Mathematical Science Logo

In 2021, along with the remodeling of the Natural Sciences Building, the Department’s Environment Improvement Committee was established for facility maintenance and space remodeling within the department. As part of this, we worked to create a logo for the department, and from October to November 2021, a logo contest was held among students, and the Environment Improvement Committee created an idea using the excellent work as a motif. We decided to symbolize MA, the first two letters of Mathematics, and designed to show the shape of a mountain by overlapping these two letters with the meaning that studying mathematics is like climbing a mountain. In this process, only similar triangles were added or subtracted to create geometric symbols with simple rules. Professor Hyesoo Kim of the Department of Industrial Design participated in the final design and helped make the design developed by the committee into a high-quality result while maximizing the original purpose and meaning. I believe that the logo does not change forever once created, but rather lives and breathes with the members and develops together as the culture of the department develops. We would like to share a new logo that will continue to develop with the Department of Mathematical Sciences in the future, so please use it a lot.

Former Logo