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For a smooth manifold M, there is a special function on M which has some nice properties ( called a Morse function.) In this seminar, we talk about  basic backgrounds of Morse theory and give some application in classical mechanics and symplectic geometry.

Korean     2009-11-27 15:58:46

The goal is to provide a glimpse into the basic concerning wavelet expansions or wavelet representations. The attempt will be to describe some of the basics in this field via the approach of shift-invariant spaces. In view of the above, there will be essentially three (closely related) topics discussed in th lectures.

(i) Representation of elements in a Hilbert space: The analysis and synthesis operators. Riesz bases, frames, tight frames, dual systems, dual bases, the canonical dual system.

(ii) Shift-invariant spaces (one dimension, local PSI theory only): orthogonal projection, Fourier transform characterization, approximation orders, linear independence, factorization, dual systems.

(iii) wavelet systems: definition, the Haar wavelet, the sinc (Shannon) wavelet. Multiresolution analysis. Mallat's constructions. Daubechies' wavelets. Bi-orthogonal systems. Transfer operator analysis: smoothness, Riesz bases.

(iv) wavelet frames: dual Gramian analysis of SI systems. Quasi-affine systems. The characterization of wavelet frames. Tight wavelet frames from multiresolution. Extension principles. Compactly supported tight spline frames. CAP/CAMP/LCAMP representations.

English     2009-11-16 13:26:04


In this talk, we shall discuss the following well-known problem, which
is called the disjoint paths problem.

Given a graph G with n vertices and m edges, k pairs of vertices (s1,t1),(s2,t2),…,(sk,tk) in G (which are sometimes called terminals). Are there disjoint paths P1,…,Pk in G such that Pi joins si and ti for i=1,2,…,k?

We discuss recent progress on this topic, including algorithmic aspect of the disjoint paths problem.

We also discuss some structure theorems without the k disjoint paths. Topics include the uniquely linkage problem and the connectivity function that guarantees the existence of the k disjoint paths.


Host: 엄상일     English     2009-08-31 16:13:17

The goal is to provide a glimpse into the basic concerning wavelet expansions or wavelet representations. The attempt will be to describe some of the basics in this field via the approach of shift-invariant spaces. In view of the above, there will be essentially three (closely related) topics discussed in th lectures.

(i) Representation of elements in a Hilbert space: The analysis and synthesis operators. Riesz bases, frames, tight frames, dual systems, dual bases, the canonical dual system.

(ii) Shift-invariant spaces (one dimension, local PSI theory only): orthogonal projection, Fourier transform characterization, approximation orders, linear independence, factorization, dual systems.

(iii) wavelet systems: definition, the Haar wavelet, the sinc (Shannon) wavelet. Multiresolution analysis. Mallat's constructions. Daubechies' wavelets. Bi-orthogonal systems. Transfer operator analysis: smoothness, Riesz bases.

(iv) wavelet frames: dual Gramian analysis of SI systems. Quasi-affine systems. The characterization of wavelet frames. Tight wavelet frames from multiresolution. Extension principles. Compactly supported tight spline frames. CAP/CAMP/LCAMP representations.

English     2009-11-16 13:23:59


Hajos’ conjecture is false, and it seems that graphs without a subdivision of a big complete graph do not behave as well as those without a minor of a big complete graph.

In fact, the graph minor theorem (a proof of Wagner’s conjecture) is not true if we replace the minor relation by the subdivision relation. I.e, For every infinite sequence G1,G2, … of graphs, there exist distinct integers ii is a minor of Gj, but if we replace ”minor” by ‘’subdivision”, this is no longer true.

This is partially because we do not really know what the graphs without a subdivision of a big complete graph look like.

In this talk, we shall discuss this issue. In particular, assuming some moderate connectivity condition, we can say something, which we will present in this talk.

Topics also include coloring graphs without a subdivision of a large complete graph, and some algorithmic aspects. Some of the results are joint work with Theo Muller.


Host: 엄상일     English     2009-11-09 20:16:02

In his 1985-paper introducing J-holomorphic curves into symplectic topology, Gromov proposed, among other things, to define invariants of symplectic manifolds as bordism classes of spaces of J-holomorphic curves. Over the years, the idea got transformed, through the work of Kontsevich as well many others, into a more general construction of Gromov-Witten invariants as intersection numbers in moduli spaces of stable maps. It is not only a subject of active research, but also deeply related to various field of mathematics including symplectic geometry, algebraic geometry and string theory.
In this talk, we will introduce the definition of the definition of Gromov-Witten invariants and give examples of applications to enumerative geometry.

Korean     2009-11-19 17:57:53

The current financial crisis is forcing thorough overhaul of not only the
practice but the theoretical framework of modern finance. We will talk
about how and why such crisis occurred and what kind of inadvertent, albeit
supporting, role modern finance played in creating it.. We will also
discuss some possible directions modern finance may go in. Our view is a
socio-historical as well mathematical financial one.

Host: 김용정     To be announced     2009-08-31 16:11:44

The goal is to provide a glimpse into the basic concerning wavelet expansions or wavelet representations. The attempt will be to describe some of the basics in this field via the approach of shift-invariant spaces. In view of the above, there will be essentially three (closely related) topics discussed in th lectures.

(i) Representation of elements in a Hilbert space: The analysis and synthesis operators. Riesz bases, frames, tight frames, dual systems, dual bases, the canonical dual system.

(ii) Shift-invariant spaces (one dimension, local PSI theory only): orthogonal projection, Fourier transform characterization, approximation orders, linear independence, factorization, dual systems.

(iii) wavelet systems: definition, the Haar wavelet, the sinc (Shannon) wavelet. Multiresolution analysis. Mallat's constructions. Daubechies' wavelets. Bi-orthogonal systems. Transfer operator analysis: smoothness, Riesz bases.

(iv) wavelet frames: dual Gramian analysis of SI systems. Quasi-affine systems. The characterization of wavelet frames. Tight wavelet frames from multiresolution. Extension principles. Compactly supported tight spline frames. CAP/CAMP/LCAMP representations.

English     2009-11-16 13:22:43

The goal is to provide a glimpse into the basic concerning wavelet expansions or wavelet representations. The attempt will be to describe some of the basics in this field via the approach of shift-invariant spaces. In view of the above, there will be essentially three (closely related) topics discussed in th lectures.

(i) Representation of elements in a Hilbert space: The analysis and synthesis operators. Riesz bases, frames, tight frames, dual systems, dual bases, the canonical dual system.

(ii) Shift-invariant spaces (one dimension, local PSI theory only): orthogonal projection, Fourier transform characterization, approximation orders, linear independence, factorization, dual systems.

(iii) wavelet systems: definition, the Haar wavelet, the sinc (Shannon) wavelet. Multiresolution analysis. Mallat's constructions. Daubechies' wavelets. Bi-orthogonal systems. Transfer operator analysis: smoothness, Riesz bases.

(iv) wavelet frames: dual Gramian analysis of SI systems. Quasi-affine systems. The characterization of wavelet frames. Tight wavelet frames from multiresolution. Extension principles. Compactly supported tight spline frames. CAP/CAMP/LCAMP representations.

To be announced     2009-11-16 13:18:57

A mock modular form is the holomprphic part of a harmonic weak Maass form. In particular, Ramanujan's mock theta function and the generating series of the traces of singular moduli are mock modular forms of weights 1/2 and 3/2, respectively. In this talk, we will survey some recent progress in these mock modular forms. 

Host: 박진현 (T. 2734)     To be announced     2009-11-09 19:22:41

This lecture series provide a brief overview of finite element methods for electromagnetic propagations in both frequency and time domain. There are currently enormous developments in the understanding of mathematical theory of Maxwell's equations relevant to its numerical treatments. But one needs still more contributions on designs and their stable, efficient and robust simulation in particular, in following problems: scattering in unbounded domain, parameter optimization, ferromagnetics, nano optical devices.

 수치해석학 세미나로 11월 16일(월)~11월 20일(금) 10:00~12:00AM 에 진행됩니다.

Host: 곽도영     To be announced     2009-11-05 09:41:36

In 1910, Max Dehn introduced a new method to construct 3-manifolds, which is now called by Dehn surgery. After nearly 50 years, two different mathematicians, Raymond Lickorish and Andrew Wallace, proved independently that any compact connected 3-manifold can be obtained from the 3-sphere by Dehn surgery on a link. For a hyperbolic knot, William Thurston showed that all but finitely many Dehn surgeries give hyperbolic 3-manifolds, in the late 1970s.
In this talk, we start with definitions of knot and link. And I will explain examples and theorems relative to Dehn surgery on knots and hyperbolic Dehn surgery. SnapPea will also be introduced, which is free software for hyperbolic 3-manifolds.

To be announced     2009-11-13 14:59:07

We first present how to extend Ramanujan’s method in partition congruences and show a congruence relation that the coefficients of the quotient of generating series for partitions and sums of squares satisfy. Then we observe a combinatorial interpretation of the product of them and see whether we could find some arithmetic properties of its coefficients.

Host: 엄상일     To be announced     2009-10-09 15:24:22

일반 투자자들에게 인지도가 높은 투자수단인 ELS(주가연계증권)의 예를 통해 파생상품의 설계(Structuring)업무를 소개합니다. 현재 시장에서 유행하고 있는 상품의 예를 통해 설계시 고려해야 할 점들에 대해서도 알아봅니다. 또한 OTC파생상품 운용 분야의 다양한 업무들도 소개할 예정입니다.

Host: 강완모     To be announced     2009-11-04 11:32:51


슈지 사이토 교수님은, 대수기하학과 수리기하학, 정수론, 복소대수기하학 등 많은 분야에서 주요 업적을 남기신 분입니다. 많은 분야의 분들이 참가해 주시기를 기대합니다.

Host: 박진현 (T. 2734)     To be announced     2009-08-30 20:42:11
There are many applications of the least-squares finite element method (LSFEM)
for the numerical solution of partial differential equations
because of a number of benefits that the least-squares method has.
We explore some of those applications and observe strong and weak points
of LSFEM approach. We also find several modifications of LSFEM to
handle some singularities in the problems.
Host: 이창옥     To be announced     2009-11-05 14:43:22

To be announced     2009-10-28 17:37:34

우선적으로 통계학의 시작과 본질이 무엇이며, 통계학이 사회발전에 어떻게 기여하고 있는가를 8가지로 나누어 조명하기로 한다. 다음으로 21세기 지식기반 정보화 사회에서 통계학의 역할이 무엇이며, 통계학의 도전에 대하여 밝히고자 한다. 이와 관련하여 데이터 기술(DT: Data Technology)을 정의하고, DT와 IT와의 관계, 수리과학과 통계학의 관계, 미래 지향적 통계학의 발전과정으로서의 DT의 역할 등에 대하여 설명한다.  마지막으로 통계학의 대표적인 응용사례로서 소프트웨어 산업에의 응용, 품질경영에의 응용, 여론조사 등에 대하여 설명하고, 통계학의 역할과 미래를 설명한다.

To be announced     2009-10-06 11:49:33


The second bounded cohomology of an amenable group is zero. On the other hand, the second bounded cohomology of a free group of rank greater than 1  is infinite dimensional as a vector space over R. Also it is known that no group which contains a free group on two generators can be amenable. 


It was conjectured that the second bounded cohomology of a discrete group is zero or infinite dimensional. Though it is shown that this conjecture is not true in general,  but it holds for a  group that has no nontrivial perfect normal subgroup, in particular, for a residually solvable group. So it seems natural to ask if there is some relationship between free groups and the dimension of the second bounded cohomology.


In this talk, we prove that the second bounded cohomology of a residually solvable group G is infinite dimensional if and only if there is a finite ordinal n such that its n-th commutator subgroup G^(n) is free of rank greater than 1. 


Host: 박진현 (T. 2734)     To be announced     2009-10-27 13:44:14

Rank-width of a graph G, denoted by rw(G) is a graph width parameter introduced by Oum and Seymour(2006). A random graph is a graph on n vertices such that two vertices are adjacent with the probability p independently at random. This model of random graphs was introduced by Erdös and Renýi (1960).
In this talk, I will give a brief introduction on those two different objects, random graphs and graph width parameters, of graph theory. Moreover, I will talk about some ideas of our result about rank-width of random graph G(n, p). Roughly speaking, we show that many random graphs have linear rank-width. Also, we find the sharp threshold of p = p(n) with respect to having linear rank-width. This is joint work with Choongbum Lee and Sang-il Oum.

To be announced     2009-10-27 10:07:41

Nonlinear hydrodynamic instability theory has made notable successes
in predicting and indeed in providing control mechanisms for
transition to turbulence. The theory has had a major impact on
problems relevant to the mechanical, chemical and aeronautical
engineering. The theory concerns the solution of the 3D unsteady
Navier Stokes equations by a combination of analytical and numerical
means. Here we discuss the relevance of the theory to geophysical
flows and in particular discuss how river patterns and migrations can
be predicted mathematically. Several new nonlinear pde evolution
equations are derived and shown to reproduce several key features of
braided rivers.

To be announced     2009-10-13 17:14:01

In their 1984 book “Algebraic Combinatorics I: Association Schemes”, E. Bannai and T. Ito conjectured that there are only finitely many distance-regular graphs with fixed valency k≥3.

In the series of papers, they showed that their conjecture holds for k=3, 4, and for the class of bipartite distance-regular graphs. J. H. Koolen and V. Moulton also show that there are only finitely many distance-regular graphs with k=5, 6, or 7, and there are only finitely many triangle-free distance-regular graphs with k=8, 9 or 10. In this talk, we show that the Bannai-Ito conjecture holds for any integer k>2 (i.e., for fixed integer k>2, there are only finitely many distance-regular graphs with valency k).

This is a joint work with A. Dubickas, J. H. Koolen and V. Moulton.

Host: 엄상일     To be announced     2009-10-12 13:23:02
최근  복잡계 연구가 통계물리학의 한 흐름으로  자리잡음에 따라
다양한  분야의 비전통적인 대상이 물리학(자)의  연구대상이 되고 있다.
세포 현상, 나아가 거시적 생체 현상은 이러한  복잡계의 가장
흥미진진한  예 중 하나이다. 본 발표에서는 통계물리학의  관점에서
네트워크  이론, 눈금 잡기 등의 도구를 이용하여 살펴본
생명과학, 의학적 대상에서 나타나는 패턴에 대한 최근 연구 결과를 소개하고
향후 발전에 대해 논의하고자 한다. 
Host: 김성호     To be announced     2009-08-31 16:02:23
I will discuss the existence and properties of small-scale dependent shock waves to nonlinear hyperbolic systems, with an emphasis on the theory of nonclassical entropy solutions involving undercompressive shocks. Regularization-sensitive structures often arise in continuum physics, especially in flows of complex fluids or solids. The so-called kinetic relation was introduced for van der Waals fluids and austenite-martensite boundaries (Abeyaratne, Knowles, Truskinovsky) and nonlinear hyperbolic systems (LeFloch) to characterize the correct dynamics of subsonic phase boundaries and undercompressive shocks, respectively. The role of a single entropy inequality is essential for these problems and is tied to the regularization associated with higher-order underlying models ---which take into account additional physics and provide a description of small-scale effects. In the last fifteen years, analytical and numerical techniques were developed, beginning with the construction of nonclassical Riemann solvers, which were applied to tackle the initial-value problem via the Glimm scheme. Total variation functionals adapted to nonclassical entropy solutions were constructed. On the other hand, the role of traveling waves in selecting the proper shock dynamics was stressed: traveling wave solutions (to the Navier-Stokes-Korteweg system, for instance) determine the relevant kinetic relation ---as well as the relevant family of paths in the context of nonconservative systems. Several physical applications were pursued: (hyperbolic-elliptic) equations of van der Waals fluids, model of thin liquid films, generalized Camassa-Holm equations, etc. Importantly, finite difference schemes with controled dissipation based on the equivalent equation were designed and the corresponding kinetic functions computed numerically. Consequently, `several shock wave theories' are now available to encompass the variety of phenomena observed in complex flows. 
Host: 김용정     To be announced     2009-08-31 15:58:42

In 1770, Lagrange proved that every nonnegative integer is the sum of four squares. Waring's problem is the generalization of Lagrange's theorem. More generally, we will introduce Waring's problem for polynomials and talk about the asymptotic order of a set of some polynomials.

Host: 박진현 (T. 2734)     To be announced     2009-10-16 15:41:16

We present a mathematical model of left heart governed by the partial differential equations. This heart is coupled with a lumped model of the whole circulatory system governed by the ordinary differential equations. The immersed boundary method is used to investigate the intracardiac blood flow and the cardiac valve motions of the normal circulation in humans. We investigate the intraventricular velocity field and the velocity curves over the mitral ring and across outflow tract. The pressure and flow are also measured in the left and right heart and the systemic and pulmonary arteries. The simulation results are comparable to the existing measurements.

Host: 이창옥     To be announced     2009-08-31 15:56:07

Inverse problems are ill-posed and have virtually no solution. However, a-priori knowledge of the medium may reduce ill-posedness significantly. One such knowledge is smallness of the inclusion. I will talk about the method of small volume expansions to image small inclusions and its applications to emerging modalities of medical imaging such as MRElastography and Photo-acoustic Imaging.

To be announced     2009-10-06 09:37:10

The hypertoric manifold is defined by the hyperKahler analogue of symplectic toric manifolds. In usually, the toric manifold is a 2n-dim manifold with an n-dim torus action. On the other hand, the hypertoric manifold is a 4n-dim manifold with an n-dim torus action. However, we can apply the method of toric geometry or toric topology to analyze the hypertoric manifolds. In this talk, I introduce the hypertoric manifold and the method to analyze it from topological point of view, and prove that its equivariant diffeomorphism type is determined by the equivariant cohomology. 

Host: 박진현 (T. 2734)     To be announced     2009-09-25 21:34:40

Tropical geometry might loosely be described as algebraic geometry over the tropical semiring. It has deep connections to numerous branches of pure and applied mathematics, including algebraic geometry, combinatorics, and computational algebra. In this talk, I will explain the definition and properties of a tropical linear space, and how it is related to various areas of mathematics and computational biology.


To be announced     2009-10-08 17:23:30

Host: 최서영     To be announced     2009-09-28 15:04:07

Lovász and Plummer conjectured that there exists a fixed positive constant c such that every cubic n-vertex graph with no cutedge has at least 2cn perfect matchings. Their conjecture has been verified for bipartite graphs by Voorhoeve and planar graphs by Chudnovsky and Seymour. We prove that every claw-free cubic n-vertex graph with no cutedge has more than 2n/18 perfect matchings, thus verifying the conjecture for claw-free graphs.

To be announced     2009-09-30 16:11:09

This talk studies two examples of singular perturbations for particle systems. The first example is based on classical Tichinov theory for ODEs and applied to flocking. The second example uses a new non-classical averaging method and is applied to a KdV-Burgers type equation.

Host: 김동수     To be announced     2009-08-31 15:54:08

The similarity structure of certain convection or diffusion equations are well-known. The fundamental solutions of such problems are given explicitly and called self-similar solutions. The N-waves for the Burgers equation, the Gaussian for the heat equation and the Barenblatt solution for the porous medium equation are examples. These self-similar solutions have been played key roles in the theoretical development. However, there is no systematic approach to handle these similarity structures in a single frame. In this talk we introduce a method to derive similarity solution which is applicable to convection and diffusion equations.

To be announced     2009-10-06 09:32:30

It is a classical result due to Grothendieck that every vector bundles on the projective line is a direct sum of line bundles. Using this, there have been many attempts to understand vector bundles on the projective space, for example, by W.Barth and K.Hulek. In this talk, we introduce this idea in the case of smooth quadric surface. In the first half of the talk, we explain the basic notions in the algebraic geometry that will be used in the talk and recall several results on the projective space. In the second, we introduce the notion of jumping conics and prove that the set of jumping conics associated to a stable vector bundles on a smooth quadric surface forms a hypersurface in a 3-dimensional projective space. Using this, we explicitly describe the moduli spaces of stable vector bundles in two cases and see how these description can be applied to prove other classical results.

Host: 박진현 (T. 2734)     To be announced     2009-09-25 21:33:10