취업 및 행사 정보

공지 시작  
공지 종료 2023-12-26 

The 10th Korea PDE Winter School

Feb. 19th (Mon.) ~ 23rd (Fri.), 2024

KAIST, Daejeon, Korea


The 10th Korea PDE Winter School will be held as follows.

   Date:  2024. 02. 19. (Mon.)~ 2024. 02. 23. (Fri.)

   Place: KAIST,  E6-1, Rm 1501, Daejeon, Korea

   Topics: Mathematical Theories of Elliptic/Hyperbolic PDEs 

   Organizers: Soonsik Kwon (KAIST), Jihoon Lee(Chung-Ang Univ.)

    Co-Organizer :  SAARC

   Registration Period:  Dec. 5th, 2023 ~ Dec. 26th, 2023

Principal lecturers and lecture topics

Qing Han (University of Notre DAME, USA) will give 5 lectures on "Regularity theory for uniformly degenerate elliptic equations".

Lecture 1: Introduction and existence of solutions

Lecture 2: Regularity along tangential directions

Lecture 3: Regularity along normal direction

Lecture 4: Expansions near the boundary

Lecture 5: Concise boundary regularity

Bongsuk Kwon (UNIST) and Moon-jin Kang (KAIST) will give 4 lectures on "Formation and stability of singularities arising in compressible fluid flow ".

Invited Speakers and Talk Titles

Junsik Bae (UNIST)

Young-Pil Choi (Yonsei University)

In-Jee Jeong (Seoul National University) "Small-scale creation in incompressible fluid dynamics "

Jeongho Kim (Kyunghee University) "Large-time behavior of viscous-dispersive shock for the Navier-Stokes-Korteweg equations "

Jehan Oh (Kyungpook National University)

Jihoon Ok (Sogang University)

Jinmyeong Seok (Seoul National University)


등록(Google form)

참가자는 본인 혹은 지도교수의 펀딩을 이용하는 것을 원칙으로 합니다. 모든 참가자에 점심바우처를 제공할 예정입니다.

지도교수의 연구비 지원이 없는 학생이나 연구원 참가자를 위한 제한된 수의 숙박을 준비하고 있습니다. 숙박지원이 필요하신 참가자는 권순식 교수(soonsikk@kaist.edu)에 따로 연락해 주십시요.  




Lotte city Hotel Daejeon  https://www.lottehotel.com/daejeon-city/ko.html

Toyoko Inn, Daejeon  http://www.toyoko-inn.co.kr/

Hotel Graytone, Dunsan https://graytone.modoo.at/


번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
1304 2024년 하반기 RIST 공개 채용 과사무실 2024.09.13 250
1303 [LG유플러스]9.23(월) 사옥초청 테크 컨퍼런스 <유플텍플> *현직자 강연 및 직무 상담 네트워킹, 경품 증정 등 과사무실 2024.09.12 216
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1300 2024 하반기 삼성카드 3급 신입사원 공개채용 과사무실 2024.09.09 212
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» The 10th Korea PDE Winter School [Feb. 19th (Mon.) ~ 23rd (Fri.), 2024] 과사무실 2023.12.11 859