Youtube Stanford Channel (very helpful videos)
Math Stack Exchange (help with mathematics questions of graduate level mathematics)
Math Overflow (help with research level questions in mathematics)
Stack Exchange (help with coding mostly) (Stack exchange for academics) (help with general college and graduate school education)
How to ace math exams (
Youtube site explaining mathematics informally: Numberphile
MRSI public video: These explains current developments in mathematics including applied mathematics
Institute of Mathematics
and Its Applications: Here you will find tons of applications of
mathematics currently being done in the world.
MacMillan site: Here there are many study skills explained. Also, there is a presentation skill area.
Tips for succeeding in a graduate school.
Gresham College Youtube channel. A good place to hear about many current discussions, researches, and ideas on the many issues from academics
Sample Exams (to be updated)
(Office hours: TBA or by email appointment.)
Analysis on manifolds (MAS 420) MW 10:30-11:45 (E2-1225)
(Office hours: TBA or by email appointment.)
Combinatorial Topology (MAS 430) MW 10:30-11:45 (Room E2-1225)
Differential Geometry (MAS 520) MW 1:00-2:45 (Room E2-1225)
(Office hours: TBA or by email appointment.)
Geometric Topology (MAS 630) TThu 1:00-2:45 (Room TBA)
(Office hours: TBA or by email appointment.)
Algebraic Topology II (MAS 532) MW 1:00-2:45 (Room E2-1225)
Logic and Set theory (MAS 270) MW 3:00-4:45 (Room E2-1225)
(Office hours: Thursday 1:00-2:00 or by email appointment.)
Algebraic Topology (MAS 531) TTh 10:30-11:40 (Room E2-1225)
(Office hours: Thursday 2:45-3:45 or by email appointment.)
Logic and Set theory (MAS 270) EDU 4.0 course, Tuesday, Thursday 10:30-11:45 Room E2-1225)
Combinatorial Topology (MAS 430) EDU 4.0 course, Tuesday, Thursday 1:00-2:15 Room E2-1225)
(Office hours: by email appoints.)
Topology (MAS 331) EDU 4.0 course, Monday, Wednesday 10:30-11:45 by using Zoom meeting (before the midterm) and the KLMS (Room E6-1-3438)
(Office hours: by email appointments.)
Logic and Set theory (MAS 270) EDU 4.0 course, Monday Wednesday 10:30-11:45 by using Zoom meetings and the KLMS (Room: E6 No. 3434).
Combinatorial Topology (MAS 430) Monday Wednesday 1:00-2:15 by using Zoom meetings and the KLMS. (Room: E6 No. 3434)
(Office hours: by email appointments.)
Liinear algebra (MAS 212B) EDU 4.0 course Tuesday Thursday 10:30-11:45 by using Zoom meetings and the KLMS.
(Office hours: tba, or by email appointments.)
Logic and set theory (MAS 270) EDU 4.0 course TW 1:00-2:15 (E2-1225)
Differential geometry (MAS 520) TW: 2:30-3:45 (E2-1225)
(Office hours: tba, or by email appointments.)
Analysis on manifolds (MAS 420) MW 2:30-3:45 (E6-2412)
(Office hours: tba, or by email appointments.)
Algebraic Topology II (MAS 532) MW 10:30-11:45 (E6-2412)
Logic and Set Theorey (MAS 270) EDU 4.0 course MW 2:30-3:45 (E2-1225)
(Office hours:Tues 11:00-12:00 AM or by email appointments.)
Linear algebra(MAS 212) EDU 4.0 course TTh:13:00-14:30 (Industrial Engineering Management Building E2-1225)
Algebraic Topology (MAS 531) TTh 14:30-16:00 (E6-1 2413)
(Office hours:Tues 1:00-2:00 PM or by email appointments.)
Logic and Set Theory (MAS 270) T, Th 10:30-12:00 (Industrial Engineering Management Building E2-1225)
(Office hours: Wed. 2:30-3:30 PM or by email appointments.)
Calculus II (MAS 102 sections A, B) MW: 10:30~12:00 / (E11)Creative Learning Bldg. [ (E11)????? ] (201)
Linear algebra (MAS 212 A) EDU3.0 course MW: 13:00~14:30 / (E6)Natural Science Bldg. [ (E6)????? ] (1410)
(Office hours: Thursday 1:00-2:00 PM or by email appointments.)
Algebraic Topology II (MAS532) MW 4:00-5:30 (E6-1 2412)
Logic and Set Theory (MAS270) T,Th 9:00-10:30 (Industrial Engineering Management Building E2-1225)
(Office hours: Monday 2:30-3:30 PM or by email appointments.)
Algebraic Topology I (MAS 531) MW 1:00-2:30 (E6-1 2412)
(Office hours: Tuesday
1:00-2:00 PM or by email appointments.)
Introduction to
Differential Geometry (MAS
321) MW 9:00-10:15 (E11-304)