공지 시작 | |
공지 종료 |
1. 초빙분야 및 인원
(1) 분야: 수학 전 분야
(2) 인원: 약간 명
2. 응모자격: 초빙분야 박사학위 소지자 및 취득 예정자
※ 박사학위 취득 예정자는 최종논문심사에 통과(증빙서류 제출)된 자로서 임용일 전에 박사학위 취득이 가능해야 함.
3. 임용기간: 3년
4. 임용 예정일: 2018년 8월 또는 2019년 2월
5. 제출서류
(1) 커버 레터(예: AMS standard cover sheet)
(2) 이력서(발표논문 리스트 포함)
(3) 연구업적 설명서 및 계획서
(4) 강의업적 설명서
(5) 추천서 3부(추천서는 추천인이 직접 아래 이메일로 송부)
※ 1차 서류심사 후, 화상 인터뷰나 추가서류 제출을 요청할 수 있음.
6. 제출기한: 2018년 3월 31(토)
7. 지원서 접수: recruit@mathsci.kaist.ac.kr
8. 문의: hlyoon@kaist.ac.kr, 전화: 042-350-2703
2018년 2월 20일
KAIST 수리과학과장
Non-Tenure Track Assistant Professorship at KAIST
The Department of Mathematical Sciences at KAIST invites applications for a three-year non-tenure track assistant professorship to begin in August 2018 or February 2019. A successful candidate should demonstrate outstanding teaching records and have an active research program.
In recent years, KAIST, one of the top research universities in Korea, has been recruiting distinguished scholars of both Korean and foreign nationality. KAIST is located in Daejeon, a city with a population of 1.5 million. The Korean government financially supports KAIST’s operations, and most of its courses are taught in English.
The annual salary is between 50 to 60 million Korean won depending on the experiences and qualifications of candidates. Regular teaching loads are two courses per semester, which should be conducted in English.
Interested applicants must send the following:
(1) Cover letter (An AMS standard cover sheet is sufficient.)
(2) Curriculum vitae with a publication list
(3) Description of previous research and future research plans
(4) Teaching statement
(5) Three recommendation letters, one of which should be about teaching. Recommenders should send their letters directly to the email address below.
The application deadline is March 31, 2018.
After the screening process, candidates may be asked for a video interview and the submission of additional materials.
Please contact Lan Yoon (hlyoon@kaist.ac.kr) for further inquiries.
Applications should be sent to:
Email: recruit@mathsci.kaist.ac.kr
Yongnam Lee
Head of the Mathematical Sciences Department
291 Daehak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon
Republic of Korea
Zip Code: 34141
For more information about KAIST, please visit http://kaist.edu.