
공지 시작  
공지 종료  
The Department of Mathematical Sciences at KAIST invites applications for three-year non-tenure track assistant professorships to begin in September 2017 or March 2018. A successful candidate should demonstrate outstanding teaching records and have an active research program.


In recent years, KAIST, one of the top research universities in Korea, has been recruiting distinguished scholars of both Korean and foreign nationality. KAIST is located in Daejeon, a city with a population of 1.5 million, and its operation is financially supported by the Korean government. Most of the courses at KAIST are taught in English.


The annual salary is between 50 to 60 million Korean won depending on the experiences and qualifications of the candidates. The regular teaching load is two courses per semester in English.


Interested applicants must send the following:


(1)   Cover letter (An AMS standard cover sheet is sufficient.)

(2)   Curriculum vitae with a publication list

(3)   Description of previous research and future research plans

(4)   Teaching statement

(5)   One recommendation letter about teaching (A recommender should send the letter directly to the email address below.)


The application deadline is May 31, 2017.


After the screening process, candidates may be asked for the submission of additional materials.


Please contact Lan Yoon (hlyoon@kaist.ac.kr) for further questions.


Application materials should be sent to:


Email: recruit@mathsci.kaist.ac.kr

Lee, Chang-Ock

Head, Department of Mathematical Sciences


291 Daehak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon

Republic of Korea

Zip Code: 305-338


For more information about KAIST, please visit http://kaist.edu.

번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
공지 2024-5 IBS 의생명 수학 그룹 겨울 인턴 모집 공고 과사무실 2024.09.26 13
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공지 [대한수학회] 2024년 제42회 대학생 수학 경시대회 개최 및 준영 수학동아리 지원 사업 안내 과사무실 2024.08.19 1791
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1079 2021학년도 봄학기 대학원 입학 필기시험 안내 file 과사무실 2020.07.01 4491
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1077 2020학년도 가을학기 대학원 입학 필기시험 안내 과사무실 2020.04.03 6859
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1073 2020학년 봄학기 조교모집 공지 file 과사무실 2020.02.06 3829
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1062 KAIST 자연과학연구소 연구교원 및 연수연구원 채용 공고 file 과사무실 2019.07.19 6297
1061 2020학년도 봄학기 대학원 입학시험 안내 file 과사무실 2019.07.18 6945
1060 수리과학과 2019학년도(9월 1일부) 강사 채용 공고 file 과사무실 2019.07.17 6064
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