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I will explain the basic notions and methods of an algebro-geometric theory over semirings and over somewhat exotic objects called `hyperrings'. Both developments reveal previously unseen links to other theories which include tropical geometry. In particular, I will focus on the following: 1. Cech cohomology on semiring schemes, 2. Construction of hyperring schemes, 3. Hyperstructure of the underlying space of an affine algebraic group scheme.

Host: 박진현 2734     Korean English if it is requested     2015-07-29 15:05:43

In this talk, we will look at how congruences between Hecke eigensystems of modular forms affect the Iwasawa invariants of their anticyclotomic p-adic L-functions. It can be regarded as an application of the ideas of Greenberg-Vatsal and Emerton-Pollack-Weston on the variation of Iwasawa invariants to the anticyclotomic setting. As an application, we establish new examples of the anticyclotomic main conjecture for modular forms. At the end, we discuss a higher weight generalization of the result (joint work with F. Castella and M. Longo) and give an explicit example.

Host: 박진현 2734     To be announced     2015-06-25 12:17:01

Bounds on the complex dielectric constant of a two-component material at fixed 

frequency were derived about 35 years ago independently by Milton and Bergman 

using the analytic representation formula for the effective dielectric constant as a 

function of the component dielectric constant. These bounds become tighter the more 

information is incorporated about the composite geometry, such as the volume 

fractions of the constituents and whether it is isotropic or not. These bounds were 

subsequently generalized to elasticity in works of Berryman, Gibiansky, Lakes and 

Milton, using the variational principles of Cherkaev and Gibiansky. All these bounds 

are applicable when the applied fields are time harmonic. But what happens when the 

applied fields are not time harmonic? One would like to bound for each moment in time,

 the transient response of the induced average displacement field given the applied time

 varying electric field. We obtain such bounds using the analytic method, and we find 

that they can be very tight, tighter the more information is known about the composite. 

The bounds are also applicable to the mathematically equivalent problem of antiplane 

elasticity, where one is interested in bounding the stress relaxation and creep of 

composites of two viscoelastic phases.


Host: Prof.임미경     English     2015-07-16 15:19:41
We present work with Portia Mira, Kristina Crona, Devin Greene, Juan Meza and Miriam Barlow, aimed at developing antibiotic treatment plans that can reverse the evolution of antibiotic resistance. The Barlow lab at UC Merced generated adaptive landscapes for 16 genotypes of the TEM beta-lactamase that vary from the wild type genotype TEM-1 through all combinations of four amino acid substitutions, and determined the growth rate of each genotype when treated with each of 15 beta-lactam antibiotics. Using growth rates for fitness in two models from population genetics, we computed the probability of each amino acid substitution in each beta-lactam treatment, and we searched through the 15 treatments for substitution paths leading from each of the 16 genotypes back to TEM-1. We identified treatment paths with the highest probabilities of returning TEM to the wild type state, thus offering promise for reversing the evolution of resistance to antibiotics. This lecture highlights the mathematics in this project.
English     2015-07-17 11:49:31

Here we show how the analytic properties reviewed in Lecture 1 can be used to derive bounds on the effective moduli of composites, in particular the "Bergman-Milton" bounds that were derived independently by David Bergman and myself way back in 1979. (Chapter 27 of book "Theory of Composites” by Graeme Milton). 

Host: Prof.임미경     English     2015-07-16 15:17:32

Lecture 1: A Landscape of Graph Polynomials.

We introduce the most prominent graph polynomials (characteristic, Laplacian, chromatic, matching, Tutte) and discuss how to compare them.


Lecture 2: Why is the Chromatic Polynomial a Polynomial?

We give an alternative proof for the fact that the chromatic polynomial is indeed a polynomial. From this we introduce generalized chromatic polynomials, and show that this actually represents the most general case; Every (reasonably defined) graph polynomial can be represented as a generalized chromatic polynomial.


Lecture 3: Hankel matrices and Graph Polynomials.

We introduce Hankel matrices of graph paramaters, which generalize Lovasz’ connection matrices. We show that many (but not all) graph polynomials have Hankel matrices of finite rank. We show how to use the Finite Rank Property to show definability/non-definability of graph parameters/polynomials in Monadic Second Order Logic.

Host: 엄상일     English     2015-06-23 14:35:00

Network and graph theory has proven useful for modelling, analysis, and solving of problems arising in mathematics, theoretical computer science, natural sciences, social sciences, and even in finance. The connectivity, interdependence, and complexity in financial markets and systems are increasing. The analysis of networks and graphs will help us understand issues and problems arising in finance and provide appropriate models. This talk is a gentle introduction to network and graph theory.

Host: Prof.최건호     Korean     2015-07-08 16:05:58

Photonic devices are emerging for an increasing variety of technological applications, ranging from sensors to solar cells. I will show how large-scale computational optimization and rigorous analytical frameworks enable rapid search through large design spaces, and spur discovery of fundamental limits to interactions between light and matter. Our simple analysis of solar-cell emissivity showed that solar cells should be good LEDs, a counterintuitive idea leveraged by a start-up company that recently set a record for single-junction photovoltaic efficiency. I will then pivot to reviewing large-scale adjoint-based optimization methods, which we used to design new solar-cell textures and super-scattering nanoparticles. Finally, our computational nanoparticle designs led to new analytical limits to the response of metals, which have applications ranging from smoke-grenade obscurance to the near-field radiative transfer of heat.

Host: Prof.임미경     English     2015-07-16 15:27:19

In this lecture we will review and discuss several aspects of linear (time) translation-invariant (LTI) systems. We will begin by focusing our attention on causal and passive LTI systems, their fundamental properties, and the relation- ship between causality, passivity, and energy dissipation. After we have given a discussion of such systems in the time domain, we will discuss their properties in the frequency domain (dispersion). This leads naturally to positive (real) functions and Herglotz functions. We will then review their analytic properties and how they are related to causality, passivity, dissipation, and the Kramers-Kronig relations (i.e., dispersion relations). Finally, we will introduce the notion of a transparency window for a passive LTI system and describe its consequences. Simple examples from mathematics (e.g., the resolvent of a self-adjoint opera- tor), physics, and engineering (e.g., a spring-mass-damper system or an RLC circuit with one degree-of-freedom; constitutive relations in electromagnetism) will be used to illustrate how ubiquitous such passive LTI systems are in many areas of science.

Host: Prof.임미경     English     2015-07-16 15:29:35

Lecture 1: A Landscape of Graph Polynomials.

We introduce the most prominent graph polynomials (characteristic, Laplacian, chromatic, matching, Tutte) and discuss how to compare them.


Lecture 2: Why is the Chromatic Polynomial a Polynomial?

We give an alternative proof for the fact that the chromatic polynomial is indeed a polynomial. From this we introduce generalized chromatic polynomials, and show that this actually represents the most general case; Every (reasonably defined) graph polynomial can be represented as a generalized chromatic polynomial.


Lecture 3: Hankel matrices and Graph Polynomials.

We introduce Hankel matrices of graph paramaters, which generalize Lovasz’ connection matrices. We show that many (but not all) graph polynomials have Hankel matrices of finite rank. We show how to use the Finite Rank Property to show definability/non-definability of graph parameters/polynomials in Monadic Second Order Logic.

Host: 엄상일     English     2015-06-23 14:30:54

Here we discuss the analytic properties of the effective (conductivity, elastic, piezoelectric, etc.) tensor of composite materials as a function of the moduli of the component moduli, and present the associated representation formulas for these functions. (Chapter 18 of book "Theory of Composites” by Graeme Milton).

Host: Prof.임미경     English     2015-07-16 15:15:19

Lecture 1: A Landscape of Graph Polynomials.

We introduce the most prominent graph polynomials (characteristic, Laplacian, chromatic, matching, Tutte) and discuss how to compare them.


Lecture 2: Why is the Chromatic Polynomial a Polynomial?

We give an alternative proof for the fact that the chromatic polynomial is indeed a polynomial. From this we introduce generalized chromatic polynomials, and show that this actually represents the most general case; Every (reasonably defined) graph polynomial can be represented as a generalized chromatic polynomial.


Lecture 3: Hankel matrices and Graph Polynomials.

We introduce Hankel matrices of graph paramaters, which generalize Lovasz’ connection matrices. We show that many (but not all) graph polynomials have Hankel matrices of finite rank. We show how to use the Finite Rank Property to show definability/non-definability of graph parameters/polynomials in Monadic Second Order Logic.

Host: 엄상일     English     2015-06-23 14:28:44

Let A be a commutative ring. A subset X of A^n is a polynomial

family with d parameters if it is the range of a polynomial map from A^d to

A^n. It is an old question of Skolem (1938) whether SL_2(A) is a polynomial

family, where A is the ring of integers. Only recently Vaserstein (2010)

answered Skolem's question in the affirmative. In this talk, I will discuss

my recent result proving that SL_2(A) is a polynomial family, where A is

the ring of polynomials over a finite field of q elements. This is a

function field analogue of Vaserstein's theorem.


Host: 배성한     To be announced     2015-07-02 11:15:58
We consider the problem of counting H-colorings from an input graph G to a target graph H. (An H-coloring of G is a homomorphism from the graph G to the graph H.)
We show that if H is any fixed graph without trivial components, then the problem is as hard as the well-known problem #BIS, which is the problem of (approximately) counting independent sets in a bipartite graph. #BIS is a complete problem in a important complexity class for approximate counting, and is widely believed not to have an FPRAS. If this is so, then our result shows that for every graph H without trivial components, the H-coloring counting problem has no FPRAS.
This problem was studied a decade ago by Goldberg, Kelk and Paterson. They were able to show that approximately sampling H-colorings is #BIS-hard, but it was not known how to get the result for approximate counting. Our solution builds on non-constructive ideas using the work of Lovasz.
Joint work with Leslie Goldberg and Mark Jerrum.
Host: 엄상일     English     2015-06-26 13:56:33

The Siegel-Ramachandra invariants, as special values of Siegel functions of one variable, generate ray class fields over imaginary quadratic fields. Generalizing these invariants we shall introduce ray class invariants of certain CM-fields obtained from classical theta constants of multi-variables. And we will determine the action of the Galois group on these invariants in a concrete way by making use of Shimura's reciprocity law.

This is a joint work with Koo and Shin.

Korean     2015-06-16 16:00:49

In this talk, we develop an equivalent condition for a primitive Fricke family of level $N$ to be totally primitive when $N$ is different from $4$. Furthermore, we present generators of the function field of the modular curve of level $N$ in terms of Fricke and Siegel functions. By using the functions belonging to Fricke families, we shall construct generators of the ray class fields over imaginary quadratic fields as an application of class field theory.


This is a joint work with Koo and Shin.

Korean     2015-06-16 16:01:46

The generating function of partitions with repeated (resp. distinct) parts such that each odd part is less than twice the smallest part is shown to be the third order mock theta function ω(q) (resp. ν(-q)). Similar results for partitions with the corresponding restriction on each even part are also obtained, one of which involves the third order mock theta function φ(q). Congruences for the smallest parts functions associated to such partitions are obtained. Two analogues of the partition-theoretic interpretation of Euler’s pentagonal theorem are also obtained. This is joint work with George Andrews and Atul Dixit.

Host: 엄상일     To be announced     2015-06-17 09:44:43

We will highlight two examples of the interplay of combinatorics and orthogonal polynomials by considering two recent one-parameter extensions of Hermite polynomials: a curious q-analog in connection with q-Weyl algebra and the 2D-Hermite polynomials. As application we derive a generalization of Touchard-Riordan formula for crossings of chords joining pairs of 2n points on a circle and a new Kibble-Slepian type formula for the 2D-Hermite polynomials, which extends the Poisson kernel for these polynomials.

English     2015-06-15 15:47:23

The Riemann zeta-function, which encodes information about the integers and the prime numbers, has been studied extensively. Its values at 2,4,... are well-known, but much less is known about its values at 3,5,... . This difference can be explained to an extent by the different behaviour of certain groups (algebraic K-groups) of the rationals.
In this talk, we discuss some basic examples of such K-groups, and some links between them and arithmetic.

English     2015-02-02 11:16:47

Approximate random k-colouring of a graph G=(V,E) is a very well

studied problem in computer science, discrete mathematics and
statistical physics. It amounts to constructing a k-colouring of G
which is distributed close to Gibbs distribution in polynomial time.
In this talk, we deal with the problem when the underlying graph is an
instance of Erdos-Renyi random graph G(n,d/n), where d is fixed. In
this paper we propose a novel efficient algorithm for approximate
random k-colouring G(n,d/n). To be more specific, with probability at
least 1-n^{-Omega(1)} over the input instances G(n,d/n) and for kgeq
(1+epsilon)d, the algorithm returns a k-colouring which is distributed
within total variation distance n^{-Omega(1)} from the Gibbs
distribution of the input graph. The algorithm we propose is neither a
MCMC one nor inspired by the message passing algorithms proposed by
statistical physicists. Roughly the idea is as follows: Initially we
remove sufficiently many edges of the input graph. This results in a
graph which can be coloured randomly efficiently. Then we move back
the removed edges one by one. Every time we add an edge we update the
colouring of the graph, with the new edge, so that the colouring
remains (sufficiently) random. The performance depends heavily on
certain spatial correlation decay properties of the Gibbs
Host: 엄상일     English     2015-06-02 13:14:02
During the last decade, an active line of research in proof complexity has been the space complexity of proofs and how space is related to other complexity measures (like size, length, width, degree). Space is (roughly) how large of an erasable board one would need to show a proof line-by-line.
Here, we are interested in the space complexity of refuting 3-CNFs (formulas in conjunctive normal form with at most 3 literals per clause). We prove that a random 3-CNF with n variables requires, with high probability, Ω(n2) total space in Resolution. This is best possible up to a constant factor.
This lower bound is obtained via a variant of Hall’s Lemma which may be of independent interest. Namely, we show that in bipartite graphs G with bipartition (L,R) and left-degree at most 3, L can be covered by certain families of disjoint paths, called VW-matchings, provided that L expands in R by a factor of (2-ε), for ε < 1/23.
This is joint work with Patrick Bennett, Ilario Bonacina, Nicola Galesi, Mike Molloy, and Paul Wollan.
Host: 엄상일     English     2015-05-27 09:48:42

 Combining information from different source is an important practical problem. Using hierarchical area level models, we establish a frequentist framework for combining information from different source to get improved prediction for small or large area estimation. The best prediction is obtained by the conditional expectation of the observable latent variable given all available observation. The model parameters are estimated by two-level EM algorithm. Estimation of the mean squared prediction error is discussed.

  Sponsored by National Agricultural Statistical Agency (NASS) of US department of Agriculture, the proposed method was applied to the crop acreage prediction problem combining information from three sources: The first source is the June Area Survey (JAS), which is obtained by the probability sampling. The second source is from the Farm Service Agency (FSA) data, which is obtained from a voluntary participation of certain programs. The third source is from the classification of the satellite image data, called Cropland Data Layer (CDL).

To be announced     2015-05-19 17:13:32