
MSRI 프로그램 재안내

과사무실 2009.10.19 14:57 조회 수 : 6850

공지 시작  
공지 종료  
MSRI 프로그램 안내입니다.
프로그램에 참여하고 싶은 학생들은 학과에 지원서를 제출해서 최종적으로 승인을 받아야 합니다.
학과에서 추천할 수 있는 학생 수는 한정이 되어 있기에 프로그램에 참여하고 싶은 학생들은
본인 기본 정보와 참여 예정 프로그램, 학과에서 본인을 추천해야 하는 이유 등의 내용을 포함한
자유 형식의 지원서를 아래 수정된 마감일에 학과에 제출 부탁드립니다.
마감일:  11월 12


게시자: 고 미 향



From: Jonathan Rubinsky <rubinsky@msri.org>
Date: 2009/10/17
Subject: [Sponsor-reps] MSRI Save the date. November 16, 2009
To: sponsor-reps@mailman.msri.org

On Behalf of Deputy Director H?l?ne Barcelo,

Important: Please forward a copy of this note to the Director of graduate studies of your department. Registration period for MSRI’s Summer Graduate Workshops will begin in a month, on November 16, 2009.

                                  2010 MSRI SUMMER GRADUATE WORKSHOPS

This coming summer MSRI is hosting two summer graduate workshops in Berkeley, CA and co-sponsoring three additional ones at off site locations.

Elliptic Curve: June 21 ? July 2, 2010 

Algebraic Methods in Optimization: August 2 ? 13, 2010

2010 PIMS Summer School in Probability: June 21 ? July 10, 2010

IAS/PCMI Research Summer School : Image Processing: June 27 ? July 17, 2010

NCAR Climate Change Summer School 2010: July 12 ? 23, 2010

                                                             See http://www.msri.org/calendar/index_sgw for more details.

Attached you will find details on nominations and admission rules, short descriptions of each workshops, and a flyer.

These workshops are directed toward students beginning to think about research topics. They are hands on experiences in which the students will learn by working on problems or with data, with the participation of the instructors and mentors. We appreciate your help in identifying students who can benefit from attending these workshops and you’re nominating them for support. MSRI will fully support approximately 160 students during the summer of 2010. The registration period for those workshops will begin on November 16, 2009 and will continue until the workshops are filled or no later than March 15, 2010. Please note that the admission policy is on a first-come first-served basis with a limit of 40 students per workshop. Early nominations will not be accepted.




 H?l?ne Barcelo

Deputy Director, MSRI


Jonathan Rubinsky
workshop coordinator
Mathematical Sciences Research Institute
17 Gauss Way
Berkeley, CA 94720
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