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한국의 수학과 박사과정 학생이 해외로 포닥을 지원하는 방법, 그리고 2년간의 포닥 생활 후기에 대해 발표합니다. 포닥 지원 시기와 절차는 어떤지, 포닥 지원을 위한 CV, 추천서, research statement, teaching statement 등을 어떻게 준비하는 지 설명드립니다. 해외 정착, 기존 연구 마무리 및 포닥으로서의 새로운 연구 시작 방법에 대해 설명드립니다. 이 발표는 University of Wisconsin, Madison의 Van Vleck assistant professor 오퍼를 받은 홍혁표 학생과 University of Michigan, Ann Arbor에서 2년간 James Van Loo assistant professor로 근무한 김대욱 박사가 진행합니다. We will present on how a doctoral student in the field of mathematics in Korea can apply for a postdoctoral position abroad and share the experience of living as a postdoc for two years. We will explain the timing and procedures for applying for a postdoc position, as well as how to prepare a CV, recommendation letters, research statement, teaching statement, and other documents required for the application. Also, we will provide information on how to settle down in a foreign country, wrap up existing research, and start new research as a postdoc. This presentation will be conducted by Hyukpyo Hong, a student who recently received an offer for the Van Vleck Assistant Professor position at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, and Dr. Dae Wook Kim, who worked as a James Van Loo Assistant Professor at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor for two years.
Host: 김영종     Contact: 김영종 ()     Korean     2023-06-09 16:44:54
We introduce elliptic curves, their Mordell-Weil group structure, and isogenies over number fields. At the last of the talk, some results on the torsion subgroups of Mordell-Weil groups of elliptic curves defined over a number field will be given. The results are joint works with my advisor Bo-Hae Im.
Discipline of talk : Number Theory / Advisor: 임보해(Bo-Hae Im)
Host: 김영종     Contact: 김영종 (01094985488)     Korean     2023-02-05 18:05:51
We introduce concepts of parameterized complexity, especially, kernelization. Kernelization is a polynomial-time preprocessing algorithm that converts a given instance for a problem to a smaller instance while keeping the answer to the problem. Delicate kernelization mostly boosts the speed of solving the problem. We explain standard techniques in kernelizations, for instance, the sunflower lemma. Most optimization problems can be reformulated in the Hitting Set problem format, and the sunflower lemma gives us a simple yet beautiful kernelization for the problem. We further introduce our recent work about the Hitting Set problem on sparse graph classes.
Discipline of talk: Graph Theory, Complexity Theory / Advisor: 엄상일 (Sang-il Oum)
Host: 김영종     Contact: 김영종 (01094985488)     Korean English if it is requested     2023-02-05 18:03:01
In this talk, we present a formula for the degree of the 3-secant variety of a nonsingular projective variety embedded by a 3-very ample line bundle. The formula is provided in terms of Segre classes of the tangent bundle of a given variety. We use the generalized version of double point formula to reduce the calculation into the case of the 2-secant variety. Due to the singularity of the 2-secant variety, we use secant bundle as a nonsingular birational model and compute multiplications of desired algebraic cycles.
Discipline of talk: Algebraic geometry / Advisor: 이용남 교수님 ( Yong nam, Lee)
Host: 김영종     Contact: 김영종 (01094985488)     Korean     2023-02-05 17:55:11