Fall 2022 Combinatorial Topology (MAS 430. 25.430)
Time: Tuesday, Thursday 1:00-2:15
Lecture room: E2-1225
Instructor: Suhyoung Choi 4403(office)
Office Hours:
schoi at math dot kaist dot ac dot kr Phone: 2732
Prerequisite: MAS 331 Topology
Course book: Topology, J. Munkres (secondary: A basic course in Algebraic topology, W.S. Massey)
Topics: Fundamental groups, Surface theory, Covering space theory
Lectures are given by vidoes at the KLMS. The class time will be devoted to discussions. You need to watch these before coming to classes. Problems or discussion material will be given before the week. We will have two classes per week. At each class, we will have group discussions and presentations of the solutions of assigned problems. Usually, we will only have discussions on Tuesday and we will have presentations on Thursday. Then the presentation file must be submitted in the KLMS. The oral presentation will be peer graded. However, the final grades of the presentations will be done by us using the final file and the inputs from the students.
Exact covid policy will be explained later. Please see the notice board of the KLMS later on.
Grading: Final (150 pts.), Midterm (150 pts.), Presentation (written part 50 pts. and oral part 50 pts), Class contribution (25 pts.), Attendance (25 pts.) Total 450pts
Course schedules: