취업 및 행사 정보
공지 시작 | |
공지 종료 |
With the support of President Jung-Don Kim of Miwon Commercial, Co., Ltd., the Department of Mathematical Sciences at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) offers the Du-Myeong Fellowship Program to postdoctoral researchers.
The fellowship aims to provide early career researchers who are in pursuit of the highest level of research excellence with a research grant, thereby helping them develop into an independent investigator.
Candidates should meet the following
- must possess a PhD degree in mathematics, statistics, or related subject;
- must be currently employed at the Department of Mathematical Sciences, KAIST or its affiliated research institutes; and
- must demonstrate a sustained record of scholarly achievement or research potential.
Fellowship Details
The fellowship awards one researcher for
one or two years, with the support of 9 million Korean won (KRW) per semester
(6 months).
The payment for each semester will be made in April and October, respectively.
A Du-Myeong fellow should acknowledge the
support from the fellowship when publishing papers during the fellowship.
Application Recruitments
Applicants should submit an application
form (attached) and a CV with a publication list.
Friday, April 2, 2021
For any inquiries, please contact Kyushik Kim at qskim14@kaist.ac.kr or 042-350-2702.