학과 세미나 및 콜로퀴엄
We study stability of a spherical vortex introduced by M. Hill in 1894, which is an explicit solution of the three-dimensional incompressible Euler equations. The flow is axi-symmetric with no swirl, the vortex core is simply a ball sliding on the axis of symmetry with a constant speed, and the vorticity in the core is proportional to the distance from the symmetry axis. We use the variational setting introduced by A. Friedman and B. Turkington (Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 1981). As a consequence, the stability up to a translation is obtained by using a concentrated compactness method. As an application, we prove linear in time filamentation near Hill’s vortex: there exists an arbitrary small outward perturbation growing linearly for all times. These results rigorously confirm numerical simulations by Pozrikidis in 1986. The second part is joint work with In-Jee Jeong(SNU).
ZOOM Meeting ID: 868 7549 9085 Direct link: https://kaist.zoom.us/j/86875499085
ZOOM Meeting ID: 868 7549 9085 Direct link: https://kaist.zoom.us/j/86875499085
Ordinary differential equations are useful in modeling the periodic behavior of organisms, such as circadian rhythm, based on known biological knowledge and researchers' hypotheses. The theoretical mathematical models are calibrated to the experimental measurements by estimating a set of unknown model parameters. Traditional parameter estimation with mathematical models often focuses only on the point estimation relying on an optimization method such as simulated annealing, but it often neglects the uncertainty in point estimates and suffers from the local trap issue. This talk provides a gentle introduction to Bayesian analysis focusing on its usefulness in uncertainty quantification; introduces a Bayesian computing method with an advanced Markov chain Monte Carlo called the generalized multiset sampler; and illustrates the proposed Bayesian inference with circadian oscillations observed in a model filamentous fungus, Neurospora crassa.
ZOOM Meeting ID: 868 7549 9085 Direct link: https://kaist.zoom.us/j/86875499085
ZOOM Meeting ID: 868 7549 9085 Direct link: https://kaist.zoom.us/j/86875499085
그래프 신경망은 그래프에서 높은 표현 능력과 함께 특징 정보를 추출하는 방법론으로 학계와 산업체에서 최근 폭발적인 관심을 받고 있다. 본 세미나에서는 그래프 신경망의 개요 및 주요 동작 원리를 다룬다. 구체적으로, message passing의 원리를 이해하고 state-of-the-art 알고리즘에서 사용한 다양한 message passing 함수를 소개한다. 그리고, 협업 필터링에 기반한 추천 시스템을 소개하고, 이러한 추천 시스템 설계에 그래프 신경망의 응용에 대해 학습한다. 경량화된 그래프 신경망을 사용한 state-of-the-art 추천 알고리즘을 소개하고, 해당 방법들이 가지는 challenge를 이해한다. 마지막으로, 발표자 연구실에서 제안한 그래프 신경망을 활용한 새로운 추천 시스템 방법을 간단히 소개한다.
Morihiko Saito's theory of mixed Hodge modules is a far generalisation of classical Hodge theory, which is based on the theory of perverse sheaves, D-modules, variations of Hodge structures. One can think of mixed Hodge modules as a certain class of D-modules with Hodge structures. Naturally they are accompanied by perverse sheaves via the Riemann–Hilbert correspondence. This guide consists of about 8 talks, which may cover: review of classical Hodge theory, D-modules and filtered D-modules, nearby and vanishing cycles, etc. The main goal is to understand the notion of mixed Hodge modules and to explain two important theorems: the structure theorem and the direct image theorem. If time permits, we discuss recent applications of the theory in algebraic geometry.
Zoom 회의 ID: 352 730 6970; 암호: 1778 ; 실명으로 들어오시면 대기실에서 개별 승인해 드립니다.
Zoom 회의 ID: 352 730 6970; 암호: 1778 ; 실명으로 들어오시면 대기실에서 개별 승인해 드립니다.
Morihiko Saito's theory of mixed Hodge modules is a far generalisation of classical Hodge theory, which is based on the theory of perverse sheaves, D-modules, variations of Hodge structures. One can think of mixed Hodge modules as a certain class of D-modules with Hodge structures. Naturally they are accompanied by perverse sheaves via the Riemann–Hilbert correspondence. This guide consists of about 8 talks, which may cover: review of classical Hodge theory, D-modules and filtered D-modules, nearby and vanishing cycles, etc. The main goal is to understand the notion of mixed Hodge modules and to explain two important theorems: the structure theorem and the direct image theorem. If time permits, we discuss recent applications of the theory in algebraic geometry.
Zoom 회의 ID: 352 730 6970, 암호: 7178 대기실에서 개별 승인하오니, 실명으로 접속하시기 바랍니다.
Zoom 회의 ID: 352 730 6970, 암호: 7178 대기실에서 개별 승인하오니, 실명으로 접속하시기 바랍니다.
François Caron (Oxford Stat)
Sparse graphs based on exchangeable random measures: properties, models and examples
Random simple and multigraph models based on exchangeable random measures, sometimes named graphexprocesses or generalisedgraphonmodels, have recently been proposed as a flexible class of sparse random graph models. This class of models can be seen as a generalisationof the popular graphonmodels. I will present this class of models, discuss some of their asymptotic properties, in particular the asymptotic behaviourof the degree distribution and of the clustering coefficients. I will also present some particular parametric models within this class and their use for discovering latent communities in sparse real-world networks.
When a biological system is modeled using a mathematical procedure, the following step is normally to estimate the system parameters. Despite the numerous computational and statistical techniques, estimating parameters for complex systems can be a difficult task. As a result, one can think of revealing parameter-independent dynamical properties of a system. More precisely, rather than estimating parameters, one can focus on the underlying structure of a biochemical system to derive the qualitative behavior of the associated mathematical process. In this talk, we will discuss introduce reaction network theory. A reaction network is a graphical configuration of a biochemical system. One of the most important problems in this field is to relate dynamical properties and the underlying reaction network structure. When abundances of biochemical species (variables) in the system are small, then the randomness inherent in the molecular interactions is crucial to the system dynamics, and the abundances are modeled stochastically as a jump by jump fashion continuous-time Markov chain. The goal of this talk is to 1. walk you through the basic modeling aspect of the stochastically modeled reaction networks, and 2. to show how to derive stability (ergodicity) of the associated Markov process solely based on the underlying network structure.
ZOOM Meeting ID: 868 7549 9085 Direct link: https://kaist.zoom.us/j/86875499085
ZOOM Meeting ID: 868 7549 9085 Direct link: https://kaist.zoom.us/j/86875499085
In this talk we will discuss a Hirzebruch-Riemann-Roch (HRR) type theorem for matrix factorization categories of Deligne-Mumford stacks.
We will first discuss a proof of a Hochschild-Kostant-Rosenberg type isomorphism and show how it can be used to define a Chern character formula which allows us to prove the HRR type theorem. This talk is based on a joint work with Dongwook Choa and Bumsig Kim.
Zoom details: ID: 352 730 6970 Password: 1098. Please come with your real names.
Zoom details: ID: 352 730 6970 Password: 1098. Please come with your real names.
Morihiko Saito's theory of mixed Hodge modules is a far generalisation of classical Hodge theory, which is based on the theory of perverse sheaves, D-modules, variations of Hodge structures. One can think of mixed Hodge modules as a certain class of D-modules with Hodge structures. Naturally they are accompanied by perverse sheaves via the Riemann–Hilbert correspondence. This guide consists of about 8 talks, which may cover: review of classical Hodge theory, D-modules and filtered D-modules, nearby and vanishing cycles, etc. The main goal is to understand the notion of mixed Hodge modules and to explain two important theorems: the structure theorem and the direct image theorem. If time permits, we discuss recent applications of the theory in algebraic geometry.
Zoom 회의 ID: 352 730 6970 암호: 4114 대기실에서 개별 승인하니, 실명으로 접속하시기 바랍니다.
Zoom 회의 ID: 352 730 6970 암호: 4114 대기실에서 개별 승인하니, 실명으로 접속하시기 바랍니다.
We prove global Holder gradient estimates for bounded positive weak solutions of fast diffusion equations in smooth bounded domains with homogeneous Dirichlet boundary condition, which then leads us to establish their optimal global regularity. It solves a problem raised by Berryman and Holland in 1980. This is joint work with Jingang Xiong.
The Gordon-Bender-Knuth identities are determinant formulas for the sum of Schur functions of partitions with bounded length. There are interesting combinatorial consequences of the Gordon-Bender-Knuth identities, for instance, connections between standard Young tableaux of bounded height, lattice walks in a Weyl chamber, and noncrossing matchings. In this talk we prove an affine analog of the Gordon-Bender-Knuth identities and study their combinatorial properties. As a consequence we obtain an unexpected connection between cylindric standard Young tableaux and r-noncrossing and s-nonnesting matchings. This is joint work with JiSun Huh, Christian Krattenthaler, and Soichi Okada.
ZOOM Meeting ID: 868 7549 9085 Direct link: https://kaist.zoom.us/j/86875499085
ZOOM Meeting ID: 868 7549 9085 Direct link: https://kaist.zoom.us/j/86875499085
Morihiko Saito's theory of mixed Hodge modules is a far generalisation of classical Hodge theory, which is based on the theory of perverse sheaves, D-modules, variations of Hodge structures. One can think of mixed Hodge modules as a certain class of D-modules with Hodge structures. Naturally they are accompanied by perverse sheaves via the Riemann–Hilbert correspondence. This guide consists of about 8 talks, which may cover: review of classical Hodge theory, D-modules and filtered D-modules, nearby and vanishing cycles, etc. The main goal is to understand the notion of mixed Hodge modules and to explain two important theorems: the structure theorem and the direct image theorem. If time permits, we discuss recent applications of the theory in algebraic geometry.
Zoom 회의 ID: 352 730 6970 암호: 0971 대기실에서 개별승인을 하오니 실명으로 접속하시기 바랍니다.
Zoom 회의 ID: 352 730 6970 암호: 0971 대기실에서 개별승인을 하오니 실명으로 접속하시기 바랍니다.
Morihiko Saito's theory of mixed Hodge modules is a far generalisation of classical Hodge theory, which is based on the theory of perverse sheaves, D-modules, variations of Hodge structures. One can think of mixed Hodge modules as a certain class of D-modules with Hodge structures. Naturally they are accompanied by perverse sheaves via the Riemann–Hilbert correspondence. This guide consists of about 8 talks, which may cover: review of classical Hodge theory, D-modules and filtered D-modules, nearby and vanishing cycles, etc. The main goal is to understand the notion of mixed Hodge modules and to explain two important theorems: the structure theorem and the direct image theorem. If time permits, we discuss recent applications of the theory in algebraic geometry.
Zoom info: 352 730 6970 암호: 2032 대기실에서 개별 승인을 하니 실명으로 접속하시기 바랍니다.
Zoom info: 352 730 6970 암호: 2032 대기실에서 개별 승인을 하니 실명으로 접속하시기 바랍니다.