
POSCO TJ Park Science Fellowship Award 2017

  Three members of KAIST’s Math Department were selected for the award. Each year the POSCO TJ Park Foundation, established by a Korean multinational steel-making company, POSCO, in 1971, selects and supports young scientists including post-graduate students in Korea to […]

The Graduate Students Day for Fall Semester 2017

  With 70 graduate students, faculty members, staff and post-doctoral researchers in attendance, the Mathematical Sciences Department, KAIST, hosted this year’s second Graduate Students Day on September 1, 2017.   Since 2016, the Department has held this event twice a […]

Winners of the 2017 Problem of the Week Award

Five students claimed the title of the best problem-solvers in the spring semester’s math competition. Since 2008, KAIST’s Mathematical Sciences Department (MSD) has hosted on its website a Problem of the Week during the fall and spring semesters of each […]

Terence Tao Visits KAIST

An internationally recognized mathematician, Terence Tao visits KAIST June 13-25, 2017 to give Distinguished Lecture Series, sponsored by the Center for Mathematical Challenges (CMC) at the Korea Institute for Advanced Study (KAIS). Terence Tao, a professor of the University of California, Los Angeles, […]

Professor Chang-Ock Lee Receives an Appreciation Plaque

Professor Chang-Ock Lee, who served the Department of Mathematical Sciences as its Head in the past two years, received a plaque of appreciation from the department’s members in recognition of his exceptional leadership and devoted service. The presentation of the […]