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로그인 시, 세미나를 이메일로 구독할 수 있습니다.

Optimal transportation theory studies the phenomena when two mass distributions are matched in a most efficient way with respect to a transportation cost, usually a function of the distance between two points. The existence, uniqueness and characterization on such optimal transport maps is now well established and there has been a remarkable recent progress on the study of regularity of such optimal maps, which is closely related to the study of Monge-Amp\`ere type equations.

In this talk, we consider the question of how to construct optimal maps on compact Riemannian manifolds and suggest to use  a Monge-Amp\`ere type parabolic equation.
Under certain geometric conditions, we show the solution to the parabolic flow with any appropriate initial condition exists for all time and it converges exponentially to the solution to the optimal transportation problem. Such results hold in particular, on the sphere for the distance squared cost of the round metric and for the far-field reflector antenna cost, among others. This is joint work with Jeff Streets and Micah Warren.

Host: 권순식     미정     2011-08-16 09:44:26


Let $K$ be a number field. A local global principle says that if a
unit of $K$ is locally a square in all places $v$ of $K$, then it a
global square in $K

In certain cases, if one require the places $v$ of $K$ lying a
single prime $p$ or infinity place of $\\Q$, then the above local
global principle for unit squares still holds. The case of infinity
place is classical and dates back to Weber

It is interesting to decide for which $K$, there exists a prime $p$
such that the above phenomena holds. For simplicity, we assume $K$
is Galois and $p$ is odd

In this talk, I will survey our joint work on this topic.

Host: 배성한     미정     2011-08-12 16:08:34

In this talk, I will report our recent work on additive
representation functions [arXiv:1108.1920].

for $m\geq 1$, let $0e_0,e_1,\cdots,e_m>0$ be fixed positive integers. Assume there
exists a prime $p$ and an integer $t>0$ such that $p^t\mid b_0$, but
$p^t\nmid b_{i}\ {\rm for}\ 1\leq i\leq m$.
Then, we prove that there is no
infinite subset $\mathcal A$ of positive integers, such that the
number of solutions of the following equation
$$n=b_0(a_{0,1}+\cdot +a_{0,e_0})+\cdots +b_m(a_{m,1}+\cdots +a_{m,r_m}),\ a_{i,j}\in \mathcal A$$
is constant for $n$ large enough. This generalizes the result of
Cilleruelo and Ru\'{e} for the case of bilinear forms [On a Question
of S\'{a}rkozy and S\'{o}s for Bilinear forms, Bulletin of the
London Mathematical Society 4, 2(2009), 274-280.],
and answers a question posed by S\'{a}rkozy and S\'{o}s.

This a joint work with professor Lianrong Ma of Tsinghua University.

Host: 배성한     미정     2011-08-12 16:00:48

In this talk, we review a novel numerical method that can handle the rate-type non-Newtonian equations in a unified fashion and validate the methods in terms of various benchmark solutions as well as theoretical results. We then apply it to the real physical problems. In particular, we present our investigations and attempts to identify a mathematical model for the unusual phenomenon observed in motion of the sphere falling through the wormlike micellar fluids by Jayaraman and Belmonte; a sphere falling in a wormlike micellar fluids undergoes nontransient and continual oscillations. We tackle the Johnson-Segalman models in the parameter regimes that have been unexplored previously for the flow past a sphere and reproduce the self-sustaining, continual, (ir)regular and periodic oscillations. Our results show that the flow instability can be correlated with the critical value of the velocity gradient, as observed in experiments by Jayaraman and Belmonte in 2003. If time permits, we also present recent works on the boundary conditions for the diffusive complex fluids models as well as the fast stokes solvers implemented in a full parallel fashion.

Host: Prof.곽도영     영어     2011-08-18 14:41:31

In these lectures, we will first discuss the construction of Gibbs measure
associated to certain Hamiltonian PDEs. Then we will show their invariance
under (i) when we have an a priori (deterministic) global well-posedness, and
(ii) when we only have an a priori local well-posedness. In the second case, the
crucial point is how to construct global solutions almost surely on the support
of the Gibbs measures (due to Bourgain ’94).

Host: 권순식     영어     2011-08-03 15:21:07

In these lectures, we will first discuss the construction of Gibbs measure
associated to certain Hamiltonian PDEs. Then we will show their invariance
under (i) when we have an a priori (deterministic) global well-posedness, and
(ii) when we only have an a priori local well-posedness. In the second case, the
crucial point is how to construct global solutions almost surely on the support
of the Gibbs measures (due to Bourgain ’94).

Host: 권순식     영어     2011-08-03 15:18:21

We present a simple geometric description for the set of toroidal triangulations with two odd vertices where each vertex has degree five or more. Each such triangulation is described by a cut-and-glue construction starting from an infinite triangular grid. To achieve that, we define some invariants to study the cycles of toroidal triangulations. The motivation for studying such family comes from Fisk triangulations and Grünbaum coloring, which will be discussed as well.

Host: Sang-il Oum     영어     2011-07-16 18:04:07

“Colonel Blotto's Top Secret Files: Multi-Dimensional Iterative Reasoning in Action”

제한된 수의 병력을 몇 개의 城에 분산 배치해서 병력이 많은 쪽이 城을 차지하는

게임: 내가 이렇게 하면 상대방은 저렇게 할 것이고, 그러면 나는 또 이렇게, 상대 방은 또 ……

미정     2011-07-26 09:46:54


 In 1950, Northcott proved the height inequality for morphisms on projective spaces. Let f:Pn→Pn be a morphism. Then, there is a constant Cdepending on the given morphism such that the height function h satisfies  h(f(P))+C>degfh(P)>h(f(P))-C for all points P∈Pn. Unfortunately, the upper bound of the inequality does not hold for rational maps. However, we can find weaker inequality by 1)

restricting points on an affine open set and 2) enlarging the upper bound a little bit. In this talk, I will introduce the D-ratio for a rational map on projective spaces and prove the Weak Northcott property for rational maps.

Host: 박동훈     미정     2011-07-27 13:08:58

Let V be a subvariety of the complex projective space. The amoeba of V is the set of all real vectors log|x| where x runs over all points of V in the complex torus. The asymptotic behavior of the amoeba is given by a polyhedral fan called the Bergman fan of V. We use the tropical geometry of the Bergman fan to prove the log-concavity conjecture of Rota and Welsh over any field. This work is joint with Eric Katz and is based on arXiv:1104.2519.

Host: Sang-il Oum     영어     2011-06-16 10:47:55

We will use the primary result of the last lecture to illustrate the rich structure of right-angles Artin subgroups of right-angled Artin groups.  The talk will culminate in a complete classification of right-angled Artin subgroups of two-dimensional right-angled Artin groups.  This talk will concern joint work with Sang-hyun Kim.

영어     2011-07-18 11:10:48

Simple, distributed and iterative algorithms, popularly known as the
message passing algorithms, have emerged as the choice of the
architecture for engineered networks as well as canonical behavioral
model for societal and biological networks. Despite their simplicity,
message passing algorithms have been surprisingly effective. In this
talk, I will present a new framework to design such algorithms in the
context of communication networks. Two fundamental natures required to
understand to architect communication networks well are `interference'
(i.e. simultaneous transmissions may not be possible under certain
combinatorial constraints) and `routing' (i.e. transmissions may lead
to creation of demand at another transmissions). We developed two
principles for designing message passing algorithms utilizing these
communication natures effectively. I will present our first principle
for 'interference' primarily focusing on medium access in wireless
networks. Our second principle for 'routing' will be described in the
context of networks of data switches.
The first (interference) part of this talk is a joint work with
Devavrat Shah (MIT), Prasad Tetali (Georgia Tech) and the second
(routing) part is with Ton Dieker (Georgia Tech).

Host: 강완모     미정     2011-07-19 17:45:02

I will discuss in detail how right-angled Artin groups occur as subgroups of mapping class groups and delve into some of the hyperbolic geometry details of the proof.

영어     2011-07-18 11:09:48

I will give an overview of the general problem of understanding subgroups of mapping class groups and right-angled Artin groups, and I will draw connections to other important questions in geometry and topology, such as the virtually fibered conjecture.

영어     2011-07-18 11:08:20

Transition probabilities associated with a solution to an Ito stochastic
differential equation satisfy a partial differential equation called a
Fokker-Planck or Kolmogorov equation (FPK for short). A similar
connection holds for appropriately scaled limits of continuous time
random walks. Namely, transition probabilities of the limit processes of
continuous time random walks satisfy time-fractional order partial
differential equation. This connection represents the simplest case of
the interrelation between a time-changed stochastic processes and their
associated FPK equations. In the talk a wide class of stochastic
differential equations driven by specially constructed semimartingale
driving processes and their associated fractional order FPK equations
will be discussed.

Host: Prof.이지운     영어     2011-07-11 11:25:33

Since investor risk aversion determines the premium required for bearing risk, a comparison thereof provides evidence of the different structure of risk premium across markets. This paper estimates and compares the degree of risk aversion of three actively traded options markets: the S&P 500, Nikkei 225, and KOSPI 200 options markets. The estimated risk aversions is found to follow S&P 500, Nikkei 225, and KOSPI 200 options in descending order, implying that S&P 500 investors require more compensation than other investors for bearing the same risk. To prove this empirically, we examine the effect of risk aversion on volatility risk premium, using delta-hedged gains. Since more risk-averse investors are willing to pay higher premiums for bearing volatility risk, greater risk averseness can result in a severe negative volatility risk premium, which is usually understood as hedging demands against the underlying asset’s downward movement. Our findings support the argument that S&P 500 investors with higher risk aversion pay more premiums for hedging volatility risk.  

Host: Prof.최건호     미정     2011-07-05 15:13:45

The hard-core model has received much attention in the past couple of decades as a lattice gas model with hard constraints in statistical physics, a multicast model of calls in communication networks, and as a weighted independent set problem in combinatorics, probability and theoretical computer science.
In this model, each independent set I in a graph G is weighted proportionally to λ|I|, for a positive real parameter λ. For large λ, computing the partition function (namely, the normalizing constant which makes the weighting a probability distribution on a finite graph) on graphs of maximum degree Δ≥3, is a well known computationally challenging problem. More concretely, let λc(TΔ) denote the critical value for the so-called uniqueness threshold of the hard-core model on the infinite Δ-regular tree; recent breakthrough results of Dror Weitz (2006) and Allan Sly (2010) have identified λc(TΔ) as a threshold where the hardness of estimating the above partition function undergoes a computational transition.
We focus on the well-studied particular case of the square lattice Z2, and provide a new lower bound for the uniqueness threshold, in particular taking it well above λc(T4). Our technique refines and builds on the tree of self-avoiding walks approach of Weitz, resulting in a new technical sufficient criterion (of wider applicability) for establishing strong spatial mixing (and hence uniqueness) for the hard-core model. Our new criterion achieves better bounds on strong spatial mixing when the graph has extra structure, improving upon what can be achieved by just using the maximum degree. Applying our technique to Z2 we prove that strong spatial mixing holds for all λ<2.3882, improving upon the work of Weitz that held for λ<27/16=1.6875. Our results imply a fully-polynomial deterministicapproximation algorithm for estimating the partition function, as well as rapid mixing of the associated Glauber dynamics to sample from the hard-core distribution.
This is joint work with Ricardo Restrepo, Jinwoo Shin, Prasad Tetali, and Linji Yang. A preprint is available from the arXiv at: arxiv:1105.0914

Host: Sang-il Oum     영어     2011-07-13 17:37:56

By comparing liquidity and price discovery effect, the market microstructure literature including Chakravarty et al. (2004) and Easley et al. (1998) insists that in-the-money options (ITMs) are informationally inferior to out-of-the-money options (OTMs). However, such an argument is at odds with the anecdotal point that ITMs may be more effective for hedging future volatility risk. ITMs are not only driven by institutional investors who are considered as informed traders, but also can provide significant hedging benefits such that a hedging with ITMs needs fewer options and requires less frequent rebalancing. To clear this suspicion, we compare the implied risk-neutral densities, the implied risk aversions and the volatility forecasting performances. Contrary to the anecdotal evidence, our findings show the inferiority of ITMs on forecasting future volatilities, even after adjusting the risk attitude of investors, thereby supporting the argument of the extant market microstructure literature.

Host: Prof.최건호     미정     2011-07-05 15:11:42

Constant mean curvature surfaces come up in the study of lipid bilayers
[5], soap films, soap bubble clusters [1, 11], protein folding problem [4], Chaplygin
gas, black holes [2], etc. Fascinating applications of constant mean curvature surfaces
have also appeared in harmonic map theory, Perelman’s proof of the Poincar´e
conjecture [8], positive mass theorem [10], isolated physical systems [6] and Penrose
inequality in general relativity [2].
Calabi [3, 9] proved an interesting duality between minimal surface equation in
Euclidean space R3 and maximal surface equation in Lorentz space L3. In this talk,
we exploit the classical Poincar´e Lemma to construct the twin correspondence [7] for
constant mean curvature equations in Riemannian and Lorentzian Bianchi–Cartan–
Vranceanu spaces. The twin correspondence is an extension of Calabi’s duality.

Host: Prof.권순식     미정     2011-07-07 09:29:18

It is very well known that every graph on n vertices and m edges admits a bipartition of size at least m/2. This bound can be improved to m/2 + (n-1)/4 for connected graphs, and m/2 + n/6 for graphs without isolated vertices, as proved by Edwards, and Erdős, Gyárfás, and Kohayakawa, respectively. A bisection of a graph is a bipartition in which the size of the two parts differ by at most 1. We prove that graphs with maximum degree o(n) in fact contain a bisection which asymptotically achieves the above bounds. These results follow from a more general theorem, which can also be used to answer several questions and conjectures of Bollobás and Scott on judicious bisections of graphs.
Joint work with Po-Shen Loh (CMU) and Benny Sudakov (UCLA)

Host: Sang-il Oum     영어     2011-05-30 18:36:32

이자율 관련 파생상품의 가격결정 모델을 구축하기 위해서는 이자율을 수학적으로 모델링해야한다.

 이 강의에서는 확률과정을 통해 이자율을 모델링하는 다양한 방법을 설명한다.

Host: Prof.최건호     미정     2011-06-30 13:58:01

이자율 파생상품은 은행 및 증권사의 FICC 등에서 가장 많이 거래하는 상품이다.

이 강의에서는 이자율 파생상품의 종류 및 가격결정 모델에 대해 설명한다.

Host: Prof.최건호     미정     2011-06-30 13:56:27