학과 세미나 및 콜로퀴엄
This series of talks is intended to be a gentle introduction to the random walk theory on infinite groups and hyperbolic spaces. We will touch upon keywords including hyperbolicity, stationary measure, boundaries and limit laws. Those who are interested in geometric group theory or random walks are welcomed to join.
This is a casual seminar among TARGET students, but other graduate students are also welcomed.
This is a casual seminar among TARGET students, but other graduate students are also welcomed.
We consider a deep generative model for nonparametric distribution estimation problems. The true data-generating distribution is assumed to possess a certain low-dimensional structure. Under this assumption, we study convergence rates of estimators obtained by likelihood approaches and generative adversarial networks (GAN). The convergence rate depends only on the noise level, intrinsic dimension and smoothness of the underlying structure. The true distribution may or may not possess the Lebesgue density, depending on the underlying structure. For the singular case (no Lebesgue density), the convergence rate of GAN is strictly better than that of the likelihood approaches. Our lower bound of the minimax optimal rates shows that the convergence rate of GAN is close to the optimal rate. If the true distribution allows a smooth Lebesgue density, an estimator obtained by a likelihood approach achieves the minimax optimal rate.
A family of surfaces is called mean curvature flow (MCF) if the velocity of surface is equal to the mean curvature of the surface at that point. Even starting from smooth surface, the MCF typically encounters some singularities and various generalized notions of MCF have been proposed to extend the existence past singularities. They are level set flow, Brakke flow and BV flow, just to name a few. In my talk I explain a recent global-in-time existence result of a particular generalized solution which has some desirable properties. I describe a basic outline of how to construct the solution.
A family of surfaces is called mean curvature flow (MCF) if the velocity of surface is equal to the mean curvature of the surface at that point. Even starting from smooth surface, the MCF typically encounters some singularities and various generalized notions of MCF have been proposed to extend the existence past singularities. They are level set flow, Brakke flow and BV flow, just to name a few. In my talk I explain a recent global-in-time existence result of a particular generalized solution which has some desirable properties. I describe a basic outline of how to construct the solution.
Over recent years, data science and machine learning have been the center of attention in both the scientific community and the general public. Closely tied to the ‘AI-hype’, these fields are enjoying expanding scientific influence as well as a booming job market. In this talk, I will first discuss why mathematical knowledge is important for becoming a good machine learner and/or data scientist, by covering various topics in modern deep learning research. I will then introduce my recent efforts in utilizing various deep learning methods for statistical analysis of mathematical simulations and observational data, including surrogate modeling, parameter estimation, and long-term trend reconstruction. Various scientific application examples will be discussed, including ocean diffusivity estimation, WRF-hydro calibration, AMOC reconstruction, and SIR calibration.
Polarization is a technique in algebra which provides combinatorial tools to study algebraic invariants of monomial ideals. Depolarization of a square free monomial ideal is a monomial ideal whose polarization is the original ideal. In this talk, we briefly introduce the depolarization and related problems and introduce the new method using hyper graph coloring.
We define the notion of infinity-categories and Kan complex using observations from the previous talk. A process, called the nerve construction, producing infinity-categories from usual categories will be introduced and we will set dictionaries between them. Infinity-categories of functors will be introduced as well.
This talk is the very first talk for a semester long series on higher algebra. Higher algerbra is the study of algebraic objects in spaces, correcting abnormal behavior of classical homological algebra and encorporating spheres into algebra. In this talk, we will see a concerete example of a higher-algebraic structure on singular cochains, and what structures are needed to formalize such structures with concrete diagrams. We assume familiarity with algebraic topology, category theory and homological algebra (at the first year graduate level).
In this talk, I will mostly discuss the singularity formation of Burgers equation. It is well-known that, when the initial data has negative gradient at some point, the solutions blow up in a finite time. We shall study the properties of the blow-up profile of Burgers equation by introducing the self-similar variables and the modulations, which can be used to study the blow-up for general nonlinear hyperbolic systems. If time permits, I will also discuss the singularity formation for the 1D compressible Euler equations and the related open questions.
In this talk, I will mostly discuss the singularity formation of Burgers equation. It is well-known that, when the initial data has negative gradient at some point, the solutions blow up in a finite time. We shall study the properties of the blow-up profile of Burgers equation by introducing the self-similar variables and the modulations, which can be used to study the blow-up for general nonlinear hyperbolic systems. If time permits, I will also discuss the singularity formation for the 1D compressible Euler equations and the related open questions.
In this talk, we present a Weisfielier-Leman Isomorphism test algorithm of featured graphs and how it can be used to extract representing features of nodes or entire graphs. This leads to a message passing framework of Aggregate-Combine of node-features which is one of the fundamental procedures to currently uesd graph neural networks. We proceed by showing various basic examples arised in real-world non-standard datasets like social network, knowledge graph and chemical compounds.
In this talk, I will mostly discuss the singularity formation of Burgers equation. It is well-known that, when the initial data has negative gradient at some point, the solutions blow up in a finite time. We shall study the properties of the blow-up profile of Burgers equation by introducing the self-similar variables and the modulations, which can be used to study the blow-up for general nonlinear hyperbolic systems. If time permits, I will also discuss the singularity formation for the 1D compressible Euler equations and the related open questions.
Abstract: Let S:=S(a_{1}, ..., a_{n}) \subset P^{n} be a smooth rational normal n-fold scroll. Then the dimension of the projective automophism group {rm Aut}(S,``VecP^ {N} ) of S is
\dim(Aut(S, P^{N})) = 2+ \frac{n(n+1)}{2}-(n+1)(N-n+1)+2 sum _{ n} ^{ j=1} ja_j + #{(i,j)|i
Host: 곽시종
Contact: 김윤옥 (5745)
2022-08-13 17:47:33
It has been told that deep learning is a black box. The universal approximation theorem was the key theorem which makes the stories going on. On the other hand, in the perspective of the function classes generated by deep neural network, it can be analyzed by in terms of the choice of the various activation functions. The piecewise linear functions, fourier series, wavelets and many other classes would be considered for the purpose of the tasks such as classification, prediction and generation models which heavily depend on the data sets. It might be a challenging problem for mathematicians to develop a new optimization theory depending on the various function classes.
Global wellposedness and asymptotic stability of the Boltzmann equation with specular reflection boundary condition in 3D non-convex domain is an outstanding open problem in kinetic theory. Motivated by Guo’s L^2-L^\infty theory, the problem was completely solved for general C^3 domain, but it is still widely open for general non-convex domains. The problem was solved in cylindrical domain with analytic non-convex cross section. Generalizing previous work, we study the problem in general solid torus, a solid torus with general analytic convex cross-section. This is the first results for the domain which contains essentially 3D non-convex structure. This is a joint work with Chanwoo Kim and Gyeonghun Ko.
The past decade has witnessed a great advancement on the Tate conjecture for varieties with Hodge number $h^{2,0} = 1$. Charles, Madapusi-Pera and Maulik completely settled the conjecture for K3 surfaces over finite fields, and Moonen proved the Mumford-Tate (and hence also Tate) conjecture for more or less arbitrary $h^{2,0} = 1$ varieties in characteristic $0$.
In this talk, I will explain that the Tate conjecture is true for mod $p$ reductions of complex projective $h^{2,0} = 1$ varieties when $p \gg 0$, under a mild assumption on moduli. By refining this general result, we prove that in characteristic $p \geq 5$ the BSD conjecture holds for a height $1$ elliptic curve $E$ over a function field of genus 1, as long as $E$ is subject to the generic condition that all singular fibers in its minimal compactification are irreducible. We also prove the Tate conjecture over finite fields for a class of surfaces of general type and a class of Fano varieties. The overall philosophy is that the connection between the Tate conjecture over finite fields and the Lefschetz $(1,1)$-theorem over $C$ is very robust for $h^{2,0} = 1$ varieties, and works well beyond the hyperk\”{a}hler world.
This is based on joint work with Paul Hamacher and Xiaolei Zhao.
Please contact Wansu Kim at for Zoom meeting info or any inquiry.
Please contact Wansu Kim at for Zoom meeting info or any inquiry.
The past decade has witnessed a great advancement on the Tate conjecture for varieties with Hodge number $h^{2,0} = 1$. Charles, Madapusi-Pera and Maulik completely settled the conjecture for K3 surfaces over finite fields, and Moonen proved the Mumford-Tate (and hence also Tate) conjecture for more or less arbitrary $h^{2,0} = 1$ varieties in characteristic $0$.
In this talk, I will explain that the Tate conjecture is true for mod $p$ reductions of complex projective $h^{2,0} = 1$ varieties when $p \gg 0$, under a mild assumption on moduli. By refining this general result, we prove that in characteristic $p \geq 5$ the BSD conjecture holds for a height $1$ elliptic curve $E$ over a function field of genus 1, as long as $E$ is subject to the generic condition that all singular fibers in its minimal compactification are irreducible. We also prove the Tate conjecture over finite fields for a class of surfaces of general type and a class of Fano varieties. The overall philosophy is that the connection between the Tate conjecture over finite fields and the Lefschetz $(1,1)$-theorem over $C$ is very robust for $h^{2,0} = 1$ varieties, and works well beyond the hyperk\”{a}hler world.
This is based on joint work with Paul Hamacher and Xiaolei Zhao.
Please contact Wansu Kim at for Zoom meeting info or any inquiry.
Please contact Wansu Kim at for Zoom meeting info or any inquiry.
(학사과정 학생 개별연구 결과 발표 세미나) Čech cohomology is the direct limit of cohomology taken from the cochain complex obtained by an open cover and a sheaf. In this talk we will derive some important results about Riemann surfaces such as Riemann-Roch theorem and Serre Duality, regarding low level Čech cohomologies. We will also discuss some basic structure and properties of Riemann surfaces using these results, focusing on genus and the embeddings.
For a given stable subalgebra of the formal power series ring, its Laurent extension, or others, we define an operator algebra over the subalgebra. One of the important operator algebras is the Weyl algebra or its generalization. We define generalized radical Weyl algebras (GRWA) and define the generalized radical Weyl algebra modules, we prove that the algebras and modules are simple. An automorphism of the GRWA define a twisted simple module as well. Since GRWA is an associative algebra, it has an ${\Bbb F}$-subalgebra which is a Lie algebra with respect to the commutator and we show that the Lie algebra is simple. We consider some other generalized Weyl algebra and its descended consequences as well.