talk, we discuss and sketch the proof of the recent result that, in a rank-4 complex-representable matroid which is not the direct-sum of two lines, the average number of points in a plane is bounded above by an absolute constant. Consequently, the average number of points in a flat in a rank-4 complex-representable matroid is bounded above by an absolute constant. Extensions of these results to higher dimensions will also be discussed. In particular, the following quantities are bounded in terms of k and r respectively: the average number of points in a rank-k flat in a complex-representable matroid of rank at least 2k-1, and the average number of points in a flat in a rank-r complex-representable matroid. Our techniques rely on a theorem of Ben Lund which approximates the number of flats of a given rank. This talk is based on joint work with Rutger Campbell and Jim Geelen.
Host: Sang-il Oum     English     2023-12-25 09:30:29
The Dedekind's Problem asks the number of monotone Boolean functions, a(n), on n variables. Equivalently, a(n) is the number of antichains in the n-dimensional Boolean lattice $[2]^n$. While the exact formula for the Dedekind number a(n) is still unknown, its asymptotic formula has been well-studied. Since any subsets of a middle layer of the Boolean lattice is an antichain, the logarithm of a(n) is trivially bounded below by the size of the middle layer. In the 1960's, Kleitman proved that this trivial lower bound is optimal in the logarithmic scale, and the actual asymptotics was also proved by Korshunov in 1980’s. In this talk, we will discuss recent developments on some variants of Dedekind's Problem. Based on joint works with Matthew Jenssen, Alex Malekshahian, Michail Sarantis, and Prasad Tetali.
Host: Sang-il Oum     English     2023-11-17 01:04:41
We present the KKM theorem and a recent proof method utilizing it that has proven to be very useful for problems in discrete geometry. For example, the method was used to show that for a planar family of convex sets with the property that every three sets are pierced by a line, there are three lines whose union intersects each set in the family. This was previously a long-unsolved problem posed by Eckhoff. We go over a couple of examples demonstrating the method and propose a potential future research direction to push the method even further.
Host: Sang-il Oum     English     2023-12-25 09:28:56