
공지 시작  
공지 종료  

       1. 관련 : 교학기획팀-1456(2016. 12. 02)

       2. 위 관련, 많은 문의사안이 있어 1)과 7) 내용을 수정하여 최종 공지해드립니다. 다음와 같이 LaTeX내용이 수정되었으며, 1)과 2) 내용이 중요부분이고, 나머지 부분은 기존 LaTeX와 크게 바뀌지 않은 부분이므로 참고만 하시면 됩니다. 

       3. 아울러, 붙임 파일이 안 열리거나 학생들이 헷갈려하는 부분이 있다는 의견이 있어, 다음과 같이 7) 내용이 수정된(1 ~ 6 내용은 12.02 드린 LaTeX와 동일) '3-7LaTeX 파일'을 붙임과 같이 안내하오니 업무에 참고하여 주시기 바랍니다.


= 다    음 =


          가. 수정 내용

              1) '제출 승인서와 연구윤리 준수 확인'쪽 석사논문 학위명 변경

                변경 전 - Master of Science in Engineering in...

                 *변경 후 - Master of Science in...

              2) 전산학부의 '영역'을 Computing에서 Computer Science로 변경

              3) 년/월/일을 입력받은 다음, 표시하는 부분에 문제점 발생 수정

              4) '서지사항과 초록' 쪽에서 'Keywords' 밑줄 조절 

              5) 'List of Tables'과 'List of Figures' 쪽에 나타날

                  캡션 제목 설정가능

              6) 본론 시작될 때, 들여쓰기가 되지 않도록 설정 및 

                 문단 새로 시작 될 시에, 들여쓰기 되도록 설정 

              7) 그림과 표를 넣을 때, 앞글자 대문자 설정되도록 수정 

                 *변경 전 - 'table 3.1', 'figure 3.1'

                 *변경 후 - 'Table 3.1', 'Figure 3.1'

              8) '심사완료 검인'쪽 심사위원 이름 옆에 (인) 추가 

붙   임 : 3-7LaTeX. 끝.


       1. Reference : Academic Planning Team-1456(2016. 12. 02)


       2. In connection with the inquiries, please be advised that changes of LaTeX dissertation template have been finalized as described below, with the content changes of 1) and 7). Please pay close attention to the changes of 1) and 2). As for the remaining parts, no significant changes have not been made to the existing LaTeX.


       3. Also, in consideration of the opinions that some students cannot open attached file or are confused, we have attached "2-7LaTeX file" in which contents of 7) have been changed as described below (contents of 1) through 6) are the same as the LaTex which was provided on Dec. 2.)


= Details =


          A. Modified Contents

              1) Change of Master's degree name in the "Approval for Submission and Declaration of Ethical Conduct in Research" page '

                 Before change - Master of Science in Engineering in...

                 After change - Master of Science in...

              2) Sphere of the School of Computing has been changed from "Computing" to "Computer Science."

              3) Problem in indicating date has been straightened out.

              4) Adjustment has been made in the underlined part of "Keywords" on the "bibliographical information and abstract" page.

              5) On the "List of Tables" and "List of Figures" pages, setting has been changed so that caption title may be inserted.

              6) Setting has been changed so that an indentation is not made at the start of the main body, and indentation is made at the start of a new paragraph.


              7) Setting has been changed so that when entering table and figure, the first letter is capitalized.

                 Before change - 'table 3.1', 'figure 3.1'

                 After change - 'Table 3.1', 'Figure 3.1'

              8) "Seal or signature" has been added beside the name of the committee members on the "Seals of Approval" page.


Attachment : 3-7LaTeX. End.

번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
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