Calculus II (MAS 102 Sections A, B)


Mon: 10:30~12:00 / (E11)Creative Learning Bldg. [ (E11)창의학습관 ] (201)

Wed: 10:30~12:00 / (E11)Creative Learning Bldg. [ (E11)창의학습관 ] (201)

Friday: A: 10:00~11:00 / Friday B: 13:00-14:00

Instructor: Suhyoung Choi

Mail: shchoixk at math kaist ac kr


Course Homepage:

Course summary: Several variable calculus, vector caluls, surface integral, Stokes and Gauss theorems. These materials are central to engineering applications.

Texts: Vector Calculus, KAIST edition, Susan Colley, Pearson Fourth Edition

Grades and so on:

Exams: There will be one Midterm exam and a Final exam: (Kaist schdule Tue: 19:00~21:45) 

Recitation classes: There will be one-hour recitation classes for each section A, B on Fridays except for
the first week and the midterm and the final exam weeks. There will be quizzes in alternate weeks.
Also, you will do problem solving in groups and these will be graded as presentations. Each group will consist of 4-5 students and will be grouped by the TAs.

Quizzes: There will be 6 quizzes done in recitation classes.

Eclickers: We will use eclickers. download from Android Google Play or Mac App Store.

Homework: These will be posted. You do not have to turn these in.

Online homework: There will be online homeworks to be done by the midnight of the previous day of the lecture. These will be review and preview problems.
These will be graded online.

Classroom policy: the student must be in class before the class starts. The late students will be checked and 4 lateness counts as
one absense. Also, the studnts cannot use SNS of any form during the class. This and other misbehaviors will be counted as one lateness.

Grades Distributions: Midterm: 200pts., Final: 200pts., Attendance:10pts., Online homework: 20pts., Quiz: 100pts.,
Presentations in recitation classes: 20pts.


Course schedules:

 (The lecture notes will be updated many times in the semester.)



 Lecture plan



Feb. 26, 28

 2.1, 2.2.



Mar. 5, 7 

2.3, 2.4



Mar.12, 14

2.5, 2.6



Mar. 19, 21

3.1, 3.2

 skip Kepler's law

5 Mar. 26, 28 3.3, 3.4  


April 2, 4

4.1, 4.2



April 9, 11

4.3, 4.4



April 16, 18


Midterm period
Tue: 19:00~21:45


April 23, 25

5.1, 5.2



April 30,
May 2

5.3, 5.4



May 7, 9


May 7th holiday


May 14, 16

5.6, 6.1



May 21, 23

6.2, 6.3



May 28, 30

7.1, 7.2


June 4, 6


June 6th holdiay


June 11, 13


Final exam period
Tue: 19:00~21:45