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Abstract: In this talk, we discuss the mass restriction of the global well-posedness for derivative Schrodinger equation.
We prove that it is globally well-posed when the mass is less than 4pi. The details of the proof will be given in this talk. 

Host: 권순식     English     2015-01-26 15:17:42

In automorphic representation theory, the Gross-Prasad(GP) conjecture has generated much attention in recent years. In this talk, we will explain the conjecture and introduce my relevant work

Host: 배성한     To be announced     2015-01-09 09:59:55

In this talk, we will survey the book "Arithmeticity in the theory of automorphic forms - G.Shimura (2000)".

Korean     2015-01-19 13:19:34

In this talk, we will survey the article "Modular forms and projective invariants - J.Igusa(1967)".

Korean     2015-01-19 13:20:31

In view of scheme language, we start from the beginning of the theory of elliptic curves and geometric modular forms, and further cover the topics about Jacobians and Galois representation as well as modularity problems.

Korean     2015-01-08 15:25:27

In this talk, we will survey the book "Arithmeticity in the theory of automorphic forms - G.Shimura (2000)".

Korean     2015-01-08 15:26:34
산업과 수학 간의 교류를 활성화하고 실질적인 연구협력을 강화하기 위하여 기획된 NIMS 산업문제세미나에 다양한 분야의 연구자분들(학부/대학원생 포함)을 초대합니다. 산업체의 연구개발 과정에서 발생하는 주요 문제를 해결하는데 기여하고 싶거나, 이와 같은 교류와 협력을 경험하고 싶은 분들의 적극적인 참여를 바랍니다.
Korean     2015-01-09 11:07:21

In this talk, we will survey the book "Arithmeticity in the theory of automorphic forms - G.Shimura (2000)".

Korean     2015-01-02 11:54:05

In this talk, we will survey the article "Modular forms and projective invariants - J.Igusa(1967)".

Korean     2015-01-02 11:57:18

We consider the one-dimensional cubic fractional nonlinear Schrödinger equation. Due to non-locality of the fractional Laplacian, the equation does not have any Galilean-type invariance. Despite of lack of this symmetry, we can still construct a new class of traveling soliton solutions by a rather involved variational argument. 

Host: 권순식     To be announced     2015-01-02 14:55:25

By coarse classification theorem of tight contact structures, it is known that every closed, atoroidal 3-manifolds attains at most finite tight contact structures up to contact isotopy. However, the explicit number, even the existence, of the tight contact structures remains a mystery. In this talk we introduce basic theories for classification problem and investigate the number of tight contact structures of certain hyperbolic 3-manifolds up to contact isotopy. 

Host: 진교택     Korean     2015-01-05 15:09:10

In view of scheme language, we start from the beginning of the theory of elliptic curves and geometric modular forms, and further cover the topics about Jacobians and Galois representation as well as modularity problems.

Korean     2014-12-26 14:53:27

In this talk, we will survey the article "Class fields over real quadratic fields and Hecke operators - G.Shimura(1972)".

Korean     2014-12-26 14:54:49

In this talk, we will survey the book "Arithmeticity in the theory of automorphic forms - G.Shimura (2000)".

Korean     2014-12-26 14:51:16

In this talk, we will survey the article "Modular forms and projective invariants - J.Igusa(1967)".

Korean     2014-12-26 14:52:18

A fractional matching of a graph G is a function f giving each edge a number between 0 and 1 so that  for each , where  is the set of edges incident to v. The fractional matching number of G, written , is the maximum of  over all fractional matchings f. Let G be an n-vertex graph with minimum degree d, and let  be the largest eigenvalue of G. In this talk, we prove that if k is a positive integer and, then 

Host: 엄상일, Andreas Holmsen, 김연진     To be announced     2014-12-16 09:54:19

In view of scheme language, we start from the beginning of the theory of elliptic curves and geometric modular forms, and further cover the topics about Jacobians and Galois representation as well as modularity problems.

Korean     2014-12-05 10:06:25

In this talk, we will survey the article "Modular forms and projective invariants - J.Igusa(1967)".

Korean     2014-12-05 10:11:14

In this talk, we will survey the article "Class fields over real quadratic fields and Hecke operators - G.Shimura(1972)".

Korean     2014-12-05 10:13:51


We plan to discuss several vanishing results for syzygies of projective varieties, using degeneration methods. We will mainly focus on the curve case.

Host: 곽시종     To be announced     2014-12-11 16:36:14

In this talk, we will survey the book "Arithmeticity in the theory of automorphic forms - G.Shimura (2000)".

Korean     2014-12-05 10:05:19

Determination of coronary physiology is critical to the diagnosis and treatment of patients with coronary artery disease. Traditionally, assessment of coronary physiology required invasive coronary angiography. Here the non-invasive assessment of coronary physiology based on the image analysis of coronary computed tomography (CT) angiography, which might replace the invasive assessment methods, would be discussed.

Host: 김용정     Korean     2014-12-12 13:50:42

The notion of a cohomological invariant of analgebraic group was introduced by J-P. Serre. Cohomological invariants of an algebraic group G relate principal homogeneous spaces of G over a field extension of the base field (G-torsors) and Galois cohomology of the field. If A is an "algebraic object", then the principal homogeneous spaces for the automorphism group G = Aut(A) are in one-to-one correspondence with the twisted forms of A. In such a way many classical algebraic objects arise: simple algebras, quadratic and hermitian forms, algebras with involutions, Cayley-Dickson algebras, etc. Thus, cohomological invariants assign to algebraic objects the cohomology classes.

We will compute cohomological invariants of small degrees. Some applications will be given. In particular, unramified invariants can be used to determine non-rationality property of classifying spaces of algebraic groups.

Host: Prof.백상훈     English     2014-11-14 16:18:22


We plan to discuss several vanishing results for syzygies of projective varieties, using degeneration methods. We will mainly focus on the curve case.

Host: 곽시종     To be announced     2014-12-08 15:01:08

 Abstract: This 8-hour course will cover many of the big themes in combinatorial and integer optimization introduced in the last half century.

Thurs Dec 11, 10:00-12:00

Combinatorial optimization: Shortest paths and dynamic programming. Nonbipartite matching. Matroid intersection. TSP. Submodular function maximization.

English     2014-12-02 16:46:15


We plan to discuss several vanishing results for syzygies of projective varieties, using degeneration methods. We will mainly focus on the curve case.

Host: 곽시종     To be announced     2014-12-08 14:59:26

 We prove that on a punctured oriented surface with Eulercharacteristic chi < 0, the maximal cardinality of a set of essential simple arcs that are pairwise non-homotopic and intersecting at most once is 2|chi|(|chi|+1). This gives a cubic estimate in |chi| for a set of curves pairwise intersecting at most once on a closed surface.

Host: Prof.고기형     English     2014-11-17 09:35:37

Essential dimension of an algebraic object is the smallest number of algebraically independent parameters required to define the object. This notion was introduced by Buhler, Reichstein and Serre about 20 years ago.The relations to different parts of algebra such asalgebraic geometry, Galois cohomology and representation theory will be discussed.

Host: Prof.백상훈     English     2014-08-20 15:20:38

The notion of a cohomological invariant of analgebraic group was introduced by J-P. Serre. Cohomological invariants of an algebraic group G relate principal homogeneous spaces of G over a field extension of the base field (G-torsors) and Galois cohomology of the field. If A is an "algebraic object", then the principal homogeneous spaces for the automorphism group G = Aut(A) are in one-to-one correspondence with the twisted forms of A. In such a way many classical algebraic objects arise: simple algebras, quadratic and hermitian forms, algebras with involutions, Cayley-Dickson algebras, etc. Thus, cohomological invariants assign to algebraic objects the cohomology classes.

We will compute cohomological invariants of small degrees. Some applications will be given. In particular, unramified invariants can be used to determine non-rationality property of classifying spaces of algebraic groups.

Host: Prof.백상훈     English     2014-11-14 16:16:58

Abstract: This 8-hour course will cover many of the big themes in combinatorial and integer optimization introduced in the last half century.

Tues Dec 9, 10:00-12:00

IP Formulation and cuts: UFL. Big M's. Generic cutting planes: Gomory for pure; BMI, MIR, GMI for mixed. Disjunctive cuts and the CGLP. Combinatorial cuts.

English     2014-12-02 16:45:01

 The notion of a cohomological invariant of analgebraic group was introduced by J-P. Serre. Cohomological invariants of an algebraic group G relate principal homogeneous spaces of G over a field extension of the base field (G-torsors) and Galois cohomology of the field. If A is an "algebraic object", then the principal homogeneous spaces for the automorphism group G = Aut(A) are in one-to-one correspondence with the twisted forms of A. In such a way many classical algebraic objects arise: simple algebras, quadratic and hermitian forms, algebras with involutions, Cayley-Dickson algebras, etc. Thus, cohomological invariants assign to algebraic objects the cohomology classes.

 We will compute cohomological invariants of small degrees. Some applications will be given. In particular, unramified invariants can be used to determine non-rationality property of classifying spaces of algebraic groups.

Host: Prof.백상훈     English     2014-11-14 16:12:23

 Abstract: This 8-hour course will cover many of the big themes in combinatorial and integer optimization introduced in the last half century.

Mon Dec 8, 14:00-16:00

Integrality for free: part 1 -total unimodularity and networks; part 2 - matroids and the greedy algorithm.

English     2014-12-02 16:43:49

It is known that every knot bounds a singular disk whose singular set consists of only clasp singularities. Such a singular disk is called a clasp disk. The clasp number of a knot is the minimum number of clasp singularities among all clasp disks of the knot. The $Gamma$-polynomial is the common zeroth coefficient polynomial of both the HOMFLYPT and Kauffman polynomials. I will talk about a characterization of the $Gamma$-polynomials of knots with the clasp numbers at most two.

Host: 진교택     English     2014-12-04 14:34:54

 Abstract: This 8-hour course will cover many of the big themes in combinatorial and integer optimization introduced in the last half century.

Fri Dec 5, 10:00-12:00

Convexity-based algorithms: Submodular function minimization. Subgradient optimization. Ellipsoid method and its implications for combinatorial optimization.

English     2014-12-02 16:42:23

In this talk, we will survey the book "Arithmeticity in the theory of automorphic forms - G.Shimura (2000)".

Korean     2014-11-28 11:43:01
Matroids can be seen an an abstraction for understanding the essence of algorithms for some classical graph problems: (i) optimum-weight spanning tree, and (ii) optimum-weight assignment. We will see some recent results showing how matroids have further natural roles in various combinatorial-optimization problems where some local-search and linear-programming-based algorithms find provably-good approximations. In particular, we will look at: (iii) constrained submodular-function maximization, (iv) the well-known matroid matching problem, and (v) various nonlinear-objective matroid-intersection problems.
Host: 엄상일, Andreas Holmsen, 김연진     To be announced     2014-11-27 09:30:27

In this talk, I will present recent progress on the following subjects: (1) Smooth transonic flow of Euler-Poisson system; (2) Transonic shock of Euler-Poisson system. This talk is based on collaboration with Ben Duan(Dalian Univ. of Technology), Chujing Xie(SJTU) and Jingjing Xiao(Chinese Univ of Hong Kong).

Host: Prof.권순식     To be announced     2014-11-26 09:32:21

 Graph layout problems are a class of optimization problems whose goal is to find a linear ordering of an input graph in such a way that a certain objective function is optimized. The matrix rank function has been studied as an objective function. The linear rank-width of a graph G is the minimum integer k such that G admits a linear ordering $v_1, v_2, ldots , v_n$ satisfying that the maximum over all values [operatorname{rank}A_G[{v_1, v_2, ldots, v_t}, {v_{t+1}, ldots, v_n}]] is k, where $A_G$ is the adjacency matrix of $G$ and the rank is computed over the binary field.

In this talk, we present a result that for every graph G that is vertex-minor minimal with the property having linear rank-width larger than p, the number of vertices in G is at most doubly exponential in $mathcal{O}(p)$. The number of vertex-minor obstructions for linear rank-width at most p is of interest because the only known fixed parameter tractable algorithm to test whether linear rank-width is at most p is using the finiteness of the number of forbidden vertex-minor obstructions. Our result gives an upper bound of the complexity on this algorithm. Our basic tools are the algebraic operations on labelled graphs introduced by Kante and Rao, and we extend the notion of vertex-minors in our purpose. This is joint work with Mamadou Moustapha Kante.
Host: 엄상일, Andreas Holmsen, 김연진     To be announced     2014-11-26 10:12:18
The warping degree of an oriented knot diagram with a base point is the number of crossing points such that we meet the point as an under-crossing first when we travel the diagram with the orientation from the base point. 
In this talk, we introduce a matrix of an oriented knot diagram which is defined from a viewpoint of the warping degree, and consider its properties. 
In particular, we show that the matrix represents an oriented knot diagram on the sphere uniquely. 
As an application, we will consider a sudoku-like puzzle. 
Host: 진교택     English     2014-11-26 10:36:02