취업 및 행사 정보

공지 시작  
공지 종료  

Workshop on Hydrogen Generation


Time:  1:00 - 4:00 pm Thursday, December 3, 2009

Place: Creative Learning Building (E11), Room 101



Hydrogen is widely regarded as the most promising source of next-generation clean energy and an alternative energy source with immense potential.


Currently, with the energy market growing massive in scale, numerous nations are engaging in fierce competition to develop stable and economic means of producing hydrogen. Now more than ever, we need to secure the lead in the global market by proactively developing innovative and non-conventional technologies on hydrogen generation.


The Office of Research, under the direction of President Nam Pyo Suh, is hosting a special internal workshop on hydrogen generation. This workshop will provide an opportunity for learning about state-of-the-art, pros/cons, problems/limitations of various hydrogen generation methods from KAIST experts and free discussion on this pressing subject, and bring together all members of the KAIST community (professors, students, staffs) from diverse disciplines in a concerted effort to seek out new directions and strategies for KAIST’s leadership in the field of hydrogen generation R&D.



l  13:00~15:00

           - Opening Remarks: Dean Hyun Seung Yang

           - Welcome Address: President Nam Pyo Suh


           - Invited Talks

1. “A new technology for sustainable hydrogen generation based on the combined water-oxidation-reduction reaction" / Professor Jeung-gu Kang, Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering

2. “On-board hydrogen generation from hydrolysis reaction by Al alloys or chemical hydrides” /Professor Hyuk-sang  Kwon, Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering

3. “Hydrogen production for industrial applications (at small and large scale)” / Professor Joong-myeon Bae, Dept. of  Mechanical Engineering

4. “Bio-electrochemical production of hydrogen from biomass: A potential route for commercialization” / Professor Jong-in Han, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering

l  15:00~15:10: Coffee Break

l  15:10-16:00:  Free Discussion

Discussion Issues include (but are not limited to):

- Who are the end customers for hydrogen?
- What are the applications?
- What are the cheapest ways of generating hydrogen?
- What are the safety issues?
- Should hydrogen be generated centrally or locally?
- What are the systems issues when hydrogen is generated centrally?
- What are the theoretical limitations?
- Can we use a carrier to store hydrogen?


l  16:00:  Concluding Remarks


We look forward to your keen interest and active participation to this Special Workshop!


Best Regards,


Hyun Seung Yang

Dean of Research


게시자: 고 미 향

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