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The extremal function $c(H)$ of a graph $H$ is the supremum of densities of graphs not containing $H$ as a minor, where the density of a graph is the ratio of the number of edges to the number of vertices. Myers and Thomason (2005), Norin, Reed, Thomason and Wood (2020), and Thomason and Wales (2019) determined the asymptotic behaviour of $c(H)$ for all polynomially dense graphs $H$, as well as almost all graphs of constant density. We explore the asymptotic behavior of the extremal function in the regime not covered by the above results, where in addition to having constant density the graph $H$ is in a graph class admitting strongly sublinear separators. We establish asymptotically tight bounds in many cases. For example, we prove that for every planar graph $H$, \[c(H) = (1+o(1))\max (v(H)/2, v(H)-\alpha(H)),\] extending recent results of Haslegrave, Kim and Liu (2020). Joint work with Sergey Norin and David R. Wood.
Host: Sang-il Oum     미정     2021-09-02 08:55:46
A particularly important substructure in modeling joint linear chance-constrained programs with random right-hand sides and finite sample space is the intersection of mixing sets with common binary variables (and possibly a knapsack constraint). In this talk, we first explain basic mixing sets by establishing a strong and previously unrecognized connection to submodularity. In particular, we show that mixing inequalities with binary variables are nothing but the polymatroid inequalities associated with a specific submodular function. This submodularity viewpoint enables us to unify and extend existing results on valid inequalities and convex hulls of the intersection of multiple mixing sets with common binary variables. Then, we study such intersections under an additional linking constraint lower bounding a linear function of the continuous variables. This is motivated from the desire to exploit the information encoded in the knapsack constraint arising in joint linear CCPs via the quantile cuts. We propose a new class of valid inequalities and characterize when this new class along with the mixing inequalities are sufficient to describe the convex hull. This is based on joint work with Fatma Fatma Kılınç-Karzan and Simge Küçükyavuz.
Host: Sang-il Oum     영어     2021-09-02 08:53:43
A signed graph is a pair $(G,\Sigma)$ where $G$ is a graph and $\Sigma$ is a subset of edges of $G$. A cycle $C$ of $G$ is a subset of edges of $G$ such that every vertex of the subgraph of $G$ induced by $C$ has an even degree. We say that $C$ is even in $(G,\Sigma)$ if $|C \cap \Sigma|$ is even; otherwise, $C$ is odd. A matroid $M$ is an even-cycle matroid if there exists a signed graph $(G,\Sigma)$ such that circuits of $M$ precisely corresponds to inclusion-wise minimal non-empty even cycles of $(G,\Sigma)$. For even-cycle matroids, two fundamental questions arise: (1) what is the relationship between two signed graphs representing the same even-cycle matroids? (2) how many signed graphs can an even-cycle matroid have? For (a), we characterize two signed graphs $(G_1,\Sigma_1)$ and $(G_2,\Sigma_2)$ where $G_1$ and $G_2$ are $4$-connected that represent the same even-cycle matroids. For (b), we introduce pinch-graphic matroids, which can generate exponentially many representations even when the matroid is $3$-connected. An even-cycle matroid is a pinch-graphic matroid if there exists a signed graph with a pair of vertices such that every odd cycle intersects with at least one of them. We prove that there exists a constant $c$ such that if a matroid is even-cycle matroid that is not pinch-graphic, then the number of representations is bounded by $c$. This is joint work with Bertrand Guenin and Irene Pivotto.
Host: Sang-il Oum     영어     2021-08-30 10:02:48
The Weighted $\mathcal F$-Vertex Deletion for a class $\mathcal F$ of graphs asks, given a weighted graph $G$, for a minimum weight vertex set $S$ such that $G-S\in\mathcal F$. The case when $\mathcal F$ is minor-closed and excludes some graph as a minor has received particular attention but a constant-factor approximation remained elusive for Weighted $\mathcal F$-Vertex Deletion. Only three cases of minor-closed $\mathcal F$ are known to admit constant-factor approximations, namely Vertex Cover, Feedback Vertex Set and Diamond Hitting Set. We study the problem for the class $\mathcal F$ of $\theta_c$-minor-free graphs, under the equivalent setting of the Weighted c-Bond Cover, and present a constant-factor approximation algorithm using the primal-dual method. For this, we leverage a structure theorem implicit in [Joret et al., SIDMA’14] which states the following: any graph $G$ containing a $\theta_c$-minor-model either contains a large two-terminal protrusion, or contains a constant-size $\theta_c$-minor-model, or a collection of pairwise disjoint constant-sized connected sets that can be contracted simultaneously to yield a dense graph. In the first case, we tame the graph by replacing the protrusion with a special-purpose weighted gadget. For the second and third case, we provide a weighting scheme which guarantees a local approximation ratio. Besides making an important step in the quest of (dis)proving a constant-factor approximation for Weighted $\mathcal F$-Vertex Deletion, our result may be useful as a template for algorithms for other minor-closed families. This is joint work with Euiwoong Lee and Dimitrios M. Thilikos.
YouTube Live at https://youtube.com/ibsdimag
Host: Sang-il Oum     영어     2021-08-06 14:29:30
We call an induced cycle of length at least four a hole. The parity of a hole is the parity of its length. Forbidding holes of certain types in a graph has deep structural implications. In 2006, Chudnovksy, Seymour, Robertson, and Thomas famously proved that a graph is perfect if and only if it does not contain an odd hole or a complement of an odd hole. In 2002, Conforti, Cornuéjols, Kapoor, and Vuškovíc provided a structural description of the class of even-hole-free graphs. I will describe the structure of all graphs that contain only holes of length $\ell$ for every $\ell \geq 7$ (joint work with Jake Horsfield, Myriam Preissmann, Paul Seymour, Ni Luh Dewi Sintiari, Cléophée Robin, Nicolas Trotignon, and Kristina Vuškovíc. Analysis of how holes interact with graph structure has yielded detection algorithms for holes of various lengths and parities. In 1991, Bienstock showed it is NP-Hard to test whether a graph G has an even (or odd) hole containing a specified vertex $v \in V(G)$. In 2002, Conforti, Cornuéjols, Kapoor, and Vuškovíc gave a polynomial-time algorithm to recognize even-hole-free graphs using their structure theorem. In 2003, Chudnovsky, Kawarabayashi, and Seymour provided a simpler and slightly faster algorithm to test whether a graph contains an even hole. In 2019, Chudnovsky, Scott, Seymour, and Spirkl provided a polynomial-time algorithm to test whether a graph contains an odd hole. Later that year, Chudnovsky, Scott, and Seymour strengthened this result by providing a polynomial-time algorithm to test whether a graph contains an odd hole of length at least $\ell$ for any fixed integer $\ell \geq 5$. I will present a polynomial-time algorithm (joint work with Paul Seymour) to test whether a graph contains an even hole of length at least $\ell$ for any fixed integer $\ell \geq 4$.
YouTube Live at https://youtube.com/ibsdimag
Host: Sang-il Oum     영어     2021-08-06 14:28:02
We show that for pairs (Q,R) and (S,T) of disjoint subsets of vertices of a graph G, if G is sufficiently large, then there exists a vertex v in V(G)−(Q∪R∪S∪T) such that there are two ways to reduce G by a vertex-minor operation while preserving the connectivity between Q and R and the connectivity between S and T. Our theorem implies an analogous theorem of Chen and Whittle (2014) for matroids restricted to binary matroids. Joint work with Sang-il Oum.
Host: Sang-il Oum     영어     2021-08-06 14:25:28