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* 일시: 2014년 7월 5일(토) 14:00 ~ 20:00

* 초청강연

금종해 교수(고등과학원)

최영주 교수(포항공대)

최소영 교수(동국대)


* 세부일정



14:00 ~ 15:00

학회 등록 및 기념 행사

15:00 ~ 16:00

금종해 교수 강연

16:00 ~ 17:00

최영주 교수 강연

17:00 ~ 18:00

최소영 교수 강연

18:00 ~ 20:00

토론 및 연회

* 연락처



2014-05-26 09:45:12


Jaeyoung Byeon, Kazunaga Tanaka, Zhi-Qiang Wang

DATE: August 4 ~ 8, 2014 VENUE: 1501, Building E2-1, KAIST, Daejeon, Korea
Invited Speakers
Goro Akagi (Kobe University)
Soohyun Bae (Hanbat National University, Korea)
Chao-Nien Chen (National Changhua Univ. of Education, Taiwan)
Kwangseok Choe (Inha University, Korea)
Daomin Cao (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
Norman Dancer (University of Sydney, Austrailia)
Joao Marcos do O (Federal University of Paraiba, Brazil)
Ederson Moreira dos Santos (Univ of Sao Paulo, Brazil)
Alessio Figalli (University of Texas at Austin,USA)
Massimo Grossi (Universita di Roma, La Sapienza, Italy)
Jongmin Han (Kyung Hee University,Korea)
Meiyue Jiang (Peking University,China)
Namkwon Kim (Chosun University, Korea)
Youngheon Kim (University of British Columbia, Canada)
Youngae Lee (National Taiwan University, Taiwan)
Yonghoon Lee (Pusan National University, Korea)
Congming Li (University of Colorado at Boulder, USA)
Yanyan Li (Rugters University, USA)
Zhaoli Liu (Capital Normal University, China)
Petru Mironescu (Universite Claude-Bernard, France)
Monica Musso (Catholic University of Chile, Chile)
Jinhae Park (Chungnam National University)
Angela Pistoia (Universita di Roma, La Sapienza, Italy)
Paolo Piccione (University of Sao Paulo, Brazil)
Xiaofeng Ren (George Washington University)
Yohei Sato (Saitama University, Japan)
Eirc Sere (Universite de Paris IX, France)
Naoki Shioji (Yokohama National University)
Jiabao Su (Capital Normal University, China)
Futoshi Takahashi (Osaka City University, Japan)
Susanna Tarracini (Universita di Torino, Italy)
Eduardo Teixeira (Federal University of Ceara, Brazil)
Juncheng Wei (University of British Columbia, Canada)
Duanzhi Zhang (Nankai University, China)
Scientific Committee

Antonio Ambrosetti (Int. School for Advanced Studies (ISAS), Italy)
Haim Brezis (Rutgers University, USA)
Kun-Ching Chang (Pekingn University, China)
Norman Dancer (University of Sydney, Australia)
Djairo de Figueiredo (Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil)
Paul Rabinowitz (University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA) 
Jaeyoung Byeon (KAIST)
Kazunaga Tanaka (Waseda University)
Zhi-Qiang Wang (Utah State University & Nankai University)

2014-07-24 16:24:51


Jeong Han Kim (KIAS, Seoul, Korea)
Seog-Jin Kim (Konkuk University, Seoul, Korea)
Young Soo Kwon (Yeungnam University, Daegu, Korea)
Sang-il Oum (KAIST, Daejeon, Korea) 

ICM2014 Satellite Conference on Extremal and Structural Graph Theory
August 5-9, 2014
Gyeongju, South Korea
In August 2014, International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM) will be held in Korea. Before the main ICM, we would like to have a satellite conference on extremal and structural graph theory. We have an excellent list of plenary and invited speakers and we would like to ask you to consider attending this conference. We have small number of time slots for contributed talks.
The registration page is open; please register until April 30, 2014.
Plenary Speakers
• Alexandr V. Kostochka (UIUC)
• László Lovász (Eötvös Loránd University)
• Bojan Mohar (SFU / University of Ljubljana)
• Benny Sudakov (ETH / UCLA)
Invited Speakers
• Béla Bollobás (University of Memphis)
• David Conlon (University of Oxford)
• Zdeněk Dvořák (Charles University)
• Jacob Fox (MIT)
• Hamed Hatami (McGill University)
• Penny Haxell (University of Waterloo)
• Mihyun Kang (Technische Universität Graz)
• Ken-ichi Kawarabayashi (National Institute of Informatics)
• Peter Keevash (University of Oxford)
• Daniel Král’ (University of Warwick)
• Choongbum Lee (MIT)
• Po-Shen Loh (Carnegie Mellon University)
• Kenta Ozeki (National Institute of Informatics)
• Jaroslav Nešetřil (Charles University)
• Sergey Norin (McGill University)
• Balazs Szegedy (University of Toronto)
• Gábor Tardos (Simon Fraser University / Alfréd Rényi Institute)
• Prasad Tetali (Georgia Tech)
• Van Vu (Yale)
• Paul Wollan (University of Rome)
• David R. Wood (Monash University)
• Douglas B. West (UIUC / Zhejiang Normal University)
• Xuding Zhu (Zhejiang Normal University)
2014-03-18 22:07:41
Date August 6-10, 2014
Venue Daejeon Convention Center, Daejeon, Korea

Invited Speakers

Carolina Araujo (IMPA)
Paolo Cascini (Imperial College London)
Fabrizio Catanese (Universität Bayreuth & KIAS)
François Charles (MIT)
Jungkai Chen (National Taiwan University)
Insong Choe (Konkuk University)
Gavril Farkas (Humboldt-Universität)
Tommaso de Fernex (University of Utah)
Baohua Fu (AMSS, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Mark Gross (University of Cambridge)
Kangjin Han (KIAS)
Brendan Hassett (Rice University)
DongSeon Hwang (Ajou University)
Donghoon Hyeon (POSTECH)
Junmyeong Jang (University of Ulsan)
Young-Hoon Kiem (Seoul National University)
Bruno Klingler (Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu)
János Kollár (Princeton University)
Shigeyuki Kondo (Nagoya University)
Sándor Kovács (University of Washington)
Yongnam Lee (KAIST)
Christian Liedtke (Technische Universität München)
Diane Maclagan (University of Warwick)
Keiji Oguiso (Osaka University & KIAS)
Mihnea Popa (University of Illinois, Chicago)
Ziv Ran (University of California, Riverside)
Frank-Olaf Schreyer (Universität des Saarlandes)
Dongsoo Shin (Chungnam National University)
Xiaotao Sun (AMSS, Chinese Academy of Sciences)

Montserrat Teixidor (Tufts University)

Claire Voisin (CNRS-École Polytechnique)
Chenyang Xu (BICMR)
De-Qi Zhang (National University of Singapore)

Local Organizing Committee

JongHae Keum (Chair, KIAS)
Young-Hoon Kiem (Seoul National University)
Seonja Kim (Chungwoon University)
Sijong Kwak (KAIST)
Yongnam Lee (KAIST)
Jihun Park (IBS & POSTECH)

Scientific Committee

Arnaud Beauville (Université Nice)
Fabrizio Catanese (Universitä Bayreuth & KIAS)
David Eisenbud (MSRI)
Yujiro Kawamata (University of Tokyo)
JongHae Keum (KIAS)
János Kollár (Princeton University)
Robert Lazarsfeld (Stony Brook University)
Jun Li (Stanford University)
Eduard Looijenga (MSC Tsinghua University Beijing & University of Utrecht)
Miles Reid (University of Warwick & KIAS)

This conference is hosted by KIAS, and ASARC in KAIST.

KIAS Administrative Office
Tel.  +82 2 958 2577
2014-07-31 14:18:04


Scientific Committee :
Anthony Bahri (Rider University, U.S.A.) Victor Buchstaber (Steklov Institute of Mathematics, Russia) Megumi Harada (McMaster University, Canada) JongHae Keum (KIAS, Korea) Zhi Lu (Fudan University, China) Mikiya Masuda (Osaka City University, Japan) Taras Panov (Moscow University, Russia) Nigel Ray (Manchaster University, U.K.) Dong Youp Suh (KAIST, Korea)

Local Committee :

Suyoung Choi (Ajou University, Korea) Tomoo Matsumura (KAIST, Korea) Seonjeong Park (NIMS, Korea) Dong Youp Suh (KAIST, Korea)
The main topic of the conference is the interplay of torus actions with topology, geometry, and the combinatorics of manifolds, orbifolds, and algebraic varieties with torus actions. Toric manifolds, symplectic toric manifolds, and quasitoric manifolds illustrate the correspondence between topological and geometric objects with torus actions and, combinatorial objects such as moment polytopes or fans. Moreover, equivariant cohomology theory and homotopy theory play important roles in the study of such topics. The rank of the acting torus is half of the dimension of the space mentioned above, but in this conference the focus is on torus actions of arbitrary rank, and on the correspondence of such spaces with combinatorial objects. Also covered, are geometric objects without torus actions, on which can be associated combinatorial structures such as Okounkov bodies. All those working in the fields of algebaric topology, transformation group theory, toric geometry, symplectic geometry, and combinatorics are encouraged to participate in the conference.
This conference is a satellite conference of ICM 2014, Seoul. One can find the list of all satellite conferences at http://www.icm2014.org/en/program/satellite/satellites 
Invited Speakers :
Suyoung Choi (Ajou University, Korea) Frederick Cohen (University of Rochester, U.S.A.) Alastair Darby (University of Manchester, U.K.) Matthias Franz (University of Western Ontario, Canada) Samuel Gitler (Cinvesta, Mexico, and IAS, U.S.A.) Jelena Grbic (University of Southhampton, U.K.) Hiroaki Ishida (RIMS, Japan) Kiumars Kaveh (University of Pittsburgh, U.S.A.) Valentina Kiritchenko (National Research University “Higher School of Economics”, Russia) Askold Khovanskii (University of Toronto, Canada) Amalendu Krishna (Tata Institute, India) Andrei Kustarev (Moscow State University, Russia) Mainak Poddar (Los Andes University, Columbia) Alexandru Suciu (Northeastern University, U.S.A.) Tatsuru Takakura (Chuo University, Japan) Svetlana Terzic (University of Montenegro, Montenegro) Stephen Theriault (University of Southhampton, U.K.) Misha Verbitsky (National Research University “Higher School of Economics”, Russia) Li Yu (Nanjng University, China)
2014-05-26 10:41:30


Organising Committee
Suhyoung Choi (KAIST) : shchoixk(aht)gmail.com
Sang-hyun Kim (Seoul National University) : s.kim(aht)snu.ac.kr
Inkang Kim (KIAS) : inkang(aht)kias.re.kr
Ki Hyoung Ko (KAIST) : kihyoung.ko(aht)gmail.com
Seonhee Lim (Seoul National University) : slim(aht)snu.ac.kr
Thomas Koberda (Yale) : thomas.koberda(aht)gmail.com


This conference will cover various topics in the interplays between geometric group theory and geometric structures. The topics in geometric structures will include discrete subgroups of Lie groups, hyperbolic geometry, Teichmüller theory and representation varieties. In geometric group theory, the topics will include bounded cohomology, automorphisms of free and surface groups and the structures of hyperbolic and CAT(0) groups.

Scientific Committee

Yves Benoist (Université Paris-Sud)
Mladen Bestvina (University of Utah)
Martin Bridson (Oxford)
Marc Burger (ETH)
Daryl Cooper (University of California, Santa Barbara)
William Goldman (University of Maryland)
Alessandra Iozzi (ETH)
Sadayoshi Kojima (Tokyo Tech)
Francois Labourie (Université Paris-Sud)
Yair Minsky (Yale)
Michah Sageev (Technion)
Mark Sapir (Vanderbilt)
Karen Vogtmann (Cornell)

Supported by
Korea Institute for Advanced Study
Seoul National University
National Research Foundation of Korea
Samsung Science & Technology Foundation

2014-06-13 16:44:54


Jaeyoung Byeon, Young-Heon Kim

Date: August 9, 11-12, 2014

Place: 1409, Building E6-1, KAIST, Daejeon, Korea


Scientific Committee: Jaeyoung Byeon, Kazunaga Tanaka, Zhi-Qiang Wang

Organizing Committee: Jaeyoung Byeon, Young-Heon Kim


Lecture Series Speakers

Alessio Figalli (U. of Texas at Austin)

Juncheng Wei (U. of British Columbia)


50 minutes Speakers

Shinji Adachi (Shizuoka U.)

Seunghyeok Kim (Pontifical Catholic U. of Chile)

Ohsang Kwon (NIMS)

Youngae Lee (National Taiwan U.)

Yohei Sato (Saitama U.)

Jinmyoung Seok (Kyong Gi U.)

Rushun Tian (AMSS)



         +82. 42. 350. 8545

2014-07-24 17:34:03

* Invited Speakers
Jaeyoung Byeon (KAIST)
Ganguk Hwang (KAIST)
Yong Jung Kim (KAIST)
Do Y. Kwak (KAIST)
Sijong Kwak (KAIST)
Kil H. Kwon (KAIST)
Soonsik Kwon (KAIST)
Chang-Ock Lee (KAIST)
Mikyoung Lim (KAIST)
Wenwu Gao (Fudan Univ.)
Liqiang Lu (Fudan Univ.)
Zhiqiang Wang (Fudan Univ.)
Yimin Wei (Fudan Univ.)
Hao Wu (Fudan Univ.)
Zongmin Wu (Fudan Univ.)
Pengpeng Xie (Fudan Univ.)
Yunxin Zhang (Fudan Univ.)
Yi Zhou (Fudan Univ.)

2014-08-14 10:36:35



Harmonic analysis and partial differential equations have been closely linked areas in recent decades, with ideas flowing back and forth and stimulating progress in both areas. This workshop will bring together researchers in these two fields in east asia, some who have worked in both fields and some who have specialized in one field but are interested in learning more about the other. The aim is to strengthen existing links between the areas and encourage communication between researchers in both fields.


Invited speakers

Hantaek Bae (UNIST), Myeongju Chae (Hankyung National University)

Zihua Guo (Peking University), Seheon Ham (KIAS)

Hyungjin Huh (Choongang University), Gyeongha Hwang (UNIST)

Bongsuk Kwon (UNIST), Satoshi Masaki (Hiroshima University)

Tetsu Mizumachi (Kyushu University), Yoshio Tsutsumi (Kyoto University)



Harmonic analysis and partial differential equations have been closely linked areas in recent decades, with ideas flowing back and forth and stimulating progress in both areas. This workshop will bring together researchers in these two fields in east asia, some who have worked in both fields and some who have specialized in one field but are interested in learning more about the other. The aim is to strengthen existing links between the areas and encourage communication between researchers in both fields.


Invited speakers

Hantaek Bae (UNIST), Myeongju Chae (Hankyung National University)

Zihua Guo (Peking University), Seheon Ham (KIAS)

Hyungjin Huh (Choongang University), Gyeongha Hwang (UNIST)

Bongsuk Kwon (UNIST), Satoshi Masaki (Hiroshima University)

Tetsu Mizumachi (Kyushu University), Yoshio Tsutsumi (Kyoto University)


2014-09-05 15:24:30


권순식, 변재형, 임미경

자세한 사항은 링크(http://home.kias.re.kr/MKG/h/KCMCPDE2014/)

또는 첨부파일(포스터, 스케줄, Title&Abstract)을 참고하여 주시기 바랍니다.




December 5-6, 2014

1409, E6-1, KAIST, Daejeon


Invited Speakers

강현배 (인하대학교)

권오상 (NIMS)

김성환 (한밭대학교)

박원광 (국민대학교)

윤석배 (성균관대학교)

이옥균 (KAIST)

전기완 (NIMS)

정소연 (KIAS)

정재우 (KAIST)

정재환 (단국대학교)

최선호 (KAIST)

하승렬 (서울대학교)





2014-12-04 15:27:31


Younjin Kim, Sang-il Oum

Paul Seymour (Princeton U.) and Maria Chudnovsky (Columbia U.) will give an inaugral "KAIST CMC Intensive Lectures" on Dec 11 and 12. To complement their lectures, we would like to have a workshop for discrete mathematics such as graph theory in Korea to share recent research progress as well as attend their lectures. 

Please register at http://kcw2014.eventbrite.com

Invited Speakers

Ilkyoo Choi (KAIST)
Suyoung Choi (Ajou University)
Mitsugu Hirasaka (Pusan National University)
Petr Hlineny (Masaryk University, Czech Republic)
Jaehoon Kim (University of Birmingham, UK)
Jang Soo Kim (Sungkyunkwan University)
Younjin Kim (KAIST)
Young Soo Kwon (Yeungnam University)

(The list may be added)




Day 1 (December 10 Wednesday) : Room 1409

2:00PM - 2:30PM               Talk 1 (Young Soo Kwon)

2:40PM - 3:10PM               Talk 2 (Mitsugu Hirasaka)

3:10PM -  3:40PM              Coffee break

3:40PM -  4:10PM              Talk 3 (Younjin Kim)

4:20PM -  4:50PM              Talk 4 (Jang Soo Kim)

5:00PM - 6:00PM               Discussion

6:00PM-                             Dinner



Day 2 (December 11 Thursday) 

10:30AM - 12:00PM          CMC Intensive Lecture (Paul Seymour)   ROOM 1501

12:00PM - 1:30PM            Lunch

1:30PM -  3:00PM             CMC Intensive Lecture (Maria Chudnovsky)  ROOM 1501

3:00PM - 3:40PM              Coffee break

3:40PM - 4:10PM              Talk 5 (Suyoung Choi) ROOM 3435

4:20PM - 4:50PM              Talk 6 (Jaehoon Kim) ROOM 3435

5:00PM - 5:30PM              Talk 7 (Ilkyoo Choi) ROOM 3435

6:00PM -                           Banquet


Day 3 (December 12 Friday)

10:30AM - 12:00PM          CMC Intensive Lecture (Paul Seymour) ROOM 1501

12:00PM - 1:30PM            Lunch

1:30PM -  3:00PM             CMC Intensive Lecture (Maria Chudnovsky) ROOM 1501

3:00PM - 3:30PM              Coffee break

3:30PM - 4:30PM              Talk 7 (Petr Hlineny) ROOM 1501

4:40PM - 5:45PM              Discussion

6:00PM -                           Dinner

2014-11-17 07:22:03


Advisory committee: 

Dongho Chae, Chung-Ang University

Hi Jun Choe, Yonsei University

Hyeonbae Kang, Inha University

Minkyu Kwak, Chonnam National University

Yong-Hoon Lee, Pusan National University


Scientific committee: 

Jaeyoung Byeon, KAIST

Seung Yeal Ha, Seoul National University

Kyungkeun Kang, Yonsei University

Soonsik Kwon, KAIST

Ki-Ahm Lee, Seoul National University


Organizing committee: 

Sun-Sig Byun, Seoul National University

Hyung Ju Hwang, POSTECH

Hyunseok Kim, Sogang University

Seick Kim, Yonsei University

Yong Jung Kim, KAIST

Local organizer and contacts: 
Hyunseok Kim. Sogang University. Tel: 02-705-8873, email:

2015 PDE School Poster / PDE School General Information (En /Kr)
Abstracts : Ha, Seung-Yeal Bae, Myoungjean Yong-Kum Cho Sunho Choi Doyoon Kim Bongsuk Kwon Ho Lee Kyungwoo Song Seok-Bae Yun /


The 5th Korea PDE school will be held as follows.

Dates: 2015.02.09. ~ 2015.02.13.

Place: NIMS, Daejeon, Korea

Topics: Mathematical theory of kinetic and fluid equations


Registration Period : 2014.12.01 - 2015.01.15


Principal lecturers and lecture topics

Seung-Yeal Ha (Seoul National University) will give 5 lectures on "Introduction to mathematical theory of kinetic equations"

Lecture 1: Where do kinetic equations come from and why do we need to study ?

Lecture 2, 3: Basics of the Boltzmann equation

Lecture 4: From the Boltzmann equation to fluid equations

Lecture 5: Basics of the mean-field kinetic equations

Myoungjean Bae (POSTECH) will give 5 lectures on "Free Boundary Problem with Mixed type PDE: Transonic shocks"

Lecture 1. Introduction - Euler system for compressible flow / Derivation of Rankine-Hugoniot conditions / One dimensional transonic shock solution

Lecture 2. Normal shock in a rectangular domain / Potential flow / Hyperbolic-elliptic mixed type nonlinear PDE / Derivation of a free boundary problem

Lecture 3. Supersonic solution (Quick review on hyperbolic PDE) 

Lecture 4. Subsonic solution (Quick review on Elliptic PDE) 

Lecture 5. How to solve a transonic shock problem? (Open problems)


Invited speakers and talk titles

Yong-Kum Cho (Chung-Ang U) Infinite Energy Solutions of the Boltzmann Equation: Recent Developments 

Sunho Choi (KAIST) Scattering and Modified scattering of the Vlasov-Poisson system 

Doyoon Kim (Kyung Hee U) Elliptic and parabolic equations in Sobolev spaces 

Bongsuk Kwon (UNIST) A brief review of shock and rarefaction waves in hyperbolic conservation laws 

Ho Lee (Kyung Hee U) Global properties of solutions to the Einstein-Boltzmann system with Bianchi I symmetry 

Kyungwoo Song (Kyung Hee U) Semi-hyperbolic patches and sonic lines of two-dimensional Riemann problems of Conservation laws

Seok-Bae Yun (Sung Kyun Kwan U) An introduction to BGK models

2015-01-27 15:49:27

연사: Thorsten Koch(ZIB), Robert Schwarz(ZIB), Jakob Witzig(ZIB)


2015-03-05 14:57:37


Sijong Kwak (KAIST)

Yongnam Lee (KAIST)

2015 KAIST CMC Advanced School on Algebraic Geometry

Period: April 20-23, 2015
Venue: 1501, Department of Mathematical Sciences, KAIST


Main Lecturers

Paolo Cascini (Imperial College)

Osamu Fujino (Kyoto Univ.)

James McKernan (UC San Diego)

Chenyang Xu (BICMR)



Research talks by

Hosung Kim (KIAS)

Jinhyung Park (KIAS)

Joonyeong Won (KAIST)



Before the main school, we have the preschool.

Period: April 17-18, 2015
Venue: 1501, Department of Mathematical Sciences, KAIST



Sung Rak Choi (IBS-CGP)

DongSeon Hwang (Ajou Univ.)

Takuzo Okada (Saga Univ.)

2015-03-27 15:11:24

금융수학 교육과정 워크숍

Curriculum Workshop for Mathematical Finance

일자: 2015년 5월 14일(목)

시간: 11:00~19:00

장소: 국가수리과학연구소 수학원리응용센터 대회의실


강연 및 토론자

•강완모 (KAIST)

•경강수 (수협)

•배형옥 (아주대학교)

•서병기 (UNIST)

•왕태호 (삼성증권)

•이혜진 (한국자산평가)

•장원재 (메리츠화재)

•전인태 (가톨릭대학교)

•차기현 (NH투자증권)

•홍태희 (KB생명)



2015-05-13 16:13:57


Meng CHEN (Fudan Univ.)


Yongnam LEE (KAIST)

Quanshui WU (Fudan Univ.)

Invited Speakers

Sanghoon BAEK (KAIST)

Kuok Fai CHAO (SCMS, Fudan Univ.)


Qingchun JI (Fudan Univ.)

Zhi LU (Fudan Univ.)

Jinhyun PARK (KAIST)

YongJoo SHIN (SCMS, Fudan Univ.)

Dong Youp SUH (KAIST)

Joonyeong WON (ASARC, KAIST)

Quanshui WU (Fudan Univ.)




May 21(Thu)

May 22(Fri)

May 23(Sat)





















Sanghoon BAEK (KAIST)

Semi-decomposable cohomological invariants of degree 3


Kuok Fai CHAO (SCMS, Fudan Univ.)

The geometry of tempered dual of special linear group



Finiteness of some 2-dimensional Galois represntations over totally real fields


Qingchun JI (Fudan Univ.)

Solvability of the Dirac equation and geometric applications


Zhi LU (Fudan Univ.)

Equivariant unitary bordism and equivariant cohomology Chern numbers


Jinhyun PARK (KAIST)

On algebraic cobordism version of Grothendieck standard conjecture D.


YongJoo SHIN (SCMS, Fudan Univ.)

Gosset Polytopes on blown-up Hirzebruch surfaces


Dong Youp SUH (KAIST)

Symplectic capacities from Hamiltonian circle actions


Joonyeong WON (ASARC, KAIST)

Weakly exceptional weighted Fano complete intersection


Quanshui WU (Fudan Univ.)

Poisson (co)homology over smooth Poisson varieties

2015-05-12 09:32:11



Plenary Speakers

- Ju-Lee Kim  (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA)

- Malabika Pramanik (University of British Columbia, Canada)

- Rachel Levy (Harvey Mudd College, USA)

- Ayse A. Sahin (DePaul University, USA)


2015-02-02 16:42:33


Program Committee

Jean-Christophe Aval, CNRS and Université de Bordeaux, France Elizabeth Beazley, Haverford College, USA Matthias Beck, San Francisco State University, USA Francois Bergeron, Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada Anders Buch, Rutgers University, USA Linda Chen, Swarthmore College, USA Sylvie Corteel, CNRS and Université Paris-Diderot, France Sen-Peng Eu, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan Alex Fink, Queen Mary University of London, UK James Haglund, co-chair, University of Pennsylvania, USA Christophe Hohlweg, Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada Christian Krattenthaler, Universität Wien, Austria Joseph Kung, University of North Texas, USA Kyungyong Lee, Wayne State University, USA Nicholas Loehr, Virginia Tech, USA Jean-Christophe Novelli, Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée, France Soichi Okada, Nagoya University, Japan Andrew Rechnitzer, University of British Columbia, Canada Juanjo Rué, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany Frank Sottile, Texas A&M University, USA Einar Steingrímsson, University of Strathclyde, UK Hiroaki Terao, Hokkaido University, Japan Ae Ja Yee, Pennsylvania State University, USA Jiang Zeng, co-chair, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, France

Organizing Committee

Sergi Elizalde, Darthmouth College, USA Dongsu Kim, chair, NIMS and KAIST, Korea Jang Soo Kim, Sungkyunkwan University, Korea Sangwook Kim, Chonnam National University, Korea Jae-Hoon Kwon, Sungkyunkwan University, Korea Sang-il Oum, KAIST, Korea Seunghyun Seo, Kangwon National University, Korea Heesung Shin, Inha University, Korea Mark Skandera, Lehigh University, USA

The 27th International Conference on Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics (FPSAC 2015) will take place in Daejeon, South Korea, July 6-10, 2015.

Topics include all aspects of combinatorics and their relations with other parts of mathematics, physics, computer science, and biology.

The conference will consist of invited lectures, contributed presentations, poster sessions, and software demonstrations. There will be no parallel sessions.

The official languages of the conference are English and French.

2014-11-17 07:09:21



Danielle Hilhorst

Yong Jung Kim

Invited Speakers:

Matthieu Alfaro (U. of Montpellier)

Michel Chipot (U. of Zurich)

Laurent Desvillettes (Ecole Normal Superieure Cachan)

Shin-Ichiro Ei (Hokkaido U.)

Danielle Hilhorst (U. of Paris Sud)

Hirofumi Izuhara (U. of Miyazaki)

Kyungkeun Kang (Yonsei U.)

Yangjin Kim (Konkuk U.)

Yong Jung Kim (KAIST)

Ohsang Kwon (Chungbuk National U.)

Philippe Laurencot (U. of Toulouse)

Eliabeth Logak (U. of Cergy-Pontoise)

Masayasu Mimura (Meiji U.)

Hideki Murakawa (Kyushu U.)

Wei-Ming Ni (U. of Minnesota)

Khashayar Pakdaman (U. of Paris 6&7)

Masaharu Taniguchi (Okayama U.)

Yaping Wu (Capital Normal U.)



2015-06-04 11:50:25



Rowan Killip

Soonsik Kwon

Monica Visan


Rowan Killip (UCLA)




Junki Jeon

Chulkwang Kwak

Gyeongha Hwang

Sung-hyun Hong

Younghun Hong

Younghak Kwon

Yifei Wu

Haewon Yoon



  Mon Tue Wed Thr Fri
11:00-11:50 Killip Killip Killip Y Hong Kwak
2:00-2:50 Killip Killip Y Kwon S Hong Y Hong
3:00-3:50 Jeon Wu Kwak Wu Yoon
  Hwang     Hwang
2015-07-17 15:59:44


Organized by
Hyeonbae Kang (Inha University)
Mikyoung Lim (KAIST)
Graeme Milton (University of Utah)

Sponsored by
BK21, Inha University, KMRS


July 23

13:30-14:20, Habib Ammari (ENS, ETH)
Mathematical modelling of plasmonic nanoparticles

14:30-15:00, Kazunori Ando (Inha Univ.)
Plasmon resonance with nite frequencies

15:10-15:40, Sanghyeon Yu (KAIST)
Spectral theory of the Neumann-Poincare operator and cloaking by anomalous lo-calized resonance for the elasto-static system


16:00-16:50, Mikyoung Lim (KAIST)
Spectral resolution of the Neumann-Poincare operator on intersecting disks and analysis of plasmon resonance


July 24

10:00-11:00, Graeme W. Milton (Univ. of Utah)
Bounds on the transient response of two-component composites (KMRS Intensive Lecture)


11:10-11:40, Owen Miller (MIT)
Fundamental Limits to the Optical Response of Lossy Media


11:50-12:20, Aaron Welters (FIT)

12:30-14:00, Lunch

14:00-14:50, Mihai Putinar (UC-Santa Barbara)
Matrix positivity preservers in xed dimension

2015-07-16 15:04:49