
PCMI's upcoming summer program

과사무실 2011.01.05 09:01 조회 수 : 4235

공지 시작  
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Dear Academic Sponsor Representatives and Graduate Directors,

our best wishes for 2011. We are writing to you on Behalf of
Dr. Hain, Director of  IAS/ Park City Mathematics Institute:

Dear Folks,

I am writing because there seems to be confusion about the
availability of graduate students slots at PCMI's upcoming summer

If I recall correctly, each MSRI sponsor can nominate 2 of their
graduate students to attend summer programs associated with MSRI. PCMI
is one such program. Each year, between 5 and 12 graduate students
attend PCMI through this program. However, this is not the only way
for graduate students to attend PCMI. They can also apply directly by
following the "apply to GSS" link on the page:


Each year PCMI accepts about 80 graduate students into its summer
program. Most of these are fully supported by PCMI or by MSRI. The
deadline for applications is January 31, 2011.

Note that PCMI also has parallel programs for undergraduates,
researchers & postdocs, undergraduate faculty, and teachers. Details
can be found by following the links on:


All the best for the new year 2011, Dick

Richard Hain, Director
IAS/Park City Mathematics Institute

Professor of Mathematics
Duke University, Box 09320
Durham, NC 27708-0320

Vanessa K??b-Sanyal
Workshop Coordinator
Mathematical Science Research Institute
17 Gauss Way
Berkeley, CA 94720
Tel. (510) 643-6467

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