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로그인 시, 세미나를 이메일로 구독할 수 있습니다.

Let A be an Abelian variety over a field K. The group A(K) of K-rational points on A, known as the Mordell-Weil group of A, is known to be finitely generated if K  is an algebraic number field of finite degree. It is known to be of infinite rank if K is a certain type of algebraic number field of infinite degree. If K  is "too large", then A(K) contains a non-trivial divisible subgroup. I will discuss some reasonable conditions on K which allow A(K) to contain no non-trivial divisible subgroups, and give some examples of such K.

Host: 임보해     영어     2018-03-02 10:13:42

We prove that for each compact connected one-manifold M and for each real number a >=1, there exists a finitely generated group G inside Diff^a(M) such that G admits no injective homomorphisms into the group cup_{b>a} Diff^b(M). This is a joint work with Thomas Koberda.

Host: 백형렬     한국어     2018-03-20 14:50:30

Given a planar subdivision with n vertices, each face having a cone of possible directions of travel, our goal is to decide which vertices of the subdivision can be reached from a given starting point s. We give an O(n log n)-time algorithm for this problem, as well as an Ω(n log n) lower bound in the algebraic computation tree model. We prove that the generalization where two cones of directions per face are allowed is NP-hard.

Host: 엄상일     미정     2018-03-22 10:52:15

In these two lectures, I will first introduce the Ricci flow. I will discuss how it can be applied to geometrization of 3-manifolds. Next, I will give a tour of the Analytic Minimal Model Program whose goal is to classify Kaehler manifolds birationally through geometric methods. I will discuss some results and open problems. Finally, I will discuss other and newer curvature flows and their applications.


Host: 이용남     영어     2018-03-03 08:46:20

In these two lectures, I will first introduce the Ricci flow. I will discuss how it can be applied to geometrization of 3-manifolds. Next, I will give a tour of the Analytic Minimal Model Program whose goal is to classify Kaehler manifolds birationally through geometric methods. I will discuss some results and open problems. Finally, I will discuss other and newer curvature flows and their applications.



Host: 이용남     미정     2018-03-03 08:47:25

We will discuss limits of finite groups and their connections with Theoretical Computer Science, Number Theory etc.


Host: 이용남     영어     2018-03-02 17:31:00

For more than one hundred years, the Poincare conjecture was a driving force for topologists and its study led to many progresses on topology. It was finally solved by Perelman using differential geometric methods. In this lecture, I will tell what is the Poincare conjecture and a brief history of pursuing it. I will explain geometric ideas involved in solving the conjecture, particularly, geometrization of 3-spaces. I will end up with some speculations on future developments in geometry. This lecture is aimed at general audience.


Host: 이용남     영어     2018-03-02 17:32:15

In this talk, we introduce some recent results on a 1D stochastic particle model, the totally asymmetric simple exclusion process (TASEP). Contrary to the usual TASEP, in the TASEP with second class particles, first class particles have priority over second class particles when they move. In this talk, we introduce some techniques to find the exact formulas of the transition probabilities and the block probabilities.

Host: 이지운     영어     2018-03-12 11:45:40

We prove a generalization of Pal’s 1921 conjecture that if a convex shape P can be placed in any orientation inside a convex shape Q in the plane, then P can also be turned continuously through 360 degrees inside Q. We also prove a lower bound of Ω(m n2) on the number of combinatorially distinct maximal placements of a convex m-gon P in a convex n-gon Q. This matches the upper bound proven by Agarwal et al.

Host: 엄상일     미정     2018-03-14 09:23:19
Let R be a ring and I an R-ideal. The integral closure I' of I is the set of elements in R which are "integral" over I, and this is an R-ideal. The definition is similar to the classical case of an element being integral over a ring. 
The integral closure I' contains I. Equality does not hold in general, but I' is not much bigger than I. For instance, if I is primary to a maximal ideal, then I and I' have the same Hilbert-Samuel multiplicity. However, computing I' is a difficult task. When R is Noetherian, there exists a finite set of valuations which determines the integral closure of I. We give a brief survey on integral closures and these valuation rings.
Host: 박진현     미정     2018-03-10 18:48:02


The present talk introduces a localized version of la méthode des multiplicateurs (known as method of Lagrange multipliers) and its recent applications in computational engineering. We will, first, offer a brief review of a variational formulation for the partitioned equations of motion for multi-physics and/or multi-domains utilizing the method of localized Lagrange multipliers, with some of its earlier applications: pore fluid-soil, structure-control, acoustic-structure, structural-thermal and structure-electromagnetic problems. We then focus on recent advances: regularization for stiff coupled systems, reduced-order modeling, nonmatching interfaces, a direct generation of inverse mass matrices for explicit transient analysis, and uncertainty quantification analysis. The presentation concludes with potential areas of further developments in partitioned analysis employing the method of localized Lagrange multipliers.


Host: 이창옥     미정     2018-03-12 17:07:04

Michael Artin and Barry Mazur's classical comparison theorem tells us that for a pointed connected finite type $C$-scheme $X$, there is a map from the singular complex associated to the underlying topological spaces of the analytification of $X$ to the 'etale homotopy type of $X$, and it induces an isomorphism on profinite completions. I'll begin with a brief review on Artin-Mazur's 'etale homotopy theory of schemes, and explain how I extended it to algebraic stacks under model category theory. Finally, I'll provide a formal proof of the comparison theorem for algebraic stacks using a new characterization of profinite completions.

영어     2018-03-02 18:33:33

We start by introducing general determinantal point processes in one dimension and their relation to random matrices following Borodin. Several examples with increasing level of complexity will be discussed as the classical Gaussian Unitary Ensemble, products of several independent and uncorrelated Gaussian random matrices and the effect of introducing correlations. We will then display the corresponding double contour integral representation of the respective kernels and discuss the issue of universality in the limit of large matrix size. This is based on several joint works with Eugene Strahov as well as a work including also Tomasz Checinski and Dang-Zheng Liu.

Host: 이지운     영어     2018-03-06 14:14:28

For a Hecke character of a totally real field, we consider its twist by a line of characters of p-power order. Following the method of Rohrlich approximate functional equation for family of  the twisted L-values.  We develop a method to count units whose residue have bounded norms in the p-adic expansion w.r.t. a nonsingular cone, namely (C,p)-adic expansion, we obtain the nonvanishing of the L-values when the conductor goes to the infinity.  Finally, we discuss how to apply the result to generation of the coefficient field. This is a joint work with Jungyun Lee and Hae-Sang Sun.

영어     2018-03-07 13:42:45

Let $F(t,X)$ be an irreducible polynomial in two variables over a number field $k$. Famously, Hilbert's irreducibility theorem asserts that there exist infinitely many $t_0in k$ such that $f(t_0,X)$ remains irreducible.

In fact, stronger versions of the theorem assert that the ``exceptional" Hilbert set $mathcal{R}_f:=


{t_0in kmid f(t_0,X) text{ is reducible}}$ is small in several well-defined ways.


We will focus on polynomials of the form $F(t,X)=F_1(X)-tF_2(X)$, i.e. $t=f(x):=F_1(x)/F_2(x)$ for a root $x$ of $F$. Using the classification of monodromy groups, we show the following:\


If $f=f_1circ ... circ f_r$ is a decomposition of $f$ into indecomposable rational functions, and all $f_i$ are ``sufficiently generic" and of sufficiently large degree, then up to finitely many values, the set $mathcal{R}_f$ consists only of the $k$-rational values of $f_1$.\


This generalizes in several ways previous finiteness results, such as M"uller's results on reducible {it integral} specializations.




This talk is based on joint work in progress with Danny Neftin.

Host: Bo-Hae Im     미정     2018-02-27 17:31:22

Reorganization of neuronal circuits through experience-dependent modification of synaptic connections has been thought to be one of the basic mechanisms for learning and memory. This idea is supported by in-vitro experimental works that show long-term changes of synaptic strengths in different slice preparations. However, a single neuron receives inputs from many neurons in cortical circuits, and it is difficult to identify the rule governing synaptic plasticity of an individual synapse from in vivo studies.

In this talk, I would discuss a novel method to infer synaptic plasticity rules and principles of neural dynamics from neural activities obtained in vivo.  The method was applied to the data obtained in monkeys performing visual learning tasks.  This study can connect several experimental works of learning and long-term memory at cellular and system level, and could be applicable to other cortical circuits to further our understanding the interactions between circuit dynamics and synaptic plasticity rules.

영어     2018-03-02 12:17:06

We consider the 3D axisymmetric Euler equations on exterior domains $ { (x,y,z) : (1 + epsilon |z|)^2 le x^2 + y^2 } $ for any $epsilon > 0$ so that we can get arbitrarily close to the exterior of a cylinder. We construct a strong local well-posedness class, and show that within this class there exist compactly supported initial data which blows up in finite time. The local well-posedness class consists of velocities which are uniformly Lipschitz in space and have finite energy. Our results were inspired by recent works of Hou-Luo, Kiselev-Sverak, and many others, and the proof builds up on our previous works on 2D Euler and Boussinesq systems. This is joint work with Tarek Elgindi. 

Host: 권순식     미정     2018-02-09 11:40:24

Memory refers to the ability to hold information in time long after the stimulus is off, and is essential for a variety of adaptive behaviors including integration, learning and generalization.  Persistent changes in the activity or connectivity of the systems that lasts longer than the triggering events have been suggested as a substrate for memory.  In this talk, I would discuss requirements of the memory system and theoretical principles that can allow the brain to construct persistent states for memory.  I would review dominant theories based on attractor dynamics suggested for various types of memory as well as reviewing alternative theories.  Also, I would discuss open problems and experimental evidence or tests that can distinguish different mechanisms.

영어     2018-03-02 12:14:32


Networked systems, including social, biological, and computer networks, are subjects of study in many disciplines. One of the key properties of the network is the community structure, which refers to the occurrence of natural division of a network into groups of nodes that are more densely connected internally. In this talk, I will briefly introduce methods for finding communities with emphasis on the spectral method using adjacency matrices. In addition, I will also describe how the sparsity of the network affect the community detection problem.



영어     2018-03-05 09:36:51

Coordinated and/or cooperative control of multiple unmanned vehicles has been spotlighted as a means to accomplish complex mission objectives in a cost- and resource-effective way, and a rich set of theories and algorithms have been proposed. This talk briefly introduces recent advances in the coordinated decision making for networked autonomous vehicles, in the context of mission & task allocation and informative planning of mobile sensor networks. The particular emphasis is on how advanced mathematical frameworks such as game theory have been adopted in analyzing/synthesizing such coordinated systems. In addition, a potential link of network analysis methodologies with secure and resilient coordination of networked vehicles will be discussed.


영어     2018-03-05 09:38:04

We study the asymptotic translation length on curve complexes of the pseudo-Anosov surface homeomorphisms. We first show that the minimal asymptotic translation length of Torelli groups and pure braid groups are asymptotically 1/chi(S) where chi(S) is the Euler characteristic of the surface. If the time permits, we also discuss the asymptotic translation length of pseudo-Anosov monodromies of primitive elements in Thurston’s fibered cone. This talk represents joint work with Hyunshik Shin and Chenxi Wu.

Host: 백형렬     한국어     2018-02-26 09:38:51

The chromatic number of a graph is the minimum k such that the graph has a proper k-coloring. It is known that if T is a tree, then every graph with large chromatic number contains T as a subgraph. In this talk, we discuss this phenomena for star-coloring (a proper coloring forbidding a bicolored path on four vertices) and acyclic-coloring (a proper coloring forbidding bicolored cycles). Specifically, we will characterize all graphs T such that every graph with sufficiently large star-chromatic number (acyclic-chromatic number) contains T as a subgraph.

Host: 엄상일     미정     2018-03-02 13:08:39

In this talk, I will explain an approach of Poincare to prove the uniformization theorem for punctured spheres, and how it is related to the action functional in the Liouville theory.

Host: 백형렬     한국어     2018-02-21 08:27:57
Abstract: Let $Omegasubsetmathbb{R}^n$ be a smooth bounded domain,
$a_1,a_2,dots,a_{i_0}inOmega$ and
$widehat{Omega}=Omegasetminus{a_1,a_2,dots,a_{i_0}}$ and
$widehat{R^n}=mathbb{R}^nsetminus{a_1,a_2,dots,a_{i_0}}$. We
prove the existence of solution $u$ of the fast diffusion equation
$u_t=Delta u^m$, $u>0$, in $widehat{Omega}times (0,infty)$
($widehat{R^n}times (0,infty)$ respectively) which satisfies
$u(x,t)toinfty$ as $xto a_i$ for any $t>0$ and $i=1,cdots,i_0$,
when $0<m<frac{n-2}{n}$, $ngeq 3$, and the initial value satisfies
$0le u_0in L^p_{loc}(2{Omega}setminus{a_1,cdots,a_{i_0}})$
($u_0in L^p_{loc}(widehat{R^n})$ respectively) for some constant
$p>frac{n(1-m)}{2}$ and $u_0(x)ge lambda_i|x-a_i|^{-gamma_i}$ for
$xapprox a_i$ and some constants
$gamma_i>frac{2}{1-m},lambda_i>0$, for all $i=1,2,dots,i_0$. We
also find the blow-up rate of such solutions near the blow-up points
$a_1,a_2,dots,a_{i_0}$, and obtain the asymptotic large time
behaviour of such singular solutions. More precisely we prove that if
$u_0gemu_0$ on $widehat{Omega}$ ($widehat{R^n}$, respectively)
for some constant $mu_0>0$ and $gamma_1>frac{n-2}{m}$, then the
singular solution $u$ converges locally uniformly on every compact
subset of $widehat{Omega}$ (or $widehat{R^n}$ respectively) to
infinity as $ttoinfty$. If $u_0gemu_0$ on $widehat{Omega}$
($widehat{R^n}$, respectively) for some constant $mu_0>0$ and
satisfies $lambda_i|x-a_i|^{-gamma_i}le u_0(x)le
lambda_i'|x-a_i|^{-gamma_i'}$ for $xapprox a_i$ and some constants
$frac{2}{1-m}<gamma_ilegamma_i'<frac{n-2}{m}$, $lambda_i>0$,
$lambda_i'>0$, $i=1,2,dots,i_0$, we prove that $u$ converges in
$C^2(K)$ for any compact subset $K$ of
$2{Omega}setminus{a_1,a_2,dots,a_{i_0}}$ (or $widehat{R^n}$
respectively) to a harmonic function as $ttoinfty$. This is joint work with Sunghoon Kim. 
Host: 김수정     미정     2018-02-06 09:09:09
I. Blockchain이란? 
분산원장 기반기술인 블록체인의 개념을 알아보고, 암호화폐를 중심으로 한 Public Blockchain과
기업이 활용할 수 있는 IT 인프라 중심의 Private Blockchain의 특징을 소개
II. Enterprise Blockchain(Private Blockchain)
Hyperledger Fabric 1.0의 주요 특징 및 구성을 살펴보고, 기술적 장점을 소개
III. Use Cases
국내외 금융권, 비금융권 기업들에서 시도되고 활용되고 있는 Blockchain Use Case 내용
을 소개할 예정입니다.
Host: 강완모     한국어 (필요한 경우 영어 가능) ( )     2018-02-01 10:28:22

The phenomena in the Lotka-Volterra three-species competition-diffusion system are rich and complicated. In the joint work with Hung, Mimura, Tohma and Ueyama, we combined the method of exact/semi-exact solutions and the numerical approach to investigate the wave behaviors of this system. In this talk, we will explain our research and show that the exact/semi-exact solutions can provide very interesting information for the study of new dynamical patterns as well as the study of competitor-mediated coexistence in situations where one exotic competing species invades a system that already contains two strongly competing species. Also, some further applications of exact/semi-exact solutions will be discussed. 

Host: 김용정     미정     2018-01-22 15:26:10