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Eigenvalue Constraints and Regularity of
Q-tensor Navier-Stokes Dynamics
Mark Wilkinson, Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris
October 31, 2013, 15:30-14:30PM,Seminar Room 1219,
Department of Mathematics, Chungnam National University
The Q-tensor is a traceless and symmetric 3 3 matrix that describes the
small-scale structure in nematic liquid crystals. In order to be physically mean-
ingful, its eigenvalues should be bounded below by 1=3 and above by 2=3.
This constraint raises questions regarding the physical predictions of theories
which employ the Q-tensor; it also raises analytical issues in both static and
dynamic Q-tensor theories of nematic liquid crystals. John Ball and Apala Ma-
jumdar recently constructed a singular map on traceless, symmetric matrices
that penalises unphysical Q-tensors by giving them an innite energy cost. In
this talk, I shall present some mathematical results for a coupled Navier-Stokes
system modelling nematic dynamics into which this map is built, including the
existence, regularity and so-called `strict physicality' of its weak solutions.