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수리과학과 행정팀 남상향 입니다.

아래와 같이 이번 주 목요일에는 정연승 교수님의 콜로퀴엄이 있습니다.

콜로퀴엄 후 피자파티를 하면서 학생들과 교수님들이 대화하는 시간을 가질 예정이오니,

수리과학과 구성원 여러분들의 많은 참석 바랍니다.


? Date : May 19 2011 (Thursday) / 16:30 ~ 17:30

? Subject Classification : 콜로퀴엄(Colloquium)

? Room : 자연과학동(E6) Room 1501

? Speaker: 정연승 (Chung, Yeonseung)

? Institute : KAIST

? Language : To be announced

? Title : Bayesian Spatially Varying Coefficient Models to Assess Long Term Health Effects of the Chemical Composition of Fine Particulate Matter

? Abstract : 

The lack of national studies of the health effects of long-term exposure to ambient PM and its chemical components determining the PM toxicity represents a major evidence gap for the implementation of more effective air quality interventions. The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is calling for research to explain heterogeneity in health responses to air pollutants that might be explained by the compositional differences in the pollution mixtures or sources or other factors.


We have developed Bayesian spatially varying coefficient regression models to estimate long-term effects of PM2.5 on mortality while identifying the chemical composition that modifies the health effects. We will use spatio-temporal variation in health outcomes and exposure to estimate: 1) spatially varying health risks associated with long-term exposure to PM2.5; and; 2) effect modification by PM2.5 constituents. Our models will account for spatial misalignment of the data and uncertainty in the estimation of PM2.5 chemical components.


We will apply our model to the Medicare Cohort Air Pollution Study (MCAPS) which includes 7.9 million Medicare enrollees followed for the period of 2000-2006 in the Eastern part of the US. We will use PM2.5 data from 518 monitoring stations and PM2.5 chemical components data from 241 monitors located in the Eastern region of the US.




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