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강체기하 겨울학교
2017년 2월 13일 월요일부터 2월 17일 금요일까지 King's College London의 김완수 박사를 연사로 모시고 강체기하 겨울학교를 개최합니다. 총 10시간의 집중 강연이 있을 예정이고, 매일 오전 10시30분에서 11시 30분까지 오전 강의가, 오후 2시부터 3시까지 오후 강의가 있습니다.
강연 장소는 E6-1 1409 실이나, 예외적으로 2017년 2월 17일 금요일 오전 강연은, 졸업식 행사로 인해 E6-1 2411실에서 강연을 진행합니다.
Soohyun Bae (Hanbat National University)
Jaeyoung Byeon (KAIST)
Yong-Jung Kim (KAIST)
Ki-Ahm Lee (SNU)
Yong-Hoon Lee (PNU)
Inbo Sim (University of Ulsan)
March 30 Thursday
Session 1 Chairman : Soohyun Bae (Hanbat National University)
10:00-10:50 Yuki Naito, Ehime University
Separation structure of solutions for elliptic equations with exponential
10:50-11:10 Break
11:10-12:00 Yasuhito Miyamoto, The University of Tokyo
A limit equation and bifurcation diagrams of semilinear elliptic
equations with general supercritical growth
12:00-14:00 Lunch
Session 2 Chairman : Yong-Hoon Lee (PNU)
14:00-14:50 Seick Kim, Yonsei Unviersity
On C1, C2, and weak type-(1; 1) estimates for linear elliptic operators
14:50-15:10 Break
15:10-16:00 Futoshi Takahashi, Osaka City University
Critical and subcritical fractional Trudinger-Moser type inequalities
on R
16:00-16:20 Break
16:20-17:10 Youngae Lee, NIMS
Degree counting for Toda system of rank two: one bubbling
18:00 Dinner
March 31 Friday
Session 1 Chairman : Ki-Ahm Lee (SNU)
09:30-10:20 Eiji Yanagida, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Extinction behavior of solutions of the logarithmic diusion equation
on R
10:20-10:40 Break
10:40-11:30 Tongkeun Chang, Yonsei Unviersity
Nonhomogeneous initial-boundary value problems of the Stokes
and the Navier-Stokes equations
11:30-11:50 Break
11:50-12:40 Toru Kan, Tokyo Institute of Technology
On the solution structure of a bistable reaction-diusion equation
on a thin dumbbell-shaped domain
12:40-14:30 Lunch
Session 2 Chairman : Jaeyoung Byeon (KAIST)
14:30-15:20 Sun-Sig Byun, SNU
Higher integrability results for a class of nonlinear elliptic and
parabolic problems
15:20-15:40 Break
15:40-16:30 Rejeb Hadiji, University Paris-Est Creteil, UPEC
Minimization of Ginzburg-Landau energy with weight
16:30-16:50 Break
16:50-17:40 Jongmin Han, Kyung Hee University
String solutions for a graviataional Ginzburg-Landau model
18:30 Banquet
April 1 Saturday
Session 1 Chairman : Yong-Jung Kim (KAIST)
10:00-10:50 Soonsik Kwon, KAIST
Orbital stability of solitary waves for derivative nonlinear Schrodinger
10:50-11:10 Break
11:10-12:00 Woocheol Choi, KIAS
On the splitting method for the nonlinear Schrodinger equation
with initial data in H1
12:00-14:00 Lunch
Session 2 Chairman : Inbo Sim (University of Ulsan)
14:00-14:50 Ryuji Kajikiya, Saga University
Stability of stationary solutions for sublinear parabolic equations
14:50-15:10 Break
15:10-16:00 Namkwon Kim, Chosun University
Mixed type solutions in some Cherns-Simons gauge theory
16:00-16:20 Break
16:20-17:10 Satoshi Tanaka, Okayama University of Science
Symmetry-breaking bifurcation for the one-dimensional Henon equation
18:00 Dinner
KAIST BK21 Plus (Integration of Education and Research in Mathematical
PNU BK21 Plus (Center for Math Research and Education at PNU)
Soonsik Kwon, Paul Jung
-Speaker: Terence Tao (UCLA)
-Date: June 15-16, 2017
-Time: 16:00 pm
-Place: Fusion Hall, KI B/D, KAIST
-Title & Abstract
[ June 15 ]
Title: The Erdős discrepancy problem
Abstract: The discrepancy of a sequence f(1), f(2), ... of numbers is defined to be the largest value of |f(d) + f(2d) + ... + f(nd)| as n,d range over the natural numbers. In the 1930s, Erdos posed the question of whether any sequence consisting only of +1 and -1 could have bounded discrepancy. In 2010, the collaborative Polymath5 project showed (among other things) that the problem could be effectively reduced to a problem involving completely multiplicative sequences. Finally, using recent breakthroughs in the asymptotics of completely multiplicative sequences by Matomaki and Radziwill, as well as a surprising application of the Shannon entropy inequalities, the Erdos discrepancy problem was solved in 2015. In this talk I will discuss this solution and its connection to the Chowla and Elliott conjectures in number theory.
[ June 16 ]
Title: Finite time blowup constructions for supercritical equations
Abstract: Many basic PDE of physical interest, such as the three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations, are "supercritical" in that the known conserved or bounded quantities for these equations allow the nonlinear components of the PDE to dominate the linear ones at fine scales. Because of this, almost none of the known methods for establishing global regularity for such equations can work, and global regularity for Navier-Stokes in particular is a notorious open problem. We present here some ways to show that if one allows some modifications to these supercritical PDE, one can in fact construct solutions that blow up in finite time (while still obeying conservation laws such as conservation of energy). This does not directly impact the global regularity question for the unmodified equations, but it does rule out some potential approaches to establish such regularity.
-Refreshments will be provided thirty minutes before the lecture begins.
Hyeonsu Kim
Summer School on Probabilistic Methods
- Date
- 06/26/2017 - 06/30/2017
- Location
10 Lectures + 5 Exercise Sessions for 5 Days
Tentative Schedule of Regular Days
2 Morning Lectures + Long Break + 1 Exercise Session before the dinner
(Monday: Starting at 11am)
Lecture description
The Probabilistic Method is a powerful technique developed by the legendary Paul Erdős. To show the existence of a combinatorial object one defines a random object and shows that with positive probability it has the desired properties. Erdős deduces that the object must exist. In homage, we refer to this idea as Erdős Magic. Closely aligned is the study of random structures perse. Throughout we deal with large structures and asymptotic analysis permeates all of the lectures.
The specific lectures should be regarded as tentative. We will have two lectures each day but the material given may take more or less than one lecture period. Also, new material may be added and old material deleted. Expect the actual lectures to be these descriptions times 1 ± o(1).
Lecture I: What is Erdős Magic?
Lecture II: More Erdős Magic
Lecture III: Asymptopia
Lecture IV: Random Graphs
Lecture V and VI: The Erdős-Rényi Phase Transition
Lecture VII: Games Mathematicians Play
Lecture VIII: Needles in Exponential Haystacks
Lecture IX: Counting Connected Graphs
Lecture X: Gems
Sijong Kwak (KAIST)
Jinhyun Park (KAIST)
2017-2 CMC Foundations for Mathematical Challenges (대전 강연)
강연자: 기하서 교수 (연세대학교)
기간: 2017년 8월 27일(일) ~ 29일(화)
27일, 28일 : 오전 10시~11시, 11시~12시
오후 2시~3시, 3시~4시 (4시간 강연/일)
29일: 오전 10시~11시, 11시~12시
장소: KAIST 자연과학동 E6-1 1501호
시간 / 날짜 |
8월 27일 (일) |
8월 28일 (월) |
8월 29일 (화) |
9:30 – 10:00 |
등록 |
10:00 – 10:50 |
집중강연 1 |
집중강연 5 |
집중강연 9 |
11:00 – 11:50 |
집중강연 2 |
집중강연 6 |
집중강연 10 |
11:50 - 12:05 |
Q/A |
Q/A |
Q/A |
12:30 - 13:30 |
점심 |
점심 |
점심 |
14:00 - 14:50 |
집중강연 3 |
집중강연 7 |
15:00 - 15:50 |
집중강연 4 |
집중강연 8 |
15:50 - |
Q/A Free Discussion |
Q/A Free Discussion |
주제: 소수정리와 리만가설
내용: 1859년 이후 리만가설은 다양한 사람들에 의해서 다양한 방법을 통하여 연구가 진행이 되어 왔는데 이번 강의에서는 본 발표자가 지난 20년간 리만가설의 완전한 해결을 위해서 시도한 방법론들을 요약해서 소개한다.
홈페이지: http://home.kias.re.kr/MKG/h/FMC2017daejeon/
2017-1 CMC Foundations for Mathematical Challenges (서울 강연)
강연자: 이지운 교수 (KAIST)
기간: 2017년 8월 14일(월) ~ 18일(금)
장소: 서울 KIAS 1114 강의실(국제회의실)
주제: Random matrix theory
내용: TBA
홈페이지: http://home.kias.re.kr/MKG/h/FMC2017seoul/
The purpose of the conference is to help promoting the academic exchange and the friendship among researchers of three East Asian countries in the area of knot theory and related topics and encouraging graduate students of the three countries to study in this fascinating area of mathematics.