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로그인 시, 세미나를 이메일로 구독할 수 있습니다.

In this lecture series, I will discuss rigidity in the long time dynamics of some evolution equation. The specific equation to be paid attention to is the self-dual Chern-Simons-Schrödinger equation (CSS) within equivariant symmetry. (CSS) is a gauged 2D cubic nonlinear Schrödinger equation that has pseudoconformal invariance and solitons. However, two distinguished features of (CSS), the self-duality and non-locality, make the long time dynamics of (CSS) surprisingly rigid. For instance, (i) any finite energy spatially decaying solutions to (CSS) decompose into at most one modulated soliton and a radiation. Moreover, (ii) in the high equivariance case (i.e., the equivariance index ≥ 1), any smooth finite-time blow-up solutions even have a universal blow-up speed, namely, the pseudoconformal one. We will explore this rigid dynamics using modulation analysis, combined with the self-duality and non-locality of the problem, in detail.
Host: 권순식 교수     미정     2023-06-14 17:18:17
In this lecture series, I will discuss rigidity in the long time dynamics of some evolution equation. The specific equation to be paid attention to is the self-dual Chern-Simons-Schrödinger equation (CSS) within equivariant symmetry. (CSS) is a gauged 2D cubic nonlinear Schrödinger equation that has pseudoconformal invariance and solitons. However, two distinguished features of (CSS), the self-duality and non-locality, make the long time dynamics of (CSS) surprisingly rigid. For instance, (i) any finite energy spatially decaying solutions to (CSS) decompose into at most one modulated soliton and a radiation. Moreover, (ii) in the high equivariance case (i.e., the equivariance index ≥ 1), any smooth finite-time blow-up solutions even have a universal blow-up speed, namely, the pseudoconformal one. We will explore this rigid dynamics using modulation analysis, combined with the self-duality and non-locality of the problem, in detail.
Host: 권순식 교수     미정     2023-06-14 17:17:47
We consider the nonlinear Schrödinger equation and the nonlinear wave equation with initial data decaying slower than L^2 functions. However, the L^p-spaces for p \neq 2 are not invariant under the linear propagation. We consider function spaces, which allow for decay like in L^p, p > 2, and which are invariant under the linear propagation. We show L^p-smoothing estimates using \ell^2-decoupling due to Bourgain-Demeter. The results on nonlinear wave equations are joint work with Jan Rozendaal (IMPAN).
Host: 권순식 교수     미정     2023-07-28 13:05:04
In this lecture series, I will discuss rigidity in the long time dynamics of some evolution equation. The specific equation to be paid attention to is the self-dual Chern-Simons-Schrödinger equation (CSS) within equivariant symmetry. (CSS) is a gauged 2D cubic nonlinear Schrödinger equation that has pseudoconformal invariance and solitons. However, two distinguished features of (CSS), the self-duality and non-locality, make the long time dynamics of (CSS) surprisingly rigid. For instance, (i) any finite energy spatially decaying solutions to (CSS) decompose into at most one modulated soliton and a radiation. Moreover, (ii) in the high equivariance case (i.e., the equivariance index ≥ 1), any smooth finite-time blow-up solutions even have a universal blow-up speed, namely, the pseudoconformal one. We will explore this rigid dynamics using modulation analysis, combined with the self-duality and non-locality of the problem, in detail.
Host: 권순식 교수     미정     2023-06-14 17:17:11